"Charity Never Faileth"

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's Letter May 10, 2012

Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 11:33 AM
Subject: Nauvoo Bliss

Dear friends and family,

This week was SOOOOOOO awesome! I have so many miracles to share and as I think about each one, I have to look at my name tag and realize that I AM A REAL, DEAL MISSIONARY!!!!!! These things are really happening!!! =) How great is my joy! Yay!

First, I would like to talk about Sister Coyne. Charity never faileth. The last few weeks were pretty tricky because she is one tough cookie. All of her walls were up and I was really having a hard time melting those walls down. There was just distance between us, figuratively speaking. I knew that she was struggling, but she wouldn't open up her heart. Finally, last week, as we were finishing up planning on Thursday night, I asked if she was doing ok. She replied, "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. You need to get ready for bed." I looked her straight in the eyes and from the bottom of my heart said, "Sister Coyne, NOTHING is more important to me than YOU right now." Tears began streaming down her face and the walls came down. We sat on the floor in our bedroom for two hours that night as we talked about what was going on in her heart. I was sitting with my back against the bed and she laid down and put her head on my lap. Poor Sister Coyne. One problem that I discovered was that she has been taking medicine for the last three years, but ran out of it a few weeks ago, so she just stopped taking it!!! She had a rough life growing up and she never felt like her companions loved her. She said, "You are the first person that has ever taken the time to listen. I can tell that you really do love me." Since then, it has been like a completely different companionship. 

When we're driving along, we turn up this funny, bouncy version of "There's Sunshine in My Soul Today", and Sister Coyne looks like the happiest missionary on the earth as she's grooving along in the driver's seat. =) Oh, it just makes me so happy. She pours a glass of milk for me each night, she shares her headbands and jewelry, she compliments and loves me... I share my peanut butter with her as we plan and try to help her recognize just how divine and wonderful she is. The other night, we were trying to fall asleep, but talking way too much to do so. haha As we giggled and told stories and talked about everything, I was laying in my bed on the other side of the room with a huge grin on my face. THIS was the companionship that I had to keep envisioning over the last few weeks. I've gained a testimony that when you strive to see others as their best, and treat them like so, they start to catch that vision. She's volunteering to offer the prayer in meetings, setting high goals, and always looking out for me. I seriously cannot express the sheer JOY that I feel. I love Sister Coyne. We went to this cool bridge earlier this morning and both went adventuring underneath to get cool pictures, laughing and trying to avoid splashing in the creek. It was SO GREAT!!!!!

There is a girl named Kaylee that lives in Nauvoo. She is almost 17 years old and raised in a Catholic household. Heavenly Father helped her find the Visitor's Center last year and make friends with some of the sisters and performing missionaries. This year, when we all arrived, I felt kind of out of the loop like I had missed out on that friendship just because of the situation. I stayed a little distant, but the Spirit told me that I needed to soften my heart. I finally told Heavenly Father that I was willing to do whatever I was supposed to with Kaylee. The very next morning, she came in and I could tell she had a lot on her mind. We sat down in two chairs in the Visitor's Center and she started talking. The Spirit prompted questions that I should ask and Kaylee started to recognize what she really knew to be true. She wants to be baptized, but she feels like she needs to wait until she's 18 because of her mom. We had a really good talk. I was kind of surprised because all of the second summer sisters said that she always avoided commitments and talking about becoming a member. Out of nowhere, the Spirit prompted me to ask, "Have you ever thought about receiving a Priesthood blessing?" She looked surprised and answered, "Yes, I actually have..." I asked if she would like one and that one of my favorite senior elders was around in the VS. She AGREED!!!!! In the blessing, I had the distinct impression that she will be baptized and she will have a few experiences soon that will prepare her. Kaylee doesn't know it, but SHE is an answer to MY prayers. I have been praying that I can see baptisms from Nauvoo. I don't know if it will be this summer or next summer, but it is going to happen. =)

I had the opportunity to serve in the Cultural Hall (a historic site) and I LOVED it!!!! I have been trying to envision what I feel like the Spirit is prompting me to do. I am trying to be in tune with the Spirit enough that I can feel the angels around me. In the top floor of the Cultural Hall, there is a big dance floor with beautiful windows at the end of the room. It's the original floor from the 1800's and I could just imagine the couples like Joseph and Emma waltzing around. I went up and said a little prayer, then I started waltzing around in my pioneer dress with a huge smile on my face. I could just imagine wearing some pretty gown and swirling around. I felt like a few of my ancestors were were getting a kick out of that. Awww. I love Nauvoo!!!! 

A young man came into the VC and somehow, Sister Dransfield and I ended up in front of the Christus with him. He had been in a terrible car accident a few months ago and barely survived. He was in the ICU for several weeks. He said in the hospital, he had a dream that Jesus gave him a second chance at life because he was supposed to serve a mission and get married in the temple. We slowly discovered that he had been a drug addict, an alcoholic, and had several tattoos. He had gone to talk with his bishop and can go on a mission in about a year from now. I could tell there was a lot more deep down in his heart, though. As we kept talking, in total sincerity, he asked, "Why would Jesus give ME a second chance?" Sister D and I were able to testify of the Atonement and I shared the story about Alma the Younger. He didn't remember ever hearing it before. A man really can be changed from someone against the church to becoming one of the best missionaries ever. "You mean that I could be a really good missionary someday? Could I be as good as both of you?"  When we allow the Atonement to heal us, our hearts are changed and we become sanctified and pure. We had a really good visit with him and at the end he said, "This has been one of the best days of my life. Thank you." 

On Sunday, I fasted that I could be more in tune with the Spirit and  I fasted about receiving referrals. About helping people continue learning about the gospel and receiving all of the blessings. A young adult group from Utah came to Nauvoo and a VERY unexpected miracle came about. 
First, I have to reflect back to when I was 15 or 16 years old. I started having dreams that I was teaching the gospel to people with black skin. I always imagined we were somewhere in Africa. But when I got my call to Nauvoo, I thought, "Wow.... Heavenly Father, how could I have been SO WRONG??? Nauvoo is where all of the members of the church come and it is probably the safest, non-threatening, and pampered mission in the world." Well, let me shed a little light on the situation. From the Call Center upstairs in the VC, we can call individuals that have been referred and we can call all over the world, if by some miracle we got a foreign referral. We can teach those individuals over the phone until the local missionaries can get there. In some cases, if it was in an area where missionaries were not located, we could teach them to baptism and then the missionaries could go baptize them. But how in the world do you get referrals for a place like Africa???? Let me tell you.

A young lady that had been baptized three months ago came with that Utah young adult group. She had dark skin...kind of looked African, but I figured she had been adopted and raised in America or something. As we started sharing spiritual experiences, she was asking about sister missionaries because she wants to serve a mission. Suddenly, the Spirit struck like lightning in my heart. "Wait, where are you from?" She responded, "Oh! I am from Cameroon, Africa! I am just going to school here for a while." WHAT?!?!?!?! She started explaining, "I wish I could be a missionary in my country because the missionaries will never find all of my friends that would so like the Church." AHHHHH!!!!! I quickly explained that I can contact missionaries ALL OVER THE WORLD and send missionaries straight to her friends. Her eyes lit up and my heart jumped with joy. WOW. The Heavenly Father slowed time down for a second and as I looked into her eyes, those 16 year old dreams flashed through my mind. I tried to remember the faces I saw and they had beautiful, black skin, just like her. They had the same hair and big, brown eyes. They were from Africa. She referred 12 or 13 friends. I get to call them tonight and help them find the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Who knows what will lead from this one encounter of Sister Ripplinger and Tecinia in the Nauvoo Visitor's Center. Well, Heavenly Father does and He's had it planned for a loooong time and has been preparing our paths to meet. I am going to teach people in Cameroon Africa.

Heavenly Father is PERFECT. We just need to trust Him. He has a perfect plan for us and it is so much better than we could have ever imagined or hoped for. Trust Him. Jesus Christ and the Atonement are the way that we can reach our full potential. The most powerful Being in the universe is the FATHER of OUR SPIRIT. Jesus Christ is our BROTHER and the way has been provided. Do all that you can to follow diligently and have courage. Look at people and see them for what they can become. Pray to Heavenly Father that you can have the Spirit and be able to see them as He does. Charity never faileth. Just LOVE and miracles will happen. Take your love to your loved ones and your frustrations to the Lord. BE HAPPY!!!!!!! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is restored to the earth. We don't have to live in darkness. As we become more like Christ, joy will penetrate our souls and we will be so eternally and blissfully HAPPY-even in times of trial.

I am so grateful for all of the good people that have influenced me throughout my entire life. Thank you for all of your love and support!!!!!!

Sister Heather Ripplinger


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