What do you call a line of rabbits hopping backwards? It's a receding hair line!!!! We have a lot of those in Nauvoo. =) haha! I absolutely LOVE having the senior couples around! I have a few favorites that I sure do love to work with. Two days a week, I serve in a site and it is always different. Usually, I serve with one senior sister in a site like the Print Shop or Heber C. Kimball's home, etc. At some sites like the Family Living Center or Carthage, there are a few senior couples and Sister Coyne. In the Visitor's Center, there are usually two young sister companionships and a few senior couples. There are so many opportunities and I'm always kept on my toes-learning the information for each site I serve in. I am LOVING it!!!
On Friday, I was able to be part of "Nauvoo on the Road"!!! A few senior couples, Sister Coyne, and I packed up a trailer full of pioneer stuff and traveled to Keokuk, Iowa for the public Civil War Reinactment. We had different stations set up like pioneer games, candle making and baking, and rope and brick making. In the morning, Sister Anderson and I were able to "work" at the game station...hardly working. =) So several elementary schools around the area come and rotate through all of the different stations- some which included listening to "Abe Lincoln" speak about his life, watching Confederates race around on horses, etc. And then there's good old Nauvoo on the Road!! Because of certain laws in this area, we usually are not allowed to wear around name tags and we can't bring up the gospel- no proselyting. However, if by some chance, someone asks us a question, we can answer.
For some reason, we were allowed to wear our name tags that day, if we chose to. Most of the senior couples didn't, so I was debating about it. I prayed about it and felt like I needed to leave the name tag on. I hoped that someone would ask about it. I was told that no one ever asks about them and that our main purpose at this little carnival/fair/public park get-together was to help people have fun and see the Nauvoo sign. I prayed all day and miraculously, I saw a few divine signatures.
As the youth groups came through, I tried to talk with the high school age volunteers that kept track of everyone. I was able to relate back to the good old days of high school and prove that I was not a nun. =) One young man started talking to me and said that he was going to submit his mission papers soon. The young guy next to him said, "WHAT?!?! You're a Mormon?! Dude, why didn't you tell me that before! I was going to be baptized right before my parents moved us out here! Then the missionaries never called me again and I didn't get baptized!" I looked at the future missionary and with a grin said, "You need to take him to Church with you!" Both anxiously agreed and walked away as the horn sounded for them to rotate to the next station.
Another group of 8th graders came to see the candle demonstration and for some reason, the timing was off and we had about 10 extra minutes to try and entertain them. I started talking with this really nice group of kids. One girl must have noticed my name tag and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, because she, out of the blue asked, "Hey! Have you ever been to Super Saturday?!?!" I had no clue and asked what it was. She told me that it was a big Mormon youth activity that her friend had invited to her before and it was really fun! I jumped on that opportunity and asked if anyone else had been to it. None of them were members and wanted to know what this cool activity was. I started talking about Klondike Derbies and EFY get togethers and told the one girl that she should ask her friend about other activities. The guys were really interested to hear about Derek's Eagle Scout stuff and packing trips. When the horn sounded again, they all asked if I was always in Nauvoo. They said they totally want to come and have me tell them more about what I did when I was their age because I seem so happy about life.
On Sunday, I had the wonderful opportunity to serve in CARTHAGE!!!! YAY!!!! The tour through the jail is about 45 minutes long and includes a lot of information and details. I learned the night before that we would be serving there, so there was not much time to prepare. I am always so humbled to see how the Spirit helps me learn things so quickly. There is no way in the world that I could remember everything on my own. I remember preparing speeches for rodeo queen contests, speeches for my high school class, 4-H demonstrations, etc. Most of those were 10 minutes things and I would spend a lot of time getting ready. In Nauvoo, I study as hard as I can whenever I have a minute to, but without the Spirit, I would never be able to do it. We went to church and meetings in the morning and immediately after, drove out to Carthage. I always pray and pray for help.
The sisters that are usually out in Carthage said that it's been super slow and they only take a few tours all week. We arrived and were taking tours all afternoon, and the senior couples were taking the next groups right behind us. There was a family from northern Idaho that came with us on the tour and we deviated from the outline a lot because Sister Coyne and I both felt like there were certain things that family needed. There was also a young couple that came in last minute and Sister Coyne definitely received the revelation for that tour. I knew she was speaking by the Spirit and talking about things that they needed to hear. Go Sister Coyne!!!! I love it when the Spirit is so strong! Serving in Carthage was a tender mercy. I've been wanting to serve there so badly!
In a training meeting on Sunday, we talked about being completely consecrated and strictly obedient. I've had those things on my mind throughout my mission thus far. I could feel the Spirit so strongly and I desperately want to be the very best I can possibly be and be all that Heavenly Father needs me to be. I was pleading on my knees Sunday night that I could give more. I felt like there was more to give. I asked that He would use my past experiences in some way. Words cannot express the deep sense of urgency and desire that I have in my heart. I am aching to give more because I've got more in me.
Monday morning, I served in the Family Living Center and I felt like it would more appropriately be called the Miracle Center. One of the senior sisters came in with a bunch of fabric she had cut out to sew teddy bears for humanitarian aid. I JUMPED on that opportunity. Usually, the FLC is one of the busiest sites, but NO ONE came in during the morning. I worked happily on those teddy bears and felt that sense of fulfillment that I was praying for. Sister Coyne and I went to lunch and still no one had come in. I finished up the last teddy bear and all the sudden, people just started coming. As certain people walked in, I felt distinct promptings that I needed to talk to them. Two young men came in, both expecting mission calls, and I really tried to encourage them to do missionary work before they leave. One of them referred his friend for me to call and I just might get to see a miracle happen soon. A mother and her BYU student daughter came in and I could tell that the poor mama had a lot on her mind. I took them over to the candle area and we didn't talk much about candles. =)
The Spirit told me to testify of the Atonement and that Heavenly Father is merciful. I discovered that she hadn't been able to do an endowment session for ten years because of an allergic reaction to perfume and the temples were always so busy with good smelling women. She has done initiatories faithfully EVERY WEEK for the last TEN YEARS. While in Nauvoo, she felt like she should try and go to a session. When she arrived, there was ONE couple in her session. For the first time in ten years, she was able to go through an endowment session. Tears filled her eyes and I could just feel of her sincere and pure heart. Her only living family member (aside from husband and children) is expected to pass aways soon. They had come all the way from Utah to visit her uncle who was on his death bed. My own testimony of the Atonement was strengthened as we talked about the trials we all face and the strength that comes from Christ.
Yesterday, a huge tour group of people from all around the country (not LDS) came pouring into the visitor's Center. I started talking with one woman that I knew would listen. I took her to the statue of Joseph Smith and the First Vision and poured my heart out in the five minutes that I had. Everyone started running out to the bus that would soon be leaving. It was kind of funny because everyone was SO frantic. As her husband grabbed her arm to leave, she stopped and put a hand on my shoulder, looking straight into my eyes. She said, "Thank you. Thank you for telling me about this. I know that it is true because of the way your eyes sparkle." I gave her a temple pamphlet with information about how to contact the missionaries in a split second, and she was gone. She'll get baptized sometime soon.
Something I want to emphasize is what President Uchtdorf taught. The most powerful Being in the UNIVERSE is the Father of your spirit. There is no limit to your potential. Heavenly Father needs you to become the person that you were designed to become. He has sacred and precious work for you to do. That may seem overwhelming when we feel weak, inadequate, overlooked, and imperfect. Satan wants you to feel like you can't do it-that you can't make it. Heavenly Father provided a way for you to accomplish all that He requires and Jesus Christ and His Atonement is the way. Heavenly Father can make weak things strong. If you feel like you are weak and incapable, know that YOU ARE CAPABLE. He calls upon the weak things of the earth to bring about a great and marvelous work. All you have to be is worthy and willing to act on promptings of the Spirit. Do not be intimidated. You are enough. With Jesus Christ you are EVERYTHING. I invite all of you to watch the video link that I posted below and then prayerfully talk with Heavenly Father about what He needs you to do and how you can do those things. Pray to know that you are special. =) Because you are.
I have seriously considered sleeping with my precious black name tag on... I love it so much! But even more, I love that I am a MISSIONARY and I can be an instrument in the hands of God to bring people to the TRUTH. To guide them onto the path of eternal life and joy.
Thank you for the letters and words of encouragement. They mean so much to me and I am so grateful for all of you!!!!!
Sister Heather Ripplinger
Here's the video!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!
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