"Charity Never Faileth"

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's Letter, Week of August 27, 2012

Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 10:51 AM
Subject: Improve the Shining Moments

My friends and family,

I feel awfully humble and my heart is full of gratitude. This week has been really, really tender and full of wonderful experiences. 

This morning, we went to an endowment session in the temple, and I noticed a young man that looked like he might have just received a mission call. He was sitting next to his daddy and they were both glowing. I had lots of thoughts going through my mind in regards to my own mission, but I also kept glancing over at them because they reminded me of my brother, Derek, and my dad. Derek's going to receive his mission call this week, and he will go through the temple soon. After the session, I went over to this darling family and asked the young man if he had just received his mission call. He said that he is going to serve in England, and leaves in November. AND he is from the Rexburg area and went to Sugar-Salem High School. Well, it doesn't hit home much more than that. It was a huge tender mercy and oh my, I know that Heavenly Father loves me and is aware of everything. I am sooooo excited for Derek to receive his call!!!!!!!! =) 

Thurman is absolutely incredible. He is also a huge tender mercy from the Lord. I have strived to be diligent with my study time, to have a completely loving and open heart, to follow the Spirit, and to do the very best that I possibly can. Every mission has it's challenges, just like every person on earth will have their struggles and difficulties. All summer, I have tried to find all of the prepared people that Heavenly Father brought to Nauvoo that I possibly could, and helped them self refer, so that the missionaries in their area can keep teaching them. I haven't talked to most of them since they referred. However, I felt like I needed to keep in contact with Thurman for a while. He always wants to pray and he is soaking up the Book of Mormon. I have taught him about the temple and how he can do the work for his deceased family members. He lost a sister when they were really young and I could just feel his testimony beaming through the phone as he told me that he had set goals to do his family history and take their names to the temple. He is so excited to be baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, receive the Priesthood, and prepare for the temple. I taught him about fasting and invited him to think of a purpose to fast for. We both fasted yesterday for the Elders to help prepare him for baptism. When I feel his glowing testimony, I just close my eyes and bow my head. Every struggle or challenge is so eternally worth it. Thurman is going to influence generations and generations of people that came before him, and his daughters and future generations. He plans to be baptized in September. Oh, how great is my joy!!!!!!!!!  

A couple came into the Visitor's Center and I was (again) amazed at how prepared some people are. I started talking with them and they immediately started asking questions and making connections. They wanted to know why we are on earth, what Christ's role is in our life, the nature of God, and if we believe in baptism by immersion. They agreed with all of our beliefs, and expressed several interesting points. They LOVE how family oriented the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is. They strongly believe that Romney will protect the family and his leadership will keep the country in order. They wanted to know all about my own family, and what my relationships with them were like. They wanted to know how often I hear from my family. Well... =) I get an email from them every week, as well as a 10 page essay from my mother about all of the family's happenings, a letter from my dad, and letters from my siblings. I took this couple down by the Christus and taught them about the First Vision. They soaked it up and then said they'd like to go for a walk in the Women's Garden. They went out and I gathered up some things for them to take home. They came back in about five minutes later and the woman said, "You know, we were talking and you guys believe all the same things that we believe, if not stronger, AND you guys support and cherish the family. We are serious about joining your church." Needless to say, they wanted missionaries to come visit them and it was an absolutely incredible experience. They were AMAZING!!!! Marylynn looked at my name tag several times, and at the end of our conversation, she said, " I LOVE how the JESUS CHRIST part is in big letters and it is so obvious that you all believe in Him as your Savior." 

There was a family in the Visitor's Center, and I had talked to the "mother-in-law" before they went in to watch a movie. The daddy was black and the two little kids had awesome, fluffy black hair. Elder Anderson called the VC and said there was a black man that wanted a copy of the Book of Mormon and had filled out a referral card somewhere along the way in the sites. I got the word and right then, that family came out of the theatre. I ran over and simply asked (even though I knew this family was LDS, which makes no sense, but I did anyway), "Would you guys like a copy of the Book of Mormon?" They all looked at each other and the mother-in-law asked me if I remembered they were LDS. I said that I did, but I just needed to ask. The mom of the two little girls spoke up and exclaimed, "We have our own scriptures at home, but do you have a Book of Mormon we can give to our friend??" Come to find out, they had done a Pageant referral with their friend, the friend had agreed to have the missionaries come, but nearly a month later, the missionaries still haven't shown up. Long story, short... They referred Sherry and I gave her a phone call. She was very anxious for missionaries to come and I told her I could send her a copy of the Book of Mormon and I would send another referral through the regular system. She was so excited and started asking questions because she was so ready for the missionaries! I taught her about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and she soaked it up! I thought it was miraculous how all of that worked out. Heavenly Father's hand is in everything!

Another man came into the Visitor's Center with two of his siblings. He wandered over by the Book of Mormon display and was studying it intently. Come to find out...he is a pastor of another religion and has been reading the Book of Mormon. He mentioned the Bible, and I asked him a question that led him to tell me all about his religious study of the Bible. He believes that if Christ had a church on the earth, it would have apostles, a prophet, temples, they would baptize in the name of Christ, and they would pay tithing. He looked at me, deep in the eyes, and asked, "Do you believe all of that??" I smiled and simply said, "Yes! There is a prophet on the earth today and if you turn around and look right behind you, there is a display of all of the apostles, as well!!!" He looked flabbergasted and turned around. He moved quickly over to the display and started listening to their words (little clips from recent talks). He was just entranced with that thing for a few minutes. He stopped and looked over at me with deep eyes. "These men are apostles of God." He was RIGHT!!!!! =) He seemed completely shocked to know that we believe in all of the things that he had personally concluded would be part of Christ's church. And I was completely happy to tell him that missionaries could come and explain more to him. He wrote down his information anxiously and wanted to know how long it would take them to get there. He also wants the missionaries to come speak to his congregation. Holy guacamole!!!! It was soooo neat!!!!! The Lord had obviously been preparing this man because he already understood specific parts of the Gospel and just needed to know that those things exist and that the authority of God is on the earth!!!!! At that moment, I felt like lightning struck the earth. This is the Lord's work.

As President Monson said, "You have but one life to live." I love that. This is the time to prepare to meet God and it is the time to seize the day, to make every day it's best, and to improve the shining moments!!!! We have so many blessings and there is so much work to do. Find joy in the journey!!!!! This life is full of challenges, because we need the opportunities to grow and progress, and life is full of joy! Men are that they might have joy...says that Book of Mormon. Sister Christensen and I have been enjoying the journey. I love her. =) We live downstairs in the basement and it's kind of like our own little world away from everything else. There is a big, open space in the bathroom area and yesterday, I taught her how to waltz....to church music!!! =) It was so much fun! We have the funny, little jokes and I just love being around her. 

This week, I was starting to get frustrated with Elders in other areas that weren't teaching people that are keeping the commandments, and are practically ready to fill up the baptismal font themselves, and hop into it. I realized that we cannot judge other people. I don't know what is going on in their lives, or what things they are struggling with. I've also realized that a lot of missionaries are just struggling to find their own testimony. The mission field is a battle field and we are part of the Lord's army. If we are keeping the commandments ourselves and striving to do all that we can to help the work, things will happen as they should. Heavenly Father is aware of everyone and He will provide the way. 

I set a refreshed and renewed goal that I need to push myself harder as a missionary and I need to be ready to hit the ground running when I get to my new area in October. I have six months to do the work in that area. I've been praying with all of my heart and preparing with everything I've got. But that's when the enabling power of the Atonement comes in. I've got more to give because of the Savior. I've set a goal to dig deep into my heart and find more. Give more. Work harder and be ready to give even more. We can all be better member missionaries. The Ensign this month is all about missionary work... it's important! We can help further the work, we can all be a greater strength to the missionaries in our own areas, and we all need to step it up. I invite everyone to pray for missionary opportunities and to take the opportunity when the Lord provides the way. I know that this is the Lord's work. It is the work of Salvation. We are part of the Lord's army!!!!! I LOVE being a missionary. 

Sister Heather Ripplinger

Friday, August 24, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Letter August 20, 2012

Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 3:51 PM
Subject: Conquistadoras

My dear family and friends,

This week has been wonderful! I realize that sometimes I am trying so frantically to share all of the details about the Lord's tender mercies and in the process, may confuse you. =) haha SORRY!!!! So I will be in Nauvoo until October 10th, then we will all go to our new mission assignments. We will find out where we are actually going about ONE week before we leave. So that part will remain a mystery for a while longer. If anyone receives revelation for me, please let me know! =) In the meantime, we are in the Referral Center several hours each day and we are gradually getting ready for the next phase. I'm studying my heart out, trying to come up with creative teaching ideas, and to know that Preach My Gospel inside and out. I've been teaching a couple of people over the phone because the missionaries in their area aren't there yet and it is a HUGE blessing to me. I love to see their personalities light up as they learn about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Thurman is absolutely amazing. He is making GREAT progress and is absolutely golden. He has such a pure and good heart. I prayerfully give him a chapter in the Book of Mormon to read each day and he spends about 2 hours reading and studying every morning before his girls wake up. He went on a picnic the other day with some neighbors and their kids. He had just read Alma 36, took the Book of Mormon with him on the picnic, and shared the chapter with all of his friends. They were super interested and all want their own copy of the Book of Mormon and to hear about what the Latter-days Saints teach. He's already a missionary and he is just waiting to get baptized!!! Woohoooo!!!!! He and his little girls came to Nauvoo this week and it was sooo good to see them!!!!

Sister Christensen is a blessing in my life! I'll call us the Conquistadoras because we can't be the Conquistadors and also because she's teaching me how to conquer the world. She's already served in Oregon during the winter and she has VERY useful experience and advice that I'm learning from. I am striving with all of my might to be a powerful missionary and I am striving to learn everything I possibly can from my amazing companion. I love her already!!! She is LOVING and CARING. I LOVE THAT!!!! =) She loves people that just makes everything else work great. She was out in Carthage most of the summer, and there is a significantly different feeling when she's around. You can just feel of Heavenly Father's love for His children when she's around! We have already had many good memories and I feel like we've been friends for a long time. This morning, we woke up early and met the Teamsters (senior elders that work with the horses) at the barn. We helped bring the horses in from the field, watched all the horses park themselves in their very own stall and chow down on their grain. We had a blast out there and I absolutely LOVED being around horses again!!! 

This week has been packed full of good memories and lots of missionary work. We've had some mice in the Visitor's Center this week...so that's been hilarious to be part of. Elder Anderson and Elder Watts were chasing one mouse around the floor and it scurried into the women's restroom, right behind Sister Gustuvson. I ran in to try and save her, the bathroom doors were flying open as we tried to get out without a mouse running over our feet, we escaped, and eventually Elder Watts saved the both of us. Those little mice move quickly! haha 

We've been calling on referrals a LOT lately. There have been some international referrals or people that only speak Spanish, so Elder Anderson was calling on some of those. He spoke Spanish as a young missionary and 40 years later, he's using it to serve people all over the world! It was neat to help him call someone in Argentina and hear him suddenly start speaking Spanish as a crazy lady on the other end of the phone start talking really quickly. He geared into the conversation, she ACCEPTED, gave him their address in ARGENTINA, and the conversation was over. (Keep in mind that people were talking in the Call Center, static was terrible on the long distance call, and he spoke Spanish 40 years ago.) He finished the phone call, took a huge, deep breath, stood up, pulled off his suit coat, and said, "Holy cow! It is REALLY HOT in here!!!!" hahahaha I was SO proud of him. I could feel the Spirit as he was talking to her in broken Spanish.
Now her family is going to get the missionaries! Yay!!!! He called several other international referrals, too. The work is going forward! =)

I called a lady in Missouri that is an "ordained minister" for her church. She was VERY nice and started chatting away with me. She was SO nice. When I told her that I was a missionary, she exclaimed, "Oh my goodness! Do you ever come to Missouri?!" I told her that there were probably missionaries in her area and she informed me that she had an extra apartment space that she would be willing to let missionaries stay in if they ever needed a place, she would love to feed any of them that needed meals, AND she wanted to know how close by they were because.... she wanted to have the missionaries come talk to her congregation. ....!!!!!! She said that she's been studying the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and she felt like God wanted her to join "us", so she wants her own congregation to convert, as well. That aught to keep the elders over there busy! =) It was a really INCREDIBLE conversation and I never cease to be amazed by how prepared people are. This is OBVIOUSLY the Lord's work and He has a really, really good and detailed plan. A perfect plan. The work will go forward with power!!!!!

Two people that I found tracting in Burlington went to church with the elders this week!!!! Woohoo!!!! I'm really excited to hear about those people and I was especially grateful for the opportunity to tract. 

I included some pictures this time!! This is my lovely Sister Christensen....I love her! She's from Colorado and graduated from cosmetology school. Did I mention that she is wonderful? =)

I LOVE being a missionary!!!!! I love Sister Christensen. I LOVED being around the horses this morning and I'm so grateful that the Teamsters treat us like queens... =) The temperature lately is absolutely PERFECT. Life is really, really good.

I KNOW that Heavenly Father loves us. He lets us struggle and become stronger, AND blesses us with miracles and tender mercies beyond measure. Like I enjoy singing...Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven! Elder Golden shared something with us last week that I would like to share. This was deeply profound to me. "The temple is not a house of the Holy Ghost. The temple is a house of the LORD."  Think about it. I was also reminded that the Holy Ghost purifies and sanctifies us. It is important to feel the Spirit frequently and constantly. When was the last time you remember feeling the Holy Ghost? When was the last time you received a prompting? If it's been a while, I invite you to read from the Book of Mormon every single day for the rest of your life, but start with every day this week. =) KNEEL down in prayer every morning and night. After you say everything that you feel like saying to Heavenly Father, STAY ON YOUR KNEES. Stay there and wait. There is so much work to be done on the earth. I'm confident that you will receive revelation. Go to the temple regularly and make sacrifices to go. If you aren't worthy to attend the temple, GET WORTHY. You need to have the Spirit's influence in your life! You will come to know just how much Heavenly Father loves you, how much the Savior loves you, and you will realize how precious you are in the sight of your Father. Have courage and be of good cheer. =) 

Sister Heather Ripplinger

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Letter, August 15, 2012

My dear friends and family,

I have a new companion- Sister Christensen!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!! This week all of the Performing Missionaries and some of the Sisters went home. Life is incredibly good and the weather is PERFECT.

Although there are miracles every week....this week was ESPECIALLY incredible. 

Wednesday afternoon, I was calling referrals. The secretary comes running in and grabs me to take a phone call. This random lady, Ilene, was in Nauvoo last week. On their way home to Nebraska, all 27 of their family members stopped at this little restaurant right before closing time. A man that works there graciously invited them in and called home to have his family come help serve the guests. Ilene loved the little family, kept the receipt from the meal, and went on back to Utah. The next three nights after returning home, she said she couldn't sleep. She kept thinking about this family in the restaurant. So, this little lady, full of faith, calls the Nauvoo Visitor's Center in effort to act on the promptings she had been receiving. So, then I'm handed the phone and hear this story. All she has is a phone number for this chain restaurant in Nebraska. That's it. She didn't know the names of the people that served them or anything. I got the phone number, said a prayer, and then called Nebraska. An employee answered and I briefly explained the situation and that I was looking for a dad who called in his kids to serve this huge family right before closing. Miracle- she thought about it for a minute and responded, "Oh, ya! That's the chef!" I asked if I could talk with him, she told me that his name was Anthony, and before I knew it, he was on the line. He remembered the family, said he loved them, and had a good feeling when they came in- but didn't know their names or anything. I asked him if he would like to meet with the missionaries and have the Nauvoo Pageant CD and he said he would LOVE to!!!!!!! He had just moved to Nebraska from Florida a WEEK ago, had seem the missionaries in Florida, but they had never talked to him. However, he always had a good feeling about them. So now the missionaries are meeting with them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Total miracle!!!! I called Ilene back to report and she burst into tears. Maybe now she'll be able to sleep at night. =) I loved that experience and I am so grateful that Ilene acted on the promptings she was receiving. THAT was inspiring. 

Remember Thurman from last week. He's the man with two darling little girls that I met in the VC a week or two ago. I called to check up on him because I felt really strongly about his family. The elders had cancelled their appointment last Thursday with him, and then cancelled three more times since then. Thurman and I had a good talk and I could feel that he is totally prepared for the Gospel. We read in 2 Nephi 31 and then talked about how it applies to our life. (Hoping and praying that he gets the BAPTISM idea)... =) He already has the foundation of the Restoration and Priesthood authority-I can feel it and everything he says is so perfect. He says that he feels God's love when he reads the Book of Mormon and he makes two hours of the day time to read from it!!!!! I asked him what he needs to do now and he responded, "I need to be baptized- by someone holding the proper authority." Talk about prepared!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! =) The elders got over there yesterday, and they are working on a baptism date. I'll keep you posted on that, but I was just so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

On Friday, I went TRACTING over in Burlington and I LOVED it!!!!!!!!!! I was excited and totally pumped up as we drove over there-not nervous, but super excited. Then I got dropped off at the curb with Sister Mitchell. This lady walked by with a scowl on her face, dog beside her, with just as mean of a face and a growl. Suddenly, I panicked just a little. "Oh my heck!!!! I'm going TRACTING!!!!!" =) haha I quickly got over the fear and realized how much I LOVED it. The night before, we had planned what streets we would be one and I felt really strongly one street right on our boundaries. We went along, knocking doors, talking to anyone that was on the streets, and found some good contacts. However, I felt like we hadn't found the most prepared person yet. But I did't know what to expect because I've never gone tracting before!! Do you find super golden people? I learned very quickly, miracles happen. We got to the corner of our boundary street and Sister Mitchell asked if we could walk right across the street to the house on the corner with a huge dog barking on the lawn. SURE. Let's go to the house with the huge dog! haha So we went over, knocked once and someone whistled for the dogs to come in the back door. No response. We knock again and see the curtain swish a little bit. Someone had peeked out! We wait, knock a third time, no response. Well, what can we do? So we start walking away. (This is the cool part). We are at the curb, about to cross the street, and I felt like someone shoved me out into the road...and it wasn't Sister Mitchell...and I didn't trip. The momentum pushed me out into the street. I suddenly look up at there is a big work truck about 10 feet away from me that slams on its breaks. I was a little shocked and we moved quickly to get out of the way. Suddenly, Sister Mitchell spins around about the same moment that I do, and she walks straight over to the men in the truck. She says, "We are representatives of Jesus Christ. Would you be interested in our message?" The man at the wheel quickly responds, "NO, we are NOT interested." The man in the passengers seat lights up, eyes huge, countenance glowing, "I WOULD BE INTERESTED!!!!!" He was almost jumping over the driver to get the card Sister Mitchell was handing him. I whipped out my planner and asked for his name and phone number. (All of this happening in a matter of seconds). The driver puts his pedal to the medal, drives off, and we realize that we are standing in the middle of the street and cars are waiting to go by. Ah! So we jump onto the sidewalk and look at each other. WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! The Spirit was SO strong. I LOVED this experience.

Later that day, I was assigned with Sister Smith. We stayed on one street the whole three hours of tracting and found several really good contacts. I'll quickly share my favorite experience with her. This family was having a yard sale and we stopped to talk. I asked one of the little girls what her favorite thing about summer was, she responds that she loves going to church and that her favorite part of church is singing. Sister Smith and I sang "Families Can Be Together Forever" in hopes to share our message in a way that the little girl loved. =) The Spirit was really strong as we kept talking with them and I knew that they were prepared. When we finished, the mom immediately asks us, "What church do you go to? We want to try that one!" Sister Smith and I smiled at each other. We stayed for a little bit longer, explained the Book of Mormon, and left them with a copy of it. A neighbor girl ran over right as we were about to leave, asked if the black book was "our Bible", and the daughter and mom responded, at the same time, "It's OUR Bible, too, now." 
The work of the Lord is going forward and I LOVE being a missionary. I gain a more and more firm testimony that Heavenly Father is in the small details of our lives. He truly does love us and is aware of us. He really does have a plan of happiness. I meet people for the first time and can feel of the love that the Savior and Heavenly Father have for them. I love to see their faces light up as they feel the Spirit. It means so much that Heavenly Father has been preparing them to receive the Gospel. Miracles are happening. I LOVE IT.

Elder Golden, a general authority, was in town this week. He spoke at a mission fireside in the Stake Center, as well as to all of the sister and performing missionaries at President's house. As he spoke, I felt like heaven cracked open a little bit. The Spirit was so strong and I will never forget that experience. I received some very distinct impressions and I am so grateful that he came. I just KNEW that he was inspired. Tender experiences. I LOVE being a missionary. 

Sister Heather Ripplinger

Friday, August 10, 2012

Weekly Letter from Sister Ripplinger, Aug. 7, 2012

We wanted to share something from her hand-written letter home yesterday.  She talked about how, during their phone call time for two hours of many evenings, where they are calling people at their homes after they've attended The Nauvoo Pageant, Sister Umphenhour and she had set a very high goal of calling 200 people in 2 hours, which is unheard of; they each call 100 people, but Sister Ripp talks to her investigator "Brother Dennis", the one who knows the Bible extensively and Sister Ripp studies specifically for Dennis and his Bible questions in her study time -- she talks with him for one hour and then makes up her 100 calls in the leftover hour! She says that they are amazed at how many people they can contact that way, she says Heavenly Father helps them achieve that goal.  She told us she has 75 of the actual people she has met in Nauvoo, and taught while they were in Nauvoo, who are all currently taking the missionary lessons in their homes all around the world!  Oh, that we could all be so positive and full of faith and so willing to work hard to help the Lord's Work move forward . . .
Blaine and Nikki

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Heather Ripplinger <heather.ripplinger@myldsmail.net>
To: Nikki Ripplinger <bnripp@yahoo.com>; nauvoo president <nauvoopresident@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2012 8:41 AM
Subject: Nauvoo! Nauvoo!

My dear friends and family,

It has been another wonderful week in Nauvoo!!! The Pageant finished up this week and life is as good as ever. =) 

We spend a lot of time in the Referral Center now days! Dad would be so proud... I get to talk on the phone for about 3 hours at a time. Woohoo!!!! haha Of course, I am calling people that aren't members of the Church, teaching basic Gospel principles, and inviting them to have missionaries over. Sister Umphenour and I have been striving to be as consecrated with our time as we possibly can, so we finished dinner early and caught a ride into the Visitor's Center before our next scheduled assignment. I was calling person after person, only to be yelled at. =) We only had about 3 minutes left before we had to leave and I was slightly tempted to just count up my cards and pack up my bag. Sister Umphenour was on the phone still, I looked at the pile of cards left to call, and decided to call just one more. After talking for a few minutes, I discovered that the woman who answered the phone was in the hospital because her dad had just had a heart-attack. I was able to testify of the Savior and told her about the missionaries. She started sobbing over the phone and told me that this phone call was exactly what she needed. She graciously accepted to have missionaries come. If Sister Umphenour and I had been at our house eating lunch still, if I had given up too soon on calling... it wouldn't have worked out like that! It was an absolutely miracle and Heavenly Father has prepared that woman.

I am so grateful for a wonderful companion!!!!! We have fun trying to consecrate our time. =) While we are cooking meals, we practice tracting and door approaches. I love it when she pretends to be mean, rough, old gangsta. haha! We have memorized several scriptures and say them while we are running in the morning, switching off every other word. Sometimes it doesn't go very smoothly because we are both half asleep at 6:30 am, but it makes our brains warm up! =) I LOVE Sister Umphenour!!!!
This week I met someone that reminded me so much of Bishop Moulton!!!!! When I saw him walk in, I thought it was my Bishop! Robert was looking at some of the displays and I went over to talk with him. Quickly, his brother joined our conversation, and I discovered that neither of them were members of the Church. Robert has traveled to all of the South and Central American countries, all of Europe, Australia, and several Asian countries. He is a lawyer and I took a big gulp because I felt the Spirit and knew that they would end up self-referring. They asked if I could tell them more about Nauvoo and the Mormons, so we started on a tour that would last about 2 hours. From the very beginning, I just really loved them! Part of it may be that Robert reminds me of Bishop Moulton. =) Along the way, the brother asked me, "So.... if one were to want to ...join the Mormon faith...because they felt it was the right thing to do, what would that person do?" I smiled. Heavenly Father never ceases to amaze me. These men were so prepared!!!! I was able to explain several of their questions and we had a really good conversation. I was just about to wrap it up when he asks me, "Do you have literature that we might read? I would be interested in buying a copy of the Book of Mormon if you sell them. I am very intrigued as I have felt different here than I have ever felt before." Diplomatic enough for me! I gave them an Ensign, the Family Proclammation, and the Joseph Smith pamphlet. They both wrote down their information because they wanted to have missionaries come teach them more and bring them both a Book of Mormon. 

Saturday night, we were able to watch the Pageant!!!!! There were huge, dark clouds across the sky and it seemed like they were about to burst open. However, the storm passed and the Pageant was absolutely wonderful. I LOVE it. As the bagpipers come in at the beginning for the flag ceremony, I get the chills. They all march in a big line up to the stage, playing Praise to the Man. There is a part in the performance where Joseph Smith walks out toward the crowd and there is a spotlight on him. How incredible will it be to meet Joseph Smith, Ammon, Nephi, Abinidi, and everyone else?!?!?! Seeing Joseph standing there made it reality. WOW. =) I feel so incredibly blessed to be serving here. 

We are starting to gear up for our new mission calls and it is so exciting!!!! Last night, a bunch of the seniors role played and we practiced knocking doors. Sister Garner and I were paired up and it was slightly terrifying, but I absolutely LOVED it!!!!!!! The first door was one of our second summer sisters that will be leaving soon. Let me just say that she played the mean, already been saved by grace, grumpy lady very well. haha =) I thought, "Why did we pick that door first?! haha Certainly the next door will be better." So... we knock on the next door and it is President and Sister Gilliland. GULP. hahaha We went to several "doors" in the Visitor's Center and I really, truly loved it. Of course, I have a lot to learn, and I'm EXCITED to learn!!!! This week, we are doing REAL tracting in Burlington!!!! Woohooo!!!!!

In a WEEK, the second summer sisters will be going home! I cannot believe how quickly time has gone by!!!!! Half of us will stay in Nauvoo and finish the work here until October, when we all fly the coop. I LOVE NAUVOO. I feel so incredibly blessed to be here. I have met so many wonderful people and seen so many tender mercies. I met a family earlier in the week that I just LOVED. The dad works for the Air Force and he travels to Germany a lot. I saw them several times throughout the week and just loved their little family of four boys. The last day they were in Nauvoo, the dad comes into the Visitor's Center and finds me. He tells me that they've thought a lot about it and want to get my information so they can contact me in a year when I get home. They want to fly me out to Germany with them to tend their kids a few times the summer after I get back. Who knows what will happen, but it just made my day. =) I also met a family from Kentucky that loves horses and offered to fly me out after my mission to attend the Kentucky Derby with them. Where do these wonderful people come from???? 

I LOVE being a missionary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Sister Ripplinger