Hey friends and family!!!
I know that this is a big statement, but I really, truly think that this week may have been the best week yet in my mission. It was sooooo wonderful. I am so humble and grateful for the many miracles and tender mercies that Heavenly Father blesses me with every single day.
I am absolutely LOVING Sister Umphenour!!!! I loved her in the MTC and I still LOVE, love, LOVE her. =) We have little watermelon-eating dates every night, we have cleaning the car races to get the work done as quickly as possible because it is getting quite toasty outside, and I just feel so much strength from her when we are talking to people in Nauvoo. She is a powerhouse and she is a great strength in the Lord's work...AND we have FUN working hard!!!! Life is really good. =)
We were driving back from a service activity one night and drove past an old barn. I glanced over and saw a HUGE herd/flock/pack of raccoon peering out from the dark!!!! There were about TWENTY of them!!!! It was so cool because, usually, you only see one raccoon rummaging around by himself, but THIS time, there were TWENTY raccoons!!!!! =)
We were greeting for BYU Living Legends one night and a HUGE miracle happened. Sister Umphenour and I were passing out the programs and we both felt like we needed to divide and conquer. I looked toward the back of the crowd and saw a couple sitting by themselves. I felt like I needed to talk to them, so I walked over to give them a program and they immediately started asking me questions about my family, the Church's family values, temple sealings, etc. They also mentioned that they see missionaries all over the place (they're from this area). They mentioned that one night their car wouldn't start in the grocery store parking lot, two young elders stopped to help, they said a prayer, and the car started. The couple's faith has already been increasing, as well as their trust in the missionaries. So I asked if they had ever had the missionaries in their home and the man quickly said, "No." I felt like I didn't know what else to say, and I didn't want to push them, and the woman on stage was about to say the prayer...so I started to stand up as I said good-bye...and the woman, Linda, grabbed my arm. "My dear friend, I need you to pray for my family. I know that you are a servant of God." Her eyes were deep and suddenly, all of the family questions started to make sense. I sat down next to her and she gave me a great big hug. I asked if I could get her phone number and give her a call later, and she quickly pulled out her program and started writing. The prayer was being said, so I closed my eyes. As I said "amen", I looked over and she had written down ALL of her information, including phone number, address, and everything. Then she said, "You are an answer to my prayers- you have given me hope that my family can be happy again. Thank you for coming and talking with us." I felt a deep spiritual connection with them and as I walked back to the VC with Sister Umphenour, I realized that Linda is a HUGE answer to MY prayers. She is such a sweet, sincere, and wonderful lady.
I tried to contact Linda over the phone for a few days, but she never answered. I kept trying, and on Tuesday, the husband answered. He said that she had just walked in the door. I could hear shuffling and then she answered. I said, "Linda, this is Sister Ripplinger. Do you remember me?" I felt the Spirit as she started talking with me and she said that she had been praying that I would call that day. She was struggling and said she hadn't been able to sleep since our conversation before the show. She said she felt peace and she needed that peace in her life. She told me that I was God sent, and she wants to know what I know. "The Lord sent you to me for a reason, of that I am sure. You are just like Jesus." Over the phone, I was able to testify of Christ and teach her about the Book of Mormon. Through reading the scriptures, I find peace every single day and I find the guidance that I need. I can tell that she has a lot of faith in Christ and she wants to do the right thing. She told me that she studies the Bible regularly and she had some good questions. She wanted to know why I believe so strongly in the Book of Mormon, and I felt like I should read from 3 Ne 11 since she already has so much faith in Christ. As I read it, I could hear her sniffling a little and then she asked if she could say a prayer for me. I responded, "Right now??" =) I wasn't quite expecting that, but she went ahead and said a prayer. It was one of the most tender, little prayers that I have ever heard and it melted my heart. I could feel the Spirit so strongly as she thanked Heavenly Father for having me call when I did and for sharing my peace. I had little tears dropping down my face, too, and asked if I could say a prayer for her. As I said the prayer, I just soaked up the moment. This was one of the moments that makes everything worth it.I know that Heavenly Father has prepared her and she is simply amazing. I lover her!
This week I played the Christus narration in four different languages, including German, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and Korean! I LOVE the diversity!
Sometimes I feel like I'm in Idaho again. During the winter, we would wait to hear the phone call in the morning saying that school was cancelled because it was too cold! In Nauvoo, all of the teamsters wait to see if it is too hot and humid to take the wagon and carriage rides. hahaha I get a kick out of listening to them all relay temperature comparisons, etc. =)
There are so many opportunities each day to testify and there are so many miracles happening all the time. This week, one of the most special and tender experiences of my entire life took place. I don't necessarily think I want to write about it here, but it was one of those things that can never, ever be forgotten. I can testify that Heavenly Father knows the desires of our hearts. He knows us PERFECTLY and He knows what we need. He is MERCIFUL and I know that He loves me. I know that He loves all of His children and He wants to bless us. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and He gives me the strength that I need. The temple is a house of the Lord and I invite all to live worthy to attend the temple, and to go as frequently as possible. I LOVE being a missionary in Nauvoo!!!!!!!!
Have a wonderful week!!!!!!!! =)
Sister Ripplinger
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