Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 10:51 AM
Subject: Improve the Shining Moments
Subject: Improve the Shining Moments
My friends and family,
I feel awfully humble and my heart is full of gratitude. This week has been really, really tender and full of wonderful experiences.
This morning, we went to an endowment session in the temple, and I noticed a young man that looked like he might have just received a mission call. He was sitting next to his daddy and they were both glowing. I had lots of thoughts going through my mind in regards to my own mission, but I also kept glancing over at them because they reminded me of my brother, Derek, and my dad. Derek's going to receive his mission call this week, and he will go through the temple soon. After the session, I went over to this darling family and asked the young man if he had just received his mission call. He said that he is going to serve in England, and leaves in November. AND he is from the Rexburg area and went to Sugar-Salem High School. Well, it doesn't hit home much more than that. It was a huge tender mercy and oh my, I know that Heavenly Father loves me and is aware of everything. I am sooooo excited for Derek to receive his call!!!!!!!! =)
Thurman is absolutely incredible. He is also a huge tender mercy from the Lord. I have strived to be diligent with my study time, to have a completely loving and open heart, to follow the Spirit, and to do the very best that I possibly can. Every mission has it's challenges, just like every person on earth will have their struggles and difficulties. All summer, I have tried to find all of the prepared people that Heavenly Father brought to Nauvoo that I possibly could, and helped them self refer, so that the missionaries in their area can keep teaching them. I haven't talked to most of them since they referred. However, I felt like I needed to keep in contact with Thurman for a while. He always wants to pray and he is soaking up the Book of Mormon. I have taught him about the temple and how he can do the work for his deceased family members. He lost a sister when they were really young and I could just feel his testimony beaming through the phone as he told me that he had set goals to do his family history and take their names to the temple. He is so excited to be baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, receive the Priesthood, and prepare for the temple. I taught him about fasting and invited him to think of a purpose to fast for. We both fasted yesterday for the Elders to help prepare him for baptism. When I feel his glowing testimony, I just close my eyes and bow my head. Every struggle or challenge is so eternally worth it. Thurman is going to influence generations and generations of people that came before him, and his daughters and future generations. He plans to be baptized in September. Oh, how great is my joy!!!!!!!!!
A couple came into the Visitor's Center and I was (again) amazed at how prepared some people are. I started talking with them and they immediately started asking questions and making connections. They wanted to know why we are on earth, what Christ's role is in our life, the nature of God, and if we believe in baptism by immersion. They agreed with all of our beliefs, and expressed several interesting points. They LOVE how family oriented the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is. They strongly believe that Romney will protect the family and his leadership will keep the country in order. They wanted to know all about my own family, and what my relationships with them were like. They wanted to know how often I hear from my family. Well... =) I get an email from them every week, as well as a 10 page essay from my mother about all of the family's happenings, a letter from my dad, and letters from my siblings. I took this couple down by the Christus and taught them about the First Vision. They soaked it up and then said they'd like to go for a walk in the Women's Garden. They went out and I gathered up some things for them to take home. They came back in about five minutes later and the woman said, "You know, we were talking and you guys believe all the same things that we believe, if not stronger, AND you guys support and cherish the family. We are serious about joining your church." Needless to say, they wanted missionaries to come visit them and it was an absolutely incredible experience. They were AMAZING!!!! Marylynn looked at my name tag several times, and at the end of our conversation, she said, " I LOVE how the JESUS CHRIST part is in big letters and it is so obvious that you all believe in Him as your Savior."
There was a family in the Visitor's Center, and I had talked to the "mother-in-law" before they went in to watch a movie. The daddy was black and the two little kids had awesome, fluffy black hair. Elder Anderson called the VC and said there was a black man that wanted a copy of the Book of Mormon and had filled out a referral card somewhere along the way in the sites. I got the word and right then, that family came out of the theatre. I ran over and simply asked (even though I knew this family was LDS, which makes no sense, but I did anyway), "Would you guys like a copy of the Book of Mormon?" They all looked at each other and the mother-in-law asked me if I remembered they were LDS. I said that I did, but I just needed to ask. The mom of the two little girls spoke up and exclaimed, "We have our own scriptures at home, but do you have a Book of Mormon we can give to our friend??" Come to find out, they had done a Pageant referral with their friend, the friend had agreed to have the missionaries come, but nearly a month later, the missionaries still haven't shown up. Long story, short... They referred Sherry and I gave her a phone call. She was very anxious for missionaries to come and I told her I could send her a copy of the Book of Mormon and I would send another referral through the regular system. She was so excited and started asking questions because she was so ready for the missionaries! I taught her about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and she soaked it up! I thought it was miraculous how all of that worked out. Heavenly Father's hand is in everything!
Another man came into the Visitor's Center with two of his siblings. He wandered over by the Book of Mormon display and was studying it intently. Come to find out...he is a pastor of another religion and has been reading the Book of Mormon. He mentioned the Bible, and I asked him a question that led him to tell me all about his religious study of the Bible. He believes that if Christ had a church on the earth, it would have apostles, a prophet, temples, they would baptize in the name of Christ, and they would pay tithing. He looked at me, deep in the eyes, and asked, "Do you believe all of that??" I smiled and simply said, "Yes! There is a prophet on the earth today and if you turn around and look right behind you, there is a display of all of the apostles, as well!!!" He looked flabbergasted and turned around. He moved quickly over to the display and started listening to their words (little clips from recent talks). He was just entranced with that thing for a few minutes. He stopped and looked over at me with deep eyes. "These men are apostles of God." He was RIGHT!!!!! =) He seemed completely shocked to know that we believe in all of the things that he had personally concluded would be part of Christ's church. And I was completely happy to tell him that missionaries could come and explain more to him. He wrote down his information anxiously and wanted to know how long it would take them to get there. He also wants the missionaries to come speak to his congregation. Holy guacamole!!!! It was soooo neat!!!!! The Lord had obviously been preparing this man because he already understood specific parts of the Gospel and just needed to know that those things exist and that the authority of God is on the earth!!!!! At that moment, I felt like lightning struck the earth. This is the Lord's work.
As President Monson said, "You have but one life to live." I love that. This is the time to prepare to meet God and it is the time to seize the day, to make every day it's best, and to improve the shining moments!!!! We have so many blessings and there is so much work to do. Find joy in the journey!!!!! This life is full of challenges, because we need the opportunities to grow and progress, and life is full of joy! Men are that they might have joy...says that Book of Mormon. Sister Christensen and I have been enjoying the journey. I love her. =) We live downstairs in the basement and it's kind of like our own little world away from everything else. There is a big, open space in the bathroom area and yesterday, I taught her how to church music!!! =) It was so much fun! We have the funny, little jokes and I just love being around her.
This week, I was starting to get frustrated with Elders in other areas that weren't teaching people that are keeping the commandments, and are practically ready to fill up the baptismal font themselves, and hop into it. I realized that we cannot judge other people. I don't know what is going on in their lives, or what things they are struggling with. I've also realized that a lot of missionaries are just struggling to find their own testimony. The mission field is a battle field and we are part of the Lord's army. If we are keeping the commandments ourselves and striving to do all that we can to help the work, things will happen as they should. Heavenly Father is aware of everyone and He will provide the way.
I set a refreshed and renewed goal that I need to push myself harder as a missionary and I need to be ready to hit the ground running when I get to my new area in October. I have six months to do the work in that area. I've been praying with all of my heart and preparing with everything I've got. But that's when the enabling power of the Atonement comes in. I've got more to give because of the Savior. I've set a goal to dig deep into my heart and find more. Give more. Work harder and be ready to give even more. We can all be better member missionaries. The Ensign this month is all about missionary work... it's important! We can help further the work, we can all be a greater strength to the missionaries in our own areas, and we all need to step it up. I invite everyone to pray for missionary opportunities and to take the opportunity when the Lord provides the way. I know that this is the Lord's work. It is the work of Salvation. We are part of the Lord's army!!!!! I LOVE being a missionary.
Sister Heather Ripplinger