"Charity Never Faileth"

Friday, April 12, 2013

Sister Ripplinger's Letter, Traveling the World, April 12, 2013

Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 10:46 AM
Subject: Traveling the Country

My dear friends and family,

I'm going to send a few emails with pictures from the last month..... (we are only attaching 2)

I am officially in the beautiful place, NAUVOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The last few days have been full of the Spirit and also full speed ahead. 

Wednesday morning, I left my precious Sister Benally in Loomis at 4:00am. President and Sister Alston ( in mission presidency) drove me to the Sacramento Airport and off I went. I made it through security just fine and right onto my plane. We were scheduled for a three hour flight to Dallas, but that turned into quite the adventure!!! As we were getting close to Dallas, there was a huge storm and the airport closed down. So, we circled around in the sky for a little while and were about to run out of gas, so we had to make an emergency landing into Louisiana. 

There we waited for about 1 1/2 hours to refuel and for the storm to settle down in Texas. Finally, we headed back to Dallas and again, had to use some time in the air because they weren't ready for us to land yet. At this point, I had completely missed my flight connecting for St. Louis. So I jumped off that plane and ran for the desk. Heavenly Father provided the way and I was able to catch a different connecting flight....which was taking off in ten minutes. So I sprinted to the other end of the airport and caught the plane about three minutes before it started backing out. 

I sat down in my seat with this funny little smile, thinking, "Well.... I made it!!!!!! There's got to be some reason why I'm on this flight, instead...." I looked over at the man sitting next to me, probably in his 40's, and I could feel the Spirit. This is the guy!!!!! In the meantime, the pilot stopped the plane and announced that an emergency light had come on and we would have to delay the flight for maintenance. So we waited on the plane for about an hour before we got up into the air. Anyways, this man and I  immediately started talking and I discovered that he was from NORWAY!!!!! He was on a business trip! We were talking about his family and somehow got into religion. He was saying that his family is Lutheran because that is kind of the traditional religion over there. Then he started asking me about our church. I was able to testify of families, the temple, and the Book of Mormon. We were talking for a few hours and then he went to use the restroom. In about 30 seconds, I fell asleep...before he got back. I was tired!!!!! haha 

I slept for about 45 minutes and then woke up when they announced that we would be landing soon. As I woke up, he asked how my nap was, then immediately started asking more about the Church! As we were talking, he reached in his pocket and pulled out his business card. On the back, he had written me a note saying that he would like me to call him later in the week once I got settled in my new area and to teach him more about the Church!!!!!!!! I smiled and said that I'd love to! I was kind of shocked that I hadn't even had to ask if he would like to learn more! I had taught a little, then fallen asleep on the job, and HE asked ME if he could learn more!!!!! We parted ways in the St. Louis airport, and I just knew that he was the reason why all of the storms and maintenance problems had to happen! 

So I arrive at the St. Louis airport and walk toward the luggage pick up, expecting to see President and Sister Gilliland and a bunch of my other Nauvoo sisters....but there was no one around! haha (I had borrowed cell phones throughout the day to keep President updated on my location and any news I had about when I would be arriving, so he knew which gate I would be coming from). I looked around, and didn't see anyone, so I just laughed and figured I should probably go find my luggage. I was hoping that in all of the flight switches and delays and everything, that my luggage would arrive around the same time that I did.... As I was waiting by the luggage pick up, looking for my suitcases, I saw President Gilliland with a few other sisters frantically walking behind him, on the opposite side of the area. I got a great, big smile because I was so happy to see them and shouted, "Hey, look!!!! Missionaries!!!!!" They all turned, saw me, and the sisters started running toward me. It was soooooo good to see a few of my dear friends that I love so much. It was like we had never been apart. We all hugged each other and then President Gilliland stretched out his hand and said, "Welcome home." Ahhhh!!!!! It felt so good!!!!!! 

As soon as I arrived in St. Louis, President took Sister Zibetti and I aside and asked us to serve as the Assistants to the President for the rest of summer. He said that he had been praying that the Lord would let us know in advance so that we wouldn't be in shock and that we would be ready to jump right into everything because President would be leaving the next day for the weekend to attend a mission president conference. (Our Heather did know this call would come, before she left Nauvoo in the spring)  On the drive to Nauvoo, he would be giving us all the information about the next week and everything. WELCOME HOME, indeed!!!!!! haha

 I looked at Sister Zibetti and just smiled. I absolutely LOVE her and I am so excited to serve with her. This summer is going to be CRAZY!!!!! 

Apparently, everyone had a crazy day. All of the new sisters had arrived from the MTC on time, but most of the rest of us returning sisters had a bunch of problems. A few of the sisters had ended up in the same airport to fly to St. Louis and got caught up talking with each other, and they totally missed their flight!!!! hahahaha The merciful Lord provided a way for them to get another flight and still get to St. Louis. 

A few of us had flight changes and delays due to weather. They said that the tornado alarms were going off in the airport right while all of us were supposed to be landing. The new sisters were going to try and head to Nauvoo in a separate van so they could get home at a decent hour, but the drivers were afraid to get caught in a tornado because the sky looked so bad. hahahaha Eventually, the new sisters and a few returning sisters finally got on the road with some of the Presidency and another senior couple. There were six of us that didn't get into St. Louis until late evening. We stopped at Golden Corral for a quick dinner, and then we were on the road home. It was pouring rain and thunder the whole way. President Gilliland gave us all the information and everything we would need to do during the next few days. Bring it on!!!!!  We stayed in a different house than everyone else that night and got there at about 11:30 pm. We were all passed out asleep by midnight because we were exhausted. 

We had breakfast at President's house at 8:00 am, the companionships were announced, and then the Gillilands were off for their conference! One of the most exciting moments of the last few days was when I got to see President and Sister Call, as well as President and Sister Grygla. I loved them last summer, and now they are in the mission presidency, so I will have the opportunity to serve with them all summer long!!!!!!!!! My heart just boomed with joy when I saw them. We've been working as a team the last few days, getting the new sisters debit cards, their contact info, going over driving records, assigning designated drivers, creating the site schedules for the sisters, getting everyone moved out to Carthage that has been assigned there for the transfer, going over the Visitor Center displays, riding the carriage, watching the Joseph Smith movie, getting all the sisters their site dresses, assigning rooms, preparation days, fridges, and everything else. Oh yes, and because there are so many new sisters, Sister Zibetti and I are TRAINING new missionaries, as well. We will have to balance our assistant assignments with training. My new companion is Sister Mills and she is so cute!!!!! I'm excited to serve with her!!!!!! 

Last night, we were all supposed to head back to the main house to load up Carthage sisters suitcases, and get the rest of us (who got back late Wedsneday night) moved into the main house. We had everything loaded in the van and trailer and the senior couple took off for the main house. The five sisters and I loaded into our own van to drive over and the car wouldn't start!!!!!!!!!! We said a prayer and it just wouldn't start. The house is about a mile down the road. I laughed out loud. It was like 9:00 at night, freezing cold, and we were stranded. I asked which one of them was in really good shape, and then Sister Dransfield and I started running down the road to get help. So we are running in our dresses, long coats, and sister missionary shoes. hahahahaha 

We laughed the whole way there and I think we had angels carry us half the way because we made really good time. As soon as we got to the house, we told the senior couples that we needed help and they left to go get the other sisters. Sister Dransfield and I plopped on the couches. We just laughed and realized that we both felt like we might throw up because we ran so hard. Then the other sisters told us we had received mail and we were fine. haha Eventually, everyone that needed to get to Carthage got there and everyone else made it safely home to the Hatch House. I am so grateful for the senior couples and the Presidency members.... they help us so much!!!!!! 

Today we get to attend the TEMPLE, go grocery shopping in Keokuk (over the river), and we get to watch Rendezveous tonight. I LOVE preparation days!!!!! So from now on....well for this transfer, unless something drastic happens, which it may.... I will be emailing on TUESDAYS. 
I am just really grateful for the SPIRIT and that the Lord is in charge..... I have been loving the last few days! I'm so excited to be back in Nauvoo!!!!!! I was thinking about what heaven will be like... I was apart from my Nauvoo family for six months, and when I saw them again, it was like we had never been apart. I think that's what heaven will be like. The people that you love will just be so close still. I LOVE THE GOSPEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My mailing address is:
P.O. Box 215 
Nauvoo, Illinois 62354

Have a wonderful week-end!!!!! 
Sister Heather Ripplinger
Steve's Baptism in Loomis, CA
Sister Ripplinger trained Sister Benally, who is now going to train this new Sister, Heather called her the grand-daughter.

Sister Ripplinger and Sister Benally before they parted in Loomis, CA
Veronica's Baptism in Loomis, CA
Pat's Baptism in Loomis, CA

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Email Letter, April 8, 2013

Sent: Monday, April 8, 2013 12:55 PM
Subject: Until We Meet Again

Dear friends and family,

Oh, the California sun is shining, as always and I am just soaking it up. My time in California is complete tomorrow evening and I can hardly believe it! This week was absolutely wonderful. I'll just share a few things about it.

Veronica was baptized this weekend. Oh my goodness, it was such an incredible experience. She came out of the dressing room, wearing white, and she was just beaming with joy. She had a huge smile on all night and my heart was so full of joy as I watched her. So many people came to her baptism, that we all had to meet in the chapel. So many people love our dear Veronica and she is a powerful example to everyone. I was able to play the piano and Sister Benally led the music. The speakers did an incredible job. When the time came for the actual baptism, everyone crammed into the Relief Society room by the baptismal font. Veronica came up out of the water and described that she felt as though she were coming up out of a cloud because she felt so light and like the weight was taken from her. She was just RADIATING.
We all filed back into the chapel while she was changing and I was surprised when our ward mission leader stood at the podium and said that by request of Veronica and with the Bishop's permission, Sister Ripplinger would please come forward and bear her testimony. He explained that I had been serving among the people here for six months and would be departing for Nauvoo this week. I gulped and walked up to the podium. I looked out at all of my precious friends with humility and gratitude. I was just overcome by the Spirit and I received the confirming witness that I'd been waiting for ...that I had finished everything that I needed to complete in this area. I bore my testimony (and I did not cry!!!) and just felt so much love for everyone in the chapel. Veronica had requested that we sing "God by with you til we meet again". I felt like I was in the movie "The Other Side of Heaven" when the elder is leaving the people and they sing that song on the beach. Oh, it was a wonderful night.
Most of the ward was there, loving and supporting Veronica, so I was able to say good-bye to them. It was a precious and tender evening. I absolutely loved it. I can hardly believe that Veronica is BAPTIZED!!!!!! Several other investigators were there and I am so grateful that they were able to feel of the Spirit and be part of the experience. There are several baptisms coming up and I am so grateful to know that I had the privledge to learn from God's children in Loomis. They have taught me profound life lessons that have changed me. The more people that we love, the better heaven will be!!!!!

Several experience happened this week that just humble me.

I've been pleading with the Lord that I will have opportunities to share the Gospel as I fly down to Texas and then up to Missouri, where I will be reunited with my Nauvoo family. I am so looking forward to seeing my Nauvoo family. Experiences that I had in Nauvoo last summer shaped me for my experiences in California. Without serving in Nauvoo, I would not have been the missionary that I needed to be in California. I look forward to all that lies ahead in Nauvoo and I'm ready to go forward with all of my heart and everything that I am to give it all I've got. I am a missionary. I am on the Lord's errand. I am here to serve my King.

Be member missionaries!!!!!! Heavenly Father needs you. We need you. Your friends need you. Thank you for your examples, your love, and your support. I could not do it on my own. Without the Savior, we are nothing. But with Him, we can do ANYTHING that Heavenly Father asks us to do.

Sister Heather Ripplinger

Monday, April 8, 2013

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Email Letter, April 1, 2013

Sent: Monday, April 1, 2013 5:01 PM
Subject: The Final Stretch

My dear friends and family,

It's the final stretch in California and I can't believe it. These last few weeks have been so incredibly miraculous and I'm about to kill over. Whenever people have really strong spiritual experiences in the scriptures, it seems like they fall over to the ground and sleep for a few days, but I'm not going to be able to stop yet. The Atonement has been a crucial part of my life lately, in the strengthening aspect. I feel the Spirit so strongly and I am just giving it everything I've got. 

Transfers happen this week. My dear Sister Benally is going to train a new missionary. I know that she is kind of nervous to train already, but I know that she is perfectly capable and she will continue the miracles in Loomis. I'm so proud of her and I love her with all of my heart.

This weekend, our precious Steve was baptized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was one of the most incredible weekends of my entire mission. The last few weeks, we were doing everything within our power, praying for him, we put his name in the temple, we text him throughout the day to strengthen him and help him live the Word of Wisdom. He would text us back that he was smoke free and grumpy as heck. He told us that black licorice helps him, so we went to the store and bought a ton of black licorice. He made it, he is strong. Friday evening, he thought that his daughter who lives 3 hours away wasn't going to have a ride up for the baptism, so he started to drive down at 9pm. A miracle happened and she was able to get a ride with a few other people from that area. Saturday morning, we got everything ready for the baptism. When we first started meeting with Steve, he didn't want anyone at his baptism. However, with time, he has opened his heart to many ward members. The room was completely packed for his baptism. When he walked down into the font, he looked so peaceful. When he was baptized, he came up out of the water and was perfectly still. After a moment, a huge smile came across his face, then he turned toward all of us and smiled. He looked so pure and happy. The next day when he was confirmed in Sacrament meeting, the Spirit was very strong. He is absolutely incredible. Sister Benally and I had the priviledge of teaching him right from the start and now he's on the path to the temple. 

Veronica has been waiting and praying for the opportunity to be baptized. About two months ago, I had the distinct impression that we needed to meet with her four to five times a week, doing formal lessons and helping her feel the Spirit. The chances that everything would work out well for their family were very slim, but we didn't want to give up hope. Then one day, we received a text that she was going to be able to get married!!!!!!! THIS WEEK VERONICA GOT MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her baptism is this week. I can hardly believe that it is finally working out. Miracles absolutely happen. She received a Priesthood blessing from a very special member of our ward that is serving in the temple presidency. Oh my goodness. I felt like the heavens split open. I am so incredibly excited to see what happens in Veronica's life. She is going to be a VERY powerful instrument in God's hands.

That man that we've been working with for six months and wouldn't budge, came to church last week! About five months ago, I wanted to drop him. I had no patience for him because he wasn't progressing at all. But we should never drop an investigator, unless THEY tell us not to come back. But we will never give up hope on anyone because God never gives up on us. We kept praying and working and trying every option we could think of. We went through several ward members, trying to find the right one. Then we found the one. Since then, miracles have been happening. We invited him to Steve's baptism and HE CAME!!!!!! Then he came to church the next day, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has been very humbling for me to work with this 66 year old man. At first, I was frustrated and hated meeting with him. But I kept pleading for charity and to see him like Heavenly Father sees him. With time, my heart has grown and I've come to love him. When I look at him, I feel like I can feel a little bit of the love that God has for him. He has come so far, but it is because of the Spirit and Heavenly Father's plan. 

Another man that we've been working with in a part member family, I absolutely LOVE. We went to a baptism with this family and it was a wonderful experience. He came to church twice in a row and wants us to come back frequently. I have been giving that man everything I've got. 

There are so many others that we are working with it is just a miracle. The Lord has blessed us with opportunities to work and to teach. We have had experiences to push ourselves and to also enjoy the precious moments. This week I was able to attend the Sacramento Temple one last time. As I was in the session, I kept imagining the moment when I would walk into the Celestial room and see President and Sister Weston. I was anxiously waiting for that moment. When I finally went into the Celestial room, the room was brilliantly light and there they were, standing hand in hand, smiling across the room. That moment hit me hard. I thought about later along in the journey when I'll get to see them in the Celestial Kingdom. Those two have absolutely changed my life forever. I know that serving with them is part of my eternal progression and they taught me by their examples. They are the perfect examples of charity and love. I have thought about all of the people we meet in our lives. I firmly believe that the more people we love, the better heaven will be. 

In Sacrament meeting yesterday, I was asked to stand and bear my testimony because I would be leaving. I looked out at my precious Loomis 3rd Ward and felt such a powerful feeling of love come over me. I have been among these people for six months and I've given it all I had. I've done the best I could. I love these people with all of my heart. During the closing song, I just couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't sing because I choked up in tears. Tears began to pour down my face and then the closing prayer came. The man prayed specifically for me. As he said amen, I leaned down with my elbows on my knees, face in my hands, and I just cried. Sister Barry (one of my favorite people) leaned over and wrapped her arms around me as I cried. Several ward members came over and gave me a good-bye hug. Oh, how I love these people. 

Perhaps the most difficult thing for me to do is leaving my precious companion, Sister Benally. I am trying to be tough and just work and enjoy every last second. But deep down, I just don't want to say good-bye. I find comfort in knowing that I taught her everything I could. We have worked our hearts out together and been through the thick and the thin. We've done our best to represent the Savior and to help people along the path.  Before I picked her up at the mission office back in January, I received a Priesthood blessing that said I would be training a trainer. I kept that in mind over the last 12 weeks and I've done my very best to teach her everything I know. She is ready. She is going to train a new missionary after being out in the field for 3 months. 

I fly out of Sacramento next Wednesda, April 10. But there is still work to finish here this week. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity I have had to serve in California. I've been changed forever. And I look forward to serving in Nauvoo again. I know that there is much to do still. But I have to focus on one thing at a time. =) I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sister Heather Ripplinger