"Charity Never Faileth"

Friday, March 30, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's Second Email from the MTC on March 26, 2012

---- Forwarded Message -----
From: Heather Ripplinger <heather.ripplinger@myldsmail.net>
To: Nikki Ripplinger <bnripp@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 1:33 PM
Subject: I am a MISSIONARY!!!!!!

My dear friends and family,
I realize more and more how incredibly blessed I have been to grow up with such a strong family, such strong examples around me, and simply in the Gospel. Blessings have been pouring down. I feel like I am in a huge thunderstorm. The blessings are pouring down like rain, the lightning strikes are incredible miracles, and the thunder is the sound of my choir singing every morning. I have a lot of good news!!!!!
Last week I mentioned that my companions and I were singing in the MTC choir that sings each week at the Devotional when a General Authority comes to speak to us. Elder Oaks and his wife came this week and we sang "Consider the Lillies". It was SO BEAUTIFUL. And it is the first time I've ever seen the men out number the women in a choir! It is so powerful! So..... the very week I came into the MTC, they started passing out applications for a "special MTC choir". I felt like I needed to try and get in, so I filled out the application. Out of thousands of missionaries, I made it in. That special choir is performing in the Saturday session of General Conference!!!

Every morning, we practice from 7:00 to 8:00 and my companions drop me off in the big rehearsal room. I am SOOOOO excited!!!! One of our songs is "Praise to the Man" and at the climax of the song, we break into 8 different parts. I'm singing first soprano, so I get to sing those high notes. It has been so powerful to wake up every morning, hit it hard with the music directors, and pull the songs together. It is so empowering. Especially as I study the Gospel, gain a stronger and stronger testimony of Joseph Smith and the Restoration, and as I prepare to bear testimony in the very place that Joseph Smith was martyred. President Palmer made sure to emphasize the significance of this opportunity to me. Usually just the elders are able to perform in the Priesthood session and it is rare to have an MTC choir in a regular session. It is truly a once in a life time opportunity. Had I entered the MTC one week later, or left one week earlier, I would have missed it.
A few nights ago, we had a "Receiving Revelation Through The Book of Mormon" Workshop. We were told to find a missionary we didn't know yet and talk to them for five minutes, then go back to our scriptures and find a scripture or chapter that we feel is inspired to give to that missionary. I paired up with a beautiful sister from Tonga. We spoke for five minutes, and I discovered that she would be serving in the Phillipines, speaking Tagolog. As soon as we began talking, I felt the Spirit and an immediate connection with her. I went back to my Book of Mormon and bowed my head down to pray. I prayed with that sincere intent that Moroni talks about and asked for revelation. I opened my eyes and immediately flipped to 2 Nephi 32. It talks about how angels speak by the Spirit and our efforts can be consecrated to the Lord. As I read it, I got the chills-the powerful feeling of the Holy Ghost. This was the chapter for my sister. We came back together ten minutes later to exchange our chapters. Imagine all of the chapters in the Book of Mormon...all of the scriptures, books, and chapters. We chose the exact same chapter for each other. We cried together as our testimonies of the power of revelation and the Book of Mormon were strengthened.
I mentioned to my family last week that one of my companions was struggling. I have dedicated my heart and prayers to strengthening her, striving to help her gain a testimony-specifically of the Atonement, and doing everything within my power to love her. We've had several tender experiences, but I would just like to share one. We were in class the other night, role playing working with a difficult investigator. She was doing a good job of avoiding the Spirit and asking questions to interrupt the flow of everything. I felt strongly that I was not just teaching a "fake" investigator, but this was an opportunity for me to bear solid and strong testimony to my own companion.

I was talking about Christ's life on the earth and had just began speaking about the Garden of Gethsemane ( a place that is as sacred as a temple to me). She cut me off and asked, "But wait, how do YOU know that Jesus went there or what He experienced?" It was then that my role play was over and the Spirit of the Holy Ghost took over my words and began pounding from my heart out of my mouth. I don't remember exactly what I said, but something like, "I know because I  HAVE BEEN THERE and the Spirit of GOD testified to me, testified in my heart and in my mind, in such a way that my entire body felt like it was shaking that Jesus Christ had been there. He suffered there and bled from every pore. He prayed so earnestly and it hurt so badly that He DOES know exactly how we feel when we are lonely, sad, feel betrayed, or just need to know that there is hope.

Because He experienced those feelings for Himself. He loves us so much that he gave His LIFE for us." I could feel the Spirit burning like a fire inside of me. My companion's role play attitude of a difficult investigator, suddenly lifted away. She put her head down and began to sob. Because of the experiences that she, personally, is having with the Atonement, she is going to have a strong testimony later in her mission when she is required to bear testimony of the Savior and His Atonement. A HUGE part of our purpose as missionaries is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them develop faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement. She is experiencing personally what it means to be forgiven and to forgive herself, what it means to know that He paid the price for all mankind, and that He knows her perfectly.

I know that it is strengthening and deepening my testimony significantly to see the changes that the Savior has made in her. The changes that He has made in ME. I didn't know what to expect in my companions when I came on a mission. I didn't know that I could LOVE two sisters as much as I do. We have been together for about two weeks STRAIGHT. 24/7. And I LOVE THEM. so much. I can honestly kneel down and pray at night and tell Heavenly Father that I have NEVER been even irritated with either of them because the Savior has helped me see them as He sees them. Love them as He loves them. I know that I've got a lifetime of learning and a lifetime to develop the pure love of Christ, but when you have the Spirit ALWAYS, nothing bugs you. President Palmer taught me that. When you have the Spirit, nothing will bug you. The hard part is just making sure you always have the Spirit. =) The good news is that Christ is always there with His hand extended and He wants to bless us. We just need to ask for it. And be willing to work for it.
This week we taught a lesson with one of our progressing investigators. My companions and I had asked her what she read in the Book of Mormon and she asked about the multitude that were pressing forward to the tree of life. The Spirit took over that lesson and my companions and I were following the promptings. I felt the moment come to invite her to be baptized, but I felt like I needed to wait just a second. At that second, Sister Baird invited her to be baptized. Our investigator was hesitant for a moment and I felt like I should share an experience.  I never even thought of this before, but I shared something to the effect of... "When I was baptized, I entered the water in my white clothes, and my dad came down the stairs from the opposite side. As I looked up into his eyes, he extended His hand toward me. Jodi, Jesus Christ is extending His hand to you right now. He wants to bless you with forgiveness and the Gift of the Holy Ghost to comfort you always. He wants to help you. Will you take His hand?" We all started crying and Jodi agreed to be baptized.
My testimony is deepening. My faith is Jesus Christ is growing. My ability to listen to and act on promptings of the Spirit has sprung this week. I also must add, that we must endure the refiner's fire, if we expect to be all that Heavenly Father intends for us to be. Wednesday night last week I went through that refiner's fire. I was getting really confident in my ability to bring the Spirit and testify. One of the trainers of our teachers came in and started listening to me. She said I had applied every one of the principles, then laid of a list of critiques of how to become better. This trainer was not what I call a "Christ like teacher", but she got her point across. It kind of hurt....a lot! I knelt down that night by my bed and I prayed HARD. I prayed that I could receive the Gift of Teaching, the gift of bearing testimony, and of being able to take criticism and apply it.

The Savior healed me that night. The next morning, after much conversation with Heavenly Father, we taught Jodi. Without that change made the night before, I know that we couldn't have taught like we did, and I, personally, could not have done what Heavenly Father expected of me without that change. When Christ fell down in the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed earnestly. He sweat drops of blood from every pore. Let our weaknesses, sins, or trials be like those drops of blood. LET THEM GO. Do all that you can, then turn them over to Christ. He paid the price so that WE wouldn't have to go through this life alone. He is there. We just have to let Him help us. Like my dad extended His hand to me when I entered the baptismal font, Christ ALWAYS has His hand extended. Will YOU take His hand and let Him help you? I bear testimony that your heart aches can be healed, if you will alllow Him to heal you. Your sins can be taken away and you can become perfected in Christ.
One more thing I better mention. There actually is a leadership position for sisters in the mission field. I didn't know it existed, but I am learning a whole lot about it. Yesterday, President Palmer asked me to be the Coordinating Sister, which is basically the female Zone Leader. I do the new missionary training with the zone leaders, attend branch council, and make sure all of the sisters feel loved. My heart has grown ten sizes too large. =) I have to rely on the Savior because  I can't  do everything on my own. I had to memorize five songs for General Conference Choir, I am learning the missionary lessons and learning how to be the best teacher I can be, and I get to love the sisters with all of my heart. I am truly learning what it means to rely on Jesus Christ and to love like He did. And I am so incredibly happy. So fulfilled. I feel as though I have been purified, and I know that I will continue to do so. All of these experiences makes me realize that Heavenly Father's plan for us is beyond our comprehension. I had so many expectations coming into my mission, lots of high expectations. All of those expectations have been exceeded. I realize that I can completely turn my life over to Heavenly Father because He is perfect and He knows ME perfectly. He's got the perfect plan. =)  TRUST HIM.
See ya on Saturday in General Conference!!!!!!! =) The PROPHET and APOSTLES are speaking!!!!! And the missionaries will be singing. I am so grateful to be part of this army. The army preparing the world for the second coming of our Savior. I love my family. I love my friends. I love my companions. I love being a missionary. I love the blessings that have been pouring down.
I love you!
Sister Ripplinger

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's First Email from the MTC on March 19, 2012

Our Dear Family and close Friends:

This is our first email from our Sister Heather Ripplinger!  You are receiving this email, first, because Sister Ripplinger's mission president has said we can forward them to our close family and friends.  You either told Heather you wanted to be on the list, or she loves you and thought you would enjoy the letters.  If you do not want to receive them, please email us back, and we'll remove your name.

You're going to have to put up with a little narrative from the Mother of the Missionary : )  I did not expect what happened to me this morning, when I opened this email.  We had a dear friend, who just returned from his mission, Elder Jed Sewell, tell us yesterday at Church, that he thought he remembered the P day at the MTC being Thursdays, so we had written our family letter to her Sunday evening, but were bracing ourselves not to hear from her until Thursday.  How surprised and thrilled we were to get it today!  I saw the email, and before I could read it, started crying, full crying.  I had to go in my room, and kneel down, and thank Heavenly Father for my sweet daughter and thank Him for the Gospel Plan.  How grateful we are to be parents of a faithful daughter who wants to serve the Lord.

We were instructed that over the time she is serving her mission, you can write a letter to her at the addresses below, if you would like.  You are not to email her directly.  We appreciate your support.
MTC Address: until April 4 Nauvoo Address:  after April 4 and until October
Sister Heather Ripplinger Sister Heather Ripplinger
MTC Mailbox #133 P.O. Box 215
IL-NAU 0411 Nauvoo, Illinois 62354
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT  84604-1793

Blaine and Nikki Ripplinger

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Heather Ripplinger <heather.ripplinger@myldsmail.net>
To: Nikki Ripplinger <bnripp@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: First Familiy Letter to Heather in the MTC March 18

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Heather Ripplinger <heather.ripplinger@myldsmail.net> wrote:
Dear Family and Friends,
This week has been absoutely WONDERFUL, INCREDIBLE, AMAZING, UNBELIEVABLE, AWESOME, and PERFECT. Perfect in the aspect of a lot happened, including spiritual experiences, joyful memories, and also a  few little bumps. Perfect.
I am. SO. HAPPY. I have a limited amount of time, so hold on to your chairs and I will type as quickly as I can. I will begin my adding a few entries of my journal.
Wednesday, March 14th  FIRST DAY IN THE MTC!!!!!!
      "I feel the Spirit BURNING like a fire inside of me. What a SPECTACULAR DAY!!!!!! :) This morning, my parents and I woke up at 5:45 am and drove from Bountiful Utah to Salt Lake. I had the amazing privledge of attending a session in the Salt Lake City Temple with my parents the day I entered the MTC. That temple is BEAUTIFUL. Elegant. GORGEOUS. When we finished the session and were sitting in the Celestial room, a woman approached us and asked us if we would participate in sealings-she had brought family names. I was OVER JOYED because I had really wanted to do sealing s before going on my mission. That prayer was answered. What a sweet, tender mercy.
    We continued to Provo, pickedu p a few things at Walmart, ate at Sonic (where I was able to stock up on fry sauce), then went up to the temple parking lot. Bishop du Preez met us there to say good-bye. I sure do love him!!!! At this point, my heart beat was getting deeper. TEN MINUTES until I told my parents good bye for a while. I felt incredibly peaceful all week, but the anxious curiousity was finally beginning to set in. At 1:00 pm, we climbed back into the car and drrove to the MTC. We joined the line of cars, went through security and received a special "missionary on board" sticker, and drove through. We were directed to a parking psace, in line with several other cars. Elders were being yanked from their parents on all sides. haha! That once in a lifetime experience of being a missionary for the first time and saying good bye to your loved ones...I've waited so long!
 Two elders approached our car and opened Mom's door. I jumped out before they could open mine. We got my suitcases out..... My family knows I love them and I find comfort knowing that they know I love them. The time to make sure they knew was past. I am now a part of the Missionary Training Center!!!!

     I was taken with a sister who will be serving in Germany and she got everything situated. (I'm skipping a few details for time's sake). When I got to my "classroom" I met my companions! YES, I have TWO companions! =) We are a trio for our time at the MTC!!!! Sister Baird is from Virginia, 23 years old, blonde and likes yoga, personal fitness, physical therapy, etc. Sister Umphenour (pronounced Umph-an-hour) is 21, from Salt Lake area, wants to be a nurse. Also blonde. So us three sisters are blonde!!!!! haha
I have seen many familiar faces in the MTC already and it's awesome to see them! After introductions in class, we were taken to a new missionary meeting. Sister Baird and Sister Umphenour and I walked into the room and were completely surrounded by young men in dark suit coats. There were hudnreds of new missionaries! The three of us filed in to an empty row...the whole time being carefully watched by the elders. Talk about awkwarrrrrrrd. haha We are sacred of them and they're scared of sisters. So all of the rows filled with elders except for ours. There were three other chairs, but no one dared sit on the same row as us. Everyone started singing and two elders walked in late. The ONLY open seats in the whole room were next to us, SISTERS. hahaha They looked at each other and with great hestitation sat down, leaving the one extra seat open between us. The three of us looked at each other and giggled a little. The two elders looked over at us like they had seen the Ghost of Christmas Past-pale and wide-eyed. hahaha

One thing I thought was SOOOO cool- we were singing Army of Helaman. The line usually says "we will be the Lord's missionaries." Not this time. This time we sang, "We are NOW the Lord's missioanries. I got the chills as hudnreds of missionaries and I sang that, with my two companions next to me. I am a missionary!!!!!!
After the song and prayer, PResident Brown introduced a special guest-none other than the ambassador of Mongolia!! He gave a brief address and expressed that he was thoroughly impressed with the church. It is very rare that someone like that comes. President Brown said once, in the year that he's been President.
Missionaries come to the MTC from Brazil, Australia, China, Mexico, Phillippines, Sweden Samoa, and ALL OVER.  I can't type them all.

There was power in that meeting. We were reminded that we were represenetives of JEsus Christ and that we have His name on our name tags.  (Going to skip some details now)
We've had our first teaching experiences. WOW WOW WOW. I LOVE IT. I feel like my eyes and heart were opened by some experiences. Some people will have years of disbelief behind them and they will have an iceberg around them to melt down. Others will be ripe and ready to hear the truth they've been seeking. Either way, or anywhere in between, they deserve the Gospel, the joy, happiness, sense of security and comfort-that is provided by the knowledge of Christ's teachings. I am prepared to do the work necessary to have the knowledge, Spirit, and testimony to convert ANYONE the Lord places in front of me. He will bring them for a distinct purpose, which purpose is for me to testify and for the Holy Ghost to convert them. I LOVE MISSIONARY WORK.

My companions and I are having a blast. We wake up at 6:00 to attend the special sister's exericise class, which includes kick boxing!!! Woo!!! Also, we are goign to try out for a special musical numbmer performance. They have those at each devotional, some firesides, etc. I'm playihng the piano and Sister Baird will sing- The OLIVE TREE!!! Yeah! We also "applied" for special MTC choir. I'll let you know about that next week.

WE have a weekly service opportunity to clean a apart of one of our buildings. We mopped a set of stairs and had WAAAAY too much fun singing happy songs in the resonating corridor of stairs and made friends with some missionaries from Samoa and Tonga. They are naturally so loving and FUN!!!
At this point, I have two minutes left. AH!!!

Well, I am doing incredibly well. We are learning basic doctrine, which has deepened AND simplified my testimony. I feel solid as a rock. My testimony is growing and increasing significantly...even in this less than a week amount of time. I am beginning to see what Heavenly Father intended the entire time and see that this mission is going to help me reach my full potential.

We were teaching an investigator this week. She lost her mom and is taking care of her siblings while dad works most of the time. I was able to bear testimony of tthe SAvior and His experience in the Garden of Gethsemane. There was power. The power of the Holy Ghost was STRONG. I am soooo excited to do this for the next ...well rst of my life.
I have to go now, but I love you, FAMILY!!!!!!! SOOOO MUCH.
I'll write in the mail. bye 

Sister Heather Ripplinger