"Charity Never Faileth"

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's Third Letter from Nauvoo, April 25, 2012

Dear friends and family,
I do not know where to begin this letter. So many things have happened this week that I will just begin typing and hope that it all makes sense and comes out correctly. First, know that the veil is very thin. I have felt angels around me this week. The Holy Ghost can dwell with people that want to become like Christ and is especially strong when a missionary is obedient. Heavenly Father has been aligning the stars in heaven in ways that I simply cannot comprehend and He has been aligning them since before I was even born. All of the miracles that I see are part of His perfect plan and I am just an instrument in His hands; one that is worthy and willing.
I feel impressed to share several experiences from this week and hope that they will touch your hearts and strengthen your faith like they have for me.
Satan is as real as Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are. He is around missionaries and anyone that is trying to do good. He will stop at nothing to take you out at the knees. However, no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing. We can conquer the devil, and we will do so, with a fight. This week I have been attacked by Satan in all the ways he knows how. I feel like I need to express that I am seeing miracle after miracle, but it is not just a "walk in the park". Before I left, Derek told me to enjoy my vacation. I am thriving in Nauvoo, but there are most certainly trials, just like in any other mission and in anyone else's life. Last week, I started having problems with my vision because of allergies. I grew up on a farm, around horses and hay, and never had problems with allergies. My vision was so bad that I could barely read my scriptures because of the film across my contacts. I remembered that a Priesthood blessing before I left gave me the impression that I would never be so sick that the work would be hindered, so I prayed hard. "Heavenly Father, I really feel like I cannot be completely effective with this problem. Please heal me. I have faith in the Priesthood and that revelation." I prayed for a solid hour that night and woke up in the morning -- perfect vision.
Sister Coyne, my companion, has been struggling-a lot. She is working in the call center and feels inadequate because she isn't organized and she hates talking on the phone. She had a rough time in Montana and has been suffering since. I came out of the MTC, fired up, ready to work my heart to death, full of faith, and excited to see what Heavenly Father had in store. We set our weekly goals, including numbers of tours we would take, referrals received, etc. For the first week, which we expected to be very slow, Sister Coyne convinced me to expect the number of 8 tours to be given during the week. She was here last summer.  Between the both of us. I had no idea what to expect, so I agreed, since it didn't appear that many people were around in Nauvoo. However, I went and discussed it with Heavenly Father and I felt like I should work for a lot more than eight. I set my own personal goal at TWENTY. Well, at the end of the week, I went back and evaluated everything. We took TWENTY EIGHT tours. I took 24 of those.

President Gilliland told me to build her faith and I am doing everything within my power to do so. I have a picture of Christ in Gethsemane on my wall above my bed, and I pour my heart out in pleas of faith to let me know how to help my companion. She does so many good things for me and she has had good experiences, but she is struggling. I rely heavily on the Lord to allow me to reach all that He expects of me.
Earlier in the week, both Sister Coyne and I went down with colds. No one else in the house of sisters got sick at all and I felt like we needed to get Priesthood blessings. I have a favorite senior elder already and he is a light to my testimony. He served as a mission president in Peru and his testimony shines brightly. In the blessing, he told me many things that I know came straight from Heavenly Father. He said I need to bear testimony of the Atonement constantly. So with all of me that I am and am capable of becoming, I will teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Other things he said caused me to enter serious reflection with Heavenly Father. That night I did not sleep. I had received two letters earlier that day. One was from an elder from my MTC district, servng in Salt Lake. He said that his president told them to invite people at their doors to be baptized, if they say no, they are not prepared yet. Another friend's letter from Portugal said that when his president came in, they were baptizing 300 people a year. After the president started changing things, they were baptizing 49 people each WEEK. That adds up to about 1200 people per year. INCREDIBLE. Not just the numbers, but the increase of people accepting baptisms. These things made my heart begin to listen to the Spirit. I remember a specific individual asking me after I received my mission call, "Are you REALLY excited to serve in Nauvoo? It's not a REAL mission and you won't even see baptisms." After lying awake in bed all night, I had a new vision. "If missionaries in Salt Lake City UTAH are inviting people to be baptized from the doorstep, why can't I invite them in a dedicated building?"
President Gilliland gave me a blessing on Sunday because I had a NEW illness, after the first one being healed immediately upon the ending of the blessing. He suggested it, and in the blessing, he said, "The Lord is pleased with the desires of your heart, and because of the preparation you have made for this mission throughout your entire life, you will be able to claim the blessings that you desire." Well, based on the revelation I received, the desires of my heart, and the work I am willing to put forth in faith, EXPECT MIRACLES.
This week was packed full of miracles in people that came to the Visitor's Center. Non-members just "WANDER" in. I pray frequently throughout the day that someone else will come in, and they come. A couple from Norway came in. I taught them about the Book of Mormon and temples-how they can be sealed for time and eternity. We went for a walk in the Women's Garden and they asked questions as quickly as I could answer. They said that two elders lived across from them in Norway, but they never knew who they were until they recognized my name tag to be the same as theie. They took a pass-along card and they both thanked me. They will find the elders when they get back to Norway in a few weeks and this precious couple will finally know what those two elders have been doing all that time!
A man, Tom, came in, looking for Joseph Smith's house location. I felt prompted to ask him more questions and discovered that he had been studying Joseph Smith's life for quite some time and wanted the story to come to life. He wanted to know more about the Priesthood and know what exactly it was. I explained and he asked if he could have it someday. We talked a little more and I asked him what his favorite miracle was in the Bible. He responded, "When Christ raised the man from the dead. Can something like that still happen today?" I got a rush of the Spirit and said, "Yes." I told him the story that my own father had in being part of saving a baby that had no heart rate or pulse (Brennan Bates). The Priesthood is the power of God and it exists on the earth today. Worthy men hold it and are able to do the work that Christ would do. After talking for a few more minutes, he wanted to know about temples. He wanted to know what he had to do to be a member and HE asked ME, "When is your church held tomomorrow? I want to come."
Two days ago, a mother and three daughters walked in. I found out that the mom and the youngest daughter had just moved to Nauvoo recently. The other two daughters were visiting from California. We got talking and I had them watch the movie, "Moments that Matter Most". The mom responded, "WOW, that makes you think about what is most important." I felt the Spirit prompt me and I took them over to a display of the temple. They were excited because they thought the building on the hill was sooo beautiful and wanted to know more about it. I just blurted out, "Evelyn, you can be with your daughters forever." Her eyes locked in mine and she started to tear up. "What did you say?"  I will keep you all posted on Evelyn and her family, but the moment they walked in the front doors, I felt something. It was like I had known them before. I felt the Spirit. They are an answer to my prayers, because I've been praying for a family to see them be baptized. I know there's progress to be made, but I know what I felt. I just don't know the timing.
A young guy named Shaun is a returned missionary and very strong willed. He comes into the Visitor's Center with a somewhat condescending attitude towards Visitor's Center sisters. Three of us took him on a tour and as we went, I could feel the Spirit prompting me to dig a little deeper under his rough surface. He was a convert to the church and his parents were not members. He said that his parents gave him permission to do their temple work after they die. I felt prompted to ask and did so. "Why will your parents let you do their work once they die, but not accept the gospel now?" He spat back at me, "You do not know what you are doing. Missionaries don't ask questions like that. You should NEVER ask someone that question, but I guess it's ok because I'm an RM." I was a little taken back...obviously, so I stepped out mentally to evaluate.

Had I not listened to the Spirit correctly? I felt confident that the Spirit prompted it. As the tour progressed the other sisters began to be irritated with him. As we got to the Christus, the Spirit took over and I couldn't believe what I was saying. "Shaun, Heavenly Father knows that you prayed for your parents every single day of your mission. He knows that it broke your heart to baptize families when your own family will not yet accept the gospel. He hears your prayers and is grateful for your dedicated service as a missionary. Because of that service, He will answer your prayers when the time is right." He had tears dripping down his face and my heart was pounding. "Thank you, Sister Ripplinger. Heavenly Father just spoke through you and told me what I needed to hear." I felt like there was something else to say. "Keep working on becoming the kind of person you want to marry. Keep in mind what qualities you want, and become worthy of that woman. When you find her, you will know it is right and things will work out as you have been praying for." He looked at me with HUGE eyes. I wanted to look at MYSELF with huge eyes!!!!! What the heck had I just said?! He told us that his girlfriend had just broken up with him three days before and he was heart broken over it. She told him that he didn't have the right qualities for her and it just wouldn't work out. Well- THAT one was DEFINITELY inspired. Heavenly Father just knows us. He knows our hearts and what hurts us. He is merciful.
Heavenly Father told us this life would be a test and it will be worth it. Every trial that we face, every challenge- will be drowned out with light as we become like the Savior and eventually return to our Father's presence. This mission is so special to me. I literally have waited and prepared my entire life. I had big expectations and already, in two weeks time, my expectations have far been exceeded. I can only imagine how precious and sacred the Celestial Kingdom will be. Keep fighting as part of God's army on the earth! The Second Coming is near and there is much work to be done! Heavenly Father has already given you everything that you need to be successful-and that everything is Jesus Christ. I know that with all of my heart. Let the Atonement consume your soul and make you whole. You will witness and be part of miracles. Gaining your own testimony is the first miracle that must happen.
I love you all. Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven.
Sister Heather Ripplinger

Friday, April 20, 2012

Pictures that came with Second Nauvoo Letter

At the MTC in Provo, Utah; Sisters Baird and Umphenour.  We are a three some.

Sister Missionaries at the MTC

Sister Riplinger's Zone or District at the MTC

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pictures that came with the Second Nauvoo Letter

The Beautiful Nauvoo, April 18, 2012, Second Email letter from Nauvoo

Oh, our sweet Heather.  Having her as a missionary is more glorious than we could have ever imagined!  How great to get these weekly email letters.  Thank you for your support and love.  Blaine and Nikki

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Heather Ripplinger <heather.ripplinger@myldsmail.net>
To: Nikki Ripplinger <bnripp@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 9:11 AM
Subject: The Beautiful Place- Nauvoo

Dear Family and Friends,
This week has been absolutely AMAZING. Sometimes when I am kneeling down by my bed at night, I stop in the middle of my prayer and realize that I am endowed, set apart missionary. Words simply cannot explain the joy in my heart to know that I am FINALLY a full time missionary. I am living my dream. Every day I see that Heavenly Father has been preparing me for a long time to serve here in Nauvoo.
Without the Holy Ghost, we would not be able to do everything in Nauvoo. There are several displays in the Visitor's Center with history that we need to know to take tours. Each week, we are assigned to two different historical sites in town. Each site has a 10-15 minute tour or demonstration. This week, I served in the visitor's center on Monday and the Print Shop on Tuesday. When I looked at the outline for the Print Shop, I dropped to my knees. I said, "Ohhhhh wow. I'm going to need a lot of help, Heavenly Father." There was a very detailed process of how to give a demonstration, packed full of terms that I had never even heard of before and tools that I didn't even know existed. I have never been a very engineer/constructing minded person, so I knew this would be difficult.

Before even starting to study the outline, I knelt down in prayer for 30 minutes and explained to Heavenly Father that I have the faith that He can help me learn the material, but that I needed the Spirit to help me learn it so I can be effective. I started studying and spent a reasonable amount of time over the next day. Tuesday morning, I arrived in the Print Shop and the senior sister gave me ONE demonstration of how to do everything. Somehow, obviously through the Spirit, it ALL made sense. I asked if I could try and give a demo for her and I was able to do EVERYTHING and remember all of the facts and details inbetween. MIRACLES HAPPEN when we have faith and do the preparation necessary.
Not even 10 minutes after that, groups started coming in and we were busy all day. In the afternoon, we had a huge bus of "senior tourists" come in. There were several groups coming in all afternoon and none of them were members. They were in and out so quickly and openly said that they did not want any church information. But I kept on praying in my heart as I gave the demonstrations that someone would come in that had an open heart. About an hour before we closed the shop, suddenly, the groups stopped filing in. It slowed down dramatically and noticably. I felt the Spirit really strongly as two men entered the door.

Immediately, I noticed the one named Henry. "He's the one," I thought. They wanted to see the demo that people were talking about and as I did so, I asked if either of them had seen the temple. The other man spoke up and said, "Oh ya! Henry, do you know who the woman on top of the temple is?" I chuckled, "WOMAN?! It's a man!" From there, I explained who Moroni was and that he was the last to write in the Book of Mormon. I asked if either of them had read the Book of Mormon, and Henry's eyes lit up. "What is that book?" I smiled as I picked up a Book of Mormon and started explaining that it talks about when Christ came to the Americas. He said with a surprised look, "He came to America?" I explained and opened to 3 Nephi 11.

As I read, I could feel the Spirit very strongly.  I kept looking up at him as I went and I knew he could feel it to. I testified that I know the book is true and that he can know it is, as well. I explained Moroni's promise and asked if he would like to take the Book of Mormon with him. He anxiously agreed. About 20 minutes after he left, I looked out the window while Sister Christianson was giving a demonstration, and saw Henry. He was standing out by their tour bus with the Book of Mormon open and he was reading it intently. Golden. Suddenly, I wished I had a temple pamphlet because we had talked about the Nauvoo Temple a little bit, but they don't have those in the site. HOWEVER, I suddenly recalled something  I had done earlier that day. After training in the visitor's center that morning, on the way out the door, I felt like I should grab a temple pamphlet. Without much thought, I did so. Now, here I was in the Print Shop, with Henry across the street, wishing I had a temple pamphlet.

I ran over to my bag and pulled out that beautiful, shining temple pamphlet. "Ah! I LOVE the Holy ghost!!! Thank you, Heavenly Father!" My companion stood at the door and watched me as  I ran across the street and gave him the precious info of temples. As the group of tourists started climbing up into the bus, I looked out the window again and saw him standing with a bunch of the men talking, and he had the Book of Mormon clenched in one hand against his chest. He held it like it were a wallet filled with a million dollars-or I suppose that he held it like the sacred knowledge that it is. That experience was precious to me. I put forth the effort of preparation and sincerely asked Heavenly Father to let me find someone that was ready to listen. The Lord delivered him into my hands-into the Print Shop.
While in the Visitor's Center on Monday, I had several other miraculous experiences like the one with Henry. In my mind, I figured that I would be taking lots of members on tours and asking for referrals. HOWEVER, such was NOT the case. Within an hour of opening that morning, Sister Umphenour had a very deep conversation with a non-member woman that wandered in, not knowing why she was there. She felt the Spirit and left with several pamphlets and information.

I had the opportunity to take 50 something year old couple that had just been married in the Nauvoo Temple.  I took them on a tour through the Women's Garden and I just loved it!!! Shortly after that, a group of 3 Chinese women came in, all non members. I felt prompted to take them in the theater to watch a specific Mormon Message. So I took the three of them into the huge theater that usually plays the Joseph Smith movie or Remembering Nauvoo. I pulled up the "Moments that Matter Most" clip and watched their expressions. After, I asked them what moments in their life matter most to them. One woman looked at me like she was flabbergasted. "I honestly have no idea. I have never even thought about that!!! I don't know what to say."

I could see a film of her life playing in her head. She asked me what a moment is of mine. I smiled and replied, "Every night, my mom would come in my bedroom to tuck me in and would say, "Snug...as a bug...in a rug". They all giggled, but I saw them seriously think about it. They started asking if my parents were still married and how long they had been married. We started talking about temples and then they asked what it was that they were feeling. They felt the Holy Ghost. =) I took them out to the statue of Joseph Smith and the First Vision and was able to give his account of the Sacred Grove (for the first time to REAL people!!!) They started tearing up and  I felt the Spirit like thunder in my heart.
I. LOVE. being a missionary. When I was set apart, I received the authority to teach the Gospel. Because I am obedient, I have power to teach. Because I am worthy and willing, Heavenly Father allows people to feel the Spirit. I know that the Spirit converts people and teaches. Heavenly Father brings them to Nauvoo PREPARED. Every day, my testimony grows stronger of Heavenly Father's perfect plan for us. My experience with learning the demonstration and info in the Print Shop was powerful for me. I rely heavily upon the Spirit to help me learn everything and be able to use that knowledge. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father is allowing me to be a missionary. I am so happy and ready to work.
Sister Coyne is awesome. She is so humble, kind, and full of experience. She had a rough time in Montana, but she has a strong testimony and we've had many tender experiences together. All the I wanted in a trainer was someone that would love me. She teaches me so much every day, just in our companionship study, time that we exercise, and in the evening as we pillow talk. I really don't see her a lot during the day because we are in different sites, etc. I love having her as my companion and this transfer will actually be the longest of the summer, so I'm really excited to have her.
I know that Heavenly Father hears our prayers. They do not stop at the ceiling. Heavenly Father will answer them when the time is right and in the way that He knows we truly need. He is perfect and He knows us perfectly. My relationship with Him is growing so strong, as I rely-every minute of every day- on Him to help me find my brothers and sisters that are prepared to receive the Gospel. I know that he is aware of me. And I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. He is your Savior. He is the Redeemer of all mankind. He loves us and is waiting with open arms for us to finally realize that He can make our burdens light-not matter what we are going through. I know that with all of my heart. He has made me capable of learning all of the history, the outline, the gospel lessons, and everything else that I am required to do as a missionary. But the load is light because of Christ. Let Him be part of your life. When you completely trust Him, you will experience joy greater than you can comprehend.
Thank you so much for your love and support. I find so much strength from the people that I love back home. Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven!!!!!!
Sister Heather Ripp
P.S. I included some pictures from my mission, thus far. Most are from the MTC and include my district and zone. The last few are traveling to Nauvoo and in Nauvoo.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's First Letter from Nauvoo, April 6, 2012

Dear friends and family,
I am now a full blown Nauvoo sister missionary and I am LOVING IT!!!!!!!!!!!
When the MTC bus driver dropped us off at the Salt Lake Airport, he set loose a bunch of missionaries that were more than thrilled to be out in the real world. We went through security and quickly made friends with a small little family that was on their way to a wedding. The dad is was a returned missionary and seemed excited to see so many missionaries flying out. We talked to them for a few minutes and then we loaded onto the plane. Keep in mind that this same man was sitting about 2 rows behind all of us. I was sitting next to Sister Umphenour, and two sisters were sitting in the row next to us. Behind us, Sister Brown and Sister Zabetti were split, however. Within a few minutes, there were two gospel related conversations going on.

Sister Brown was right behind us and we could hear bits and pieces of the conversation. He started asking about the Book of Mormon and she was reading some of her favorite chapters to him. Sister Umphenour and I squealed with joy. We scooted close together and whispered a prayer, asking that this man would be able to feel the Spirit as Sister Brown talked to him. Over and across from us, Sister Zabetti was having a similar situation. She was talking about prayer and started teaching him about the origin of the Book of Mormon. So you can imagine that I was absolutely DYING to help. I whipped out my bag, which was packed full of pass-along cards, copies of the Book of Mormon, lesson pamphlets, and all. I had two different kinds of cards-one had the Savior in the America's picture on the front, and the other had a picture of a family.I said a quick prayer and decided which person needed which card. Without too much more thought, I waited until the men weren't looking and slipped a pass along card to both sisters...hahahaha (Keep in mind that the RM dad we met earlier was watching all of this from behind.) These two sisters talked about the gospel for two hours, as they continued to be asked questions. By the time they exited the plane, both had a pass-along card and I knew they had felt the Spirit. In the meantime, the other sisters had been teaching as well.
So I get off that plane, and I am fired up and ready to go. We were standing outside the restroom waiting and I started looking around the airport. There was a black man sitting next to his luggage. I said a quick prayer in my heart to know what I could say to him. I felt the Spirit prompt "families". My heart started pounding and I made a few awkward circles to the water fountain and back to my companion and back to the water fountain and back to my companion as I contemplated in my mind what in the world I was going to say when I walked over.

Before I knew what I was doing, I was sitting down by the man. I looked down and saw that he was holding a picture of his family. I started talking to him and asked about his family. I noticed that the sisters were ready to get going. I told him that his family could be together forever and gave him the pass along card with a picture of a family on it. He asked me if we had a church in Georgia because he wanted to know more. I told him about mormon.org and gave a few other details, then said I had to get going. He then asked me why I had come over and told him about families. I responded that I simply felt like he needed to hear what we believed about families and he said, "Thank you for doing that. I have actually been wondering why God would let my family end with death because I love them so much-it didn't seem right. I will find your church in my city and go."

I felt that rush of the Spirit. The Holy Ghost had simply told me to talk to him about families because Heavenly Father does have a perfect knowledge of each of us. That man needed to know that his family can be together forever if they are sealed in the temple and keep the promises that they make with Heavenly Father.
Shortly after, I met President Gilliland and his wife. I already love them. We picked up all of the missionaries that flew into St. Louis, loaded up a trailer with all of our luggage, and then went to dinner at the Golden Corral. Talk about spoiled missionaries. Considering the fact that I ate a banana for breakfast, air plane peanuts for lunch, and was eating dinner at 6:00 pm, I was one hungry lady. President Gilliland made a comment after the fourth plate was finished. :D haha I noticed one family that was in the same area as us kept watching us closely. While we were eating, they sang happy to birthday to one of the daughters. Toward the time that we were about to get going, I made my way over and asked who's birthday it was. The family seemed surprised that I was asking about birthdays and not preaching the Lord's Prayer or something. hahaha

The dad looked at me and asked, "Wait, Nun's can talk about things other than God?!" hahaha I started laughing and asked if he thought nuns were allowed to wear colors (I had a green cardigan on, and he said, "So are you a bad nun?" We all started laughing and the rest of his family seemed to open right up. Their daughter wanted to eat there for her 18th birthday, I asked if she was going to prom, etc. The dad still seemed shocked, "Did YOU go to prom in high school????" I started laughing and said I had. I took that opportunity to explain who I was and why I was serving a mission. They also received a pass along card as I had to leave. hahaha It makes me laugh to see how different people first view me as a missionary. I guess I'm just not a certified nun.
Since arriving in Nauvoo, we were able to go on a wagon ride and see the little town. We went to the temple with all 17 of us, sisters, and President and Sister Gilliland. The Nauvoo Temple is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! I received some pretty neat promptings from the Spirit while in the temple and everytime I go in the Celestial room of the temple, I am reminded how close to heaven we really are. I am reminded how grateful I am to be worthy to receive guidance from the Holy Ghost and also know that my own family can be together forever.
All the sisters live in one big house. So imagine 17 sister missionaries in one big house, four fridges, and cookies being delivered frequently from the senior couples. Oh yes, it is indeed a heaven on earth. The temple is a five minute walk from us, the fields and trees are green, the sunsets are beautiful, and I am set apart as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I truly am living my dream. I've got a dream... I 've got a dream.... =)
While in the temple, before being assigned a companion, I had a little conversation with Heavenly Father. I told Him what I (humbly) thought my strengths were and included full of faith, confident, motivated, and loving. I told Him that I wanted Him to help me grow and also be a good companion- I wanted to build someone up. I received the answer that Sister Coyne would be my companion. So that night at our meeting, President says, "Sister Ripplinger...and Sister Coyne."

In the morning, during companionship study, she started opening up about her outbound mission. She said, that unlike all of the other sisters who were returning to Nauvoo from outbound missions, that she had seen no baptisms and had gone through several difficult trials. She had kind of lost the fire, but she really wanted to get motivated again. We took that opportunity to set goals together. I asked her what I could do to help her and she responded, "I  want to gain more faith, I want to be more confident and able to talk to people with the Spirit, and I want to learn how to really love the people I teach."

I almost wanted to cry because I remembered what I had told the Lord my strengths were. EXACTLY what she said she wanted to gain. She told me, "While I was in my outbound in Montana, I was praying for months that I could have a good companion to train in Nauvoo. I needed someone to get me fired up again. You are an answer to my prayers, Sister Ripplinger."  And I wanted a trainer that would love and be able to teach me how to do everything I need to as a missionary in Nauvoo.

During our very first companionship study, we discovered that we were an answer to each other's prayers. We set goals together and I am so excited to be with her. She has so many strengths and she does so many things for me. This morning, I stumbled out of bed into the shower and came back to find two gifts sitting on my bed with a nice note from Sister Coyne. We had fun going through Wal-mart today and having many people stop us and ask if we were Mormon girls.

I'm loving all of the funny assumptions, the awkward avoidance situations when people completely change their route so they don't have to stand next to us in line, and all of the tender mercies where I can share the Gospel. We will soon receive our site assignments and I am totally ready to get going. I'm in the process of learning all 26 scripts with historical facts, memorizing four mission recitations, among other things. =) I feel the Holy Ghost burning like a fire inside of me as  I learn and prepare for the people that will come to Nauvoo. I love it here and I'm loving my life long dream. I am a MISSIONARY!!!!!!!!!! The Savior is by me every step of the way and He truly does have the power to make my burdens light. He is my best friend. I invite all of you to come to know Him more perfectly and let Him make your burdens light. He can do that if you will let Him. =)
I am so grateful for my friends and family! You are all wonderful!
Sister Heather Ripplinger

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's Third Email from the MTC on April 2, 2012

Hello family and friends!!!!!!!
I fly out on April 11th for Nauvoo!!!! Wooooohooooo!!!!!!! I report to the travel office at 6:00 am and will head to the airport. Family, I can call you from the airport if we have enough time. I'll write you a letter about those details, but YAY!!!!!! =)
This week was absolutely spectacular. I have so many experiences and not enough time to tell the stories. Between my weekly email, hand written letters, and my journal, hopefully I'll be able to keep up with everything! =)
To begin, I would like to share a few of funny "Elder Stories". There are many of them, but a few stand out above the rest. hahahaha So last Saturday night during personal study time, a few elders came wandering in front a different class. One was very eager to share his Doritios with me and he magically appeared at my side the next day when my zone went for our temple walk. This elder, we'll call him Elder Awkward, showed up as we were taking zone and district pictures. He approached me and asked if he could take a picture. "With just ME???" He nodded his head and handed his camera to a friend before I could respond. I awkwardly folded my arms as he scooted over next to me and pretended to put his arm around me. That alone was awkward as my whole zone and his friends watched us take our little picture in front of the temple..... Monday night, we were having a really deep, spiritual teaching experience in class. Our teachers were talking with Elder Niupalau as though he were an investigator, and the demonstration got a lot deeper than anticipated. So in the meantime, someone keeps knocking on our classroom door. No one answers it because we are all so into the moment. After twenty minutes of this random knocking on the door, one of the other teachers comes in and summons for me to come out. In my mind, I panicked and thought maybe I had missed one of my leadership training meetings or choir practice or something. I jump up out of my seat, kind of disoriented and confused because I was so into the classroom experience. The one teacher directs me into another classroom where there are two guys waiting. I didn't know if I was even allowed in a room alone with them, but the teacher told me to go on in...so I did. I quickly realized that one had a teacher's name tag and the other was Elder Awkward. The teacher shut the door and I just stared. What the heck? The teacher said, "I am sorry...I'll make this the least awkward as possible." THEN, the teacher turns around, moves over to the corner of the room, puts his head against the corner of the wall, and places his hands over his ears. ??????WHAT??????? Elder Awkward gulps and says, "Yesterday I did not act like a missionary. I took a picture with you in front of the temple and I told you you were gorgeous. And....I have had evil thoughts since then. I am sorry." What am I supposed to say to that?!?!?! I just stared at him. The teacher's body is shaking in the corner and he suddenly pulls his head out of the corner and says, "I'm sorry, this is just tooooo awkward. Let's go Elder." So they march out of the room and I am still in disbelief. What in the heck just happened?! Seriously THE most AWKWARD moment of my entire life. So I see that elder every single day and I try to hold back the laughter and awkwardness. Yeesh. It reminds me of when I went to Israel and Egypt and all of the Egyptian men wanted to take pictures with me because they mistook me for Shakira. Now it's the elders that mistake me for their future wives and take pictures in front of the temple. I learned a lesson from that experience. During the Sunday afternoon session of Conference, one of the elders kept leaning over and asking me where I was going to school after my mission, where I was from, etc.  I gave short answers, but apparently not short enough. Before leaving after the session, he leaned over again and told me, "In the most innocent and non-flirtacious way, you are goregous." Thank goodness I'm going to Nauvoo, which is the land free from young elders. Halleluiah. I know Heavenly Father really does love me.   =)
So.... on a less awkward note..... the rest of the week and the entire majority of the week was absolutely SPECTACULAR. I was incredibly busy. Sometimes we had three practices a day for the Conference Choir. I also had leadership training meetings and other responsiblities. It was kind of a demanding and slightly more stressful week, but that's what made it so awesome. I pushed hard through the week and gave it all I had. Saturday morning, it was all worth it.The Conference choir met at 9:00 am and drove to Salt Lake on seven huge travel buses. We were spoiled with lots of treats and things to keep us happy. =) Singing in the Conference Center truly was a once in a lifetime experience, and being a missionary in the Missionary Choir is even MORE rare. I LOVE THAT EXPERIENCE. I was able to sit 25 feet behind the speakers and see the world from their side of the the building. Watching their tiny little bodies speak out to thousands of people, in the Conference Center alone, and to thousands and thousands throughout the world was so humbling. They are inspired and they speak by the Spirit. When President Monson walked in, I felt a rush of the Spirit. He is our latter-day prophet, called of God. I will never forget when we stood up and sang the closing song, "Priase to the Man". As the song built, I looked up into the crowd, into the bright lights from above us. I am part of the Lord's Army!!!!!! Simply unable to describe the feelings I had.
I mentioned earlier Elder Niupalau and our teachers in the classroom experience. THAT was an experience I will never forget. So our two teachers sat down with him as though he were an investigator. They were trying to show that it really is essential to teach by the Spirit. So the two teachers left the room, and Elder Niupalau was supposed to choose something he's worried about. Based on a few little comments I've heard him subtly make before, I knew that he was concerned about his parents, but I had no idea the depth. He did choose to have his relationship with his parents as his concern. The teachers came back in 5 minutes later and started with a prayer. Within two minutes, Sister Stapley said, "I feel impressed to tell you that your parents love you. Even though you don't always see eye to eye. She nailed it based on the promptings of the Spirit. Things quickly escalated from that. They started getting down to his soul. He began to express some VERY bitter feelings, and I dare say hatred toward his parents. I don't understand the extent of what happened during his childhood, but he is VERY bitter. The Spirit was burning so strongly in the room. I could feel it shaking inside of me. But Elder N couldn't feel it. He directly said, "Aren't you both supposed to help me?! If you ARE trying to help me, how come I can't feel whatever it is that YOU both are feeling???!!!" He was getting really worked up and I could feel the tension in the room. They were trying to help him, but his walls were going up and he was so frustrated. As everything was happening, I had so many thoughts running through my head. Suddenly, a flood of thoughts came back from when I was in the Garden of Gethsemane nearly a year ago. I remember Brother Lund talking about forgiveness. After the teaching experience was over, and after I returned from my awkward elder experience, I was wondering how I could help him. The teachers provided that opportunity. They asked if anyone in the room had thoughts they'd like to share or felt prompted to say anything. I did. I quickly raised my hand and before I knew what I was saying, I started teaching him what Brother Lund had taught me. When the Savior was hanging on the cross, after he suffered in Gethsemane and right before He died, he said, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do." Your parents and family members don't know that they hurt you so badly. You can't hold all of those feelings against them because they have no idea how deeply they hurt you or how badly they scarred you. You can forgive them because the Savior forgave the people that killed Him. You need to write a letter to your self, expressing all of the things that hurt you and that you hold against your parents. Get it all out on the table in that letter. Then go burry it in the ground. When you burry that letter, leave everything in the ground and NEVER go dig that letter up. Let the Savior take those burdens from you. Then write a letter to your parents and do not say anything about what they've done to you. Just ask for their forgiveness and tell them that you love them. Let the Savior heal your relationship with them. Let the Savior take His place in your life."
Elder Niupalau felt the Spirit and he wrote those letters.  I will always remember that experience. My invitation to everyone that reads this is to let the Savior heal you. If there are hard feelings against anyone, that you should love and you don't, let it go. Do whatever it takes-even writing a letter to the dirt. Free yourself from the unnecessary burdens you are carrying. I know that Christ can heal us because I've personally experienced that healing process. Trust Him. He loves you.
I love all of you SOOOOO much. I am so grateful for my family. Everytime I pray, I thank Heavenly Father for my family and friends. I am so grateful that serving a mission is part of Heavenly Father's plan for me. I loved singing in Conference, I love learning about the Gospel, and I love the Gospel.
Sister Heather Ripplinger