"Charity Never Faileth"

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Steady and sure

Heavenly Father blessed me with incredible parents. Both have their strengths that they add to our family and they are miraculous strengths. My dad has a talent that is rare to the world and very special to me. He has always honored the Priesthood and been able to give me a Priesthood blessing whenever I needed one. But he never gives a general or broad blessing. They have always been very specific, detailed, and exactly what Heavenly Father wanted me to know.
All of my siblings and I received a blessing for the new school year and each was spectacular. My dad receives revelation for each like he is giving a Patriarchal Blessing. My blessing this time especially got me fired up for my mission.
For quite some time, I have been thinking about the timing of everything. When should I submit my papers? When should I put my availability date...on my birthday in the middle of March or after one more semester at BYU? When will I get my call? After much deliberation, I was thinking that I would submit my papers during Thanksgiving break when I come home, then have my call around Christmas time...hoping that I would be called close to my birthday. For all I knew, I could be called in July and have to consider going to the winter semester. I was hoping that I would be able to find a way to make some money during the few months that I was home.
So when my dad starts speaking by the Spirit, he lets me know that my plans will follow through. I will be able to find a temporary job during the few winter months that I am home and I will be able to go on my mission as soon as I have my birthday. He went on to tell me that there are missionaries wasting time and being disobedient. When I get there, I will be able to take their investigators and convert them to the Gospel. They will be ripe and ready. I will absolutely LOVE my mission.
Until that blessed time when I am set apart, I must be steady and sure, remain faithful, and protect myself from Satan. I have to keep the eternal perspective. When I think about a mission, my heart pounds deep inside of me and the Spirit fills my soul with excitement and joy. I am so excited for the opportunity that lies ahead of me!!!!

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