"Charity Never Faileth"

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Letter, May 17, 2012

Family and Friends:

We keep thinking we will get through one of these letters without crying, but it doesn't happen.  Our sweet Heather soaks up every inch of Nauvoo.  Our Driggs friends know who Cruizer is, for the rest of you, he was Heather's beautiful Palimino horse that she did 4-H and horse shows with.  They used to run across the fields across from our home, in the summer, bare back and running full speed, his pretty yellow mane and tail matched her pony tail.

Heather's P-day must have changed to Thursdays.  Enjoy!

Blaine and Nikki

Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 10:33 AM
Subject: Prepared and Perfect

My family and friends,

So many miracles have been happening!!!! Friday morning, I was serving in the Lucy Mack Smith Home and I was deep in thought. I was talking with Heavenly Father and trying to listen to the Spirit. I felt like I needed to refer someone from back home. I left this person with a Book of Mormon and the lesson pamphlets, along with a letter. So, with pure faith, I wrote down her name and information. Then, prayerfully, I decided on which sister to give the card to... Sister Cook is going to call one of my precious friends back home and whether she agrees to meet with missionaries or not, I was determined to be obedient. Shortly thereafter, the miracles came.

A couple came into the house and throughout the tour, several items came to my attention that were no coincidence. The man LOVES family history, teaches it in St. Louis, and just returned from a trip to the Salt Lake Family History Center. He had Mormon ancestors in Nauvoo and was curious. Of ALL the places to stop in Nauvoo, they showed up in Lucy Mack Smith's home first. What are the odds? As we visited more, I discovered that the woman was a Jew and she had some bitter feelings against the Church because of the Hollocaust names that were taken to the temple. (In my family history class last semester at BYU, they placed a huge emphasis that we only do family names now.) Sister Brooks came back from the other tour and started talking with us. I kept looking at her to see if she felt anything, because from the beginning of meeting this couple, I felt like I needed to offer a copy of the Book of Mormon, but when I discovered the bitter feelings of this woman, I was hesitant. Sister Brooks looked at me like she felt the same thing, but I just didn't know what to do. The couple walked out the door, but left their car parked right by the house, then walked down the street. We closed the door and immediately started pouring over thoughts. I offered a prayer and what I said kind of shocked me. I said amen, and Sister Brooks jumped to her feet, grabbed a copy of the Book of Mormon and a Family Proclammation, then said, "We need to sit outside on the benches to wait. I picked up my scriptures and we went outside. We waited an hour and I was confident that they would be back before we left, but I had a feeling things would not go as we expected. I was blankly staring at my open scriptures because I was thinking about what we needed to say. I refocused in on my scriptures, and I realized that Nephi was saying that he has charity for the Jews because he IS a Jew!!!! The thoughts started coming quickly and Sister Brooks and I started talking about what we felt. The woman is Jewish... the Book of Mormon starts off with this family that left Jerusalem... the man loves family history and connecting his family lines... oh wow!!! The couple came into view and my heart started pounding. All the sudden this other car pulls up and a family jumps out that wants a tour!!!!! Come on Satan, give me a break! I jump up and tell Sister Brooks that she should wait for that couple. I felt like she had something that they needed to hear. So I took the tour (probably the most speedy tour that family has been on yet) and then with the most convincing look of poise, I walked over with Sister Brooks as the couple arrived at the car door. The woman was very anxious to leave and jumped immediately in the car. The man, however, came straight to us. We had the most quick and intense conversation as the wife yelled at him to get in the car. She was one angry woman! The man listened to us intently and we asked, "Would you like a copy of the Book of Mormon?" A huge grin split across his face. "My mother gave me a copy years ago as a young boy. I have been looking for it over the last several years. I WOULD LOVE ONE." He hopped in the car and little did he know that in the book was a copy of the Family Proclammation, a pass along card, a referral card, and a picture of the Savior. Sister Brooks and I waited until the car pulled out of site, then we collapsed on the bench. WEW!!!!!  =)

The next day, I had a really good feeling- someone would come in that was prepared. Rather suddenly and early in the morning, these two men walk in the door. Immediately, they start asking questions about the temple. Sister Coyne and I actually were together for this tour (usually I am flying solo on these tours). This was an answer to my prayers because over the last weeks, I have been praying intently that I could have good experiences teaching with Sister Coyne. The men started asking really good questions. "So your temples are like the ones in the Bibles?" One question led into another good question and soon Bill asked, "So if you are the restored church of Christ, you have apostles, right?" We said yes and he seemed flabbergasted. WE took him over to the display of the apostles and prophet. They listened to the testimony of President Monson, in which he talked about the Book of Mormon. Bill started asking more questions about continuing revelation and General Conference, etc. I explained how the Book of Mormon came to be and he responded, "Well if I'm going to know that the book is true, I am going to have to ask God myself and ask HIM if it is true!" I had to refrain from bursting into a huge smile. I asked if he would like to have missionaries bring him a copy of the Book of Mormon and they could explain further about everything. HE AGREED!!!! He quickly filled out the referral card and asked how long it would take for the missionaries to get there. He left with a beaming glow and I smiled at Sister Coyne. We went into the Conference room by ourselves and had a great big high five!!!!! This was the first time we were together and received a referral!!!! YAY!!!!! I prayed for a long time that night. My prayers had been answered and I only have one more week with Sister Coyne in this transfer. 

Mother's Day was WONDERFUL!!!! It was so good to visit with my family and I am SOOO proud of the people that I am sealed to for time and eternity!!! I feel so much strength inside of me because of my family. That evening, all of the young sisters and I went to visit Sister Gilliland. We all gathered around the piano and sang songs together. It reminded me so much of being at home when I would play the piano and all of my family would gather around and sing. I LOVED IT!!!! 

Next week is the fireside that the young sisters are in charge of. Sister Cook is in charge of it all and she has done a GREAT job in planning. All of us are singing a few numbers together, there are a few special numbers, and a few speakers in between. I was asked to speak and have been pondering a lot about what I should say. All of the missionaries in Nauvoo come and it is open to the public. Also, I was asked to accompany Sister Zibetti and Sister Streeter as they sing "Be Still My Soul". The song is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. However, the piano part is really challenging. It has four key changes and moves around a lot. I have to make the most of the hour I get to practice each week and I'm praying that somehow it will work. =) The Sisters have gorgeous voices and I'm really excited for it!!! 

I absolutely LOVE the senior couples here. There's a buzz in town about these cool necklaces that all of the senior sisters are making.... well... you would never believe this, but I got "hooked" on it, too. =) haha It reminds me of home and Sister Sims was so nice to teach me how to make them. The crocheting skills are being revived! During our 5 minute car rides to and from our sites and the VC, I work as quickly as I can and I've made 5 of those darn necklaces. I guess it's part of being initiated as a missionary in Nauvoo. =) 
The Terry's are temple missionaries that Sister Coyne and I made friends with. Last prep day, we went over and played "Mormon Mad Gab" and we were laughing and having a good time together. I love them!!! I'm trying to figure out how I can weasel my way into convincing one of the teamster elders that he could steal a draft horse for me to ride on preparation day, but... odds are not looking good since it's against the rules to ride horses as a missionary. =) One can only dream about such things as a missionary! I often look out the window and see the beautiful green fields and dream about Cruizer and racing across fields as fast as we could go. Nauvoo is SO beautiful!!! We drive past the temple every day and I love it!!!! 

I LOVE being a missionary!!!!!!!!! I love running with some of the sisters in the morning. I love learning about the people of Nauvoo. I love the visitors that come here. I love the missionaries. I love my companion. I love feeling the Spirit in news ways. I love studying the gospel, falling into bed at night with a content and exhausted heart... Sister Coyne tells me that I bear my testimony in my sleep and teach about gospel principles. One night I was talking to someone about the importance of family history and how it relates to the Plan of Salvation... the next day, Sister Coyne said she used my speech with someone she actually talked to in the VC. Oh, it's a good life. =) 

I love you all!!!!!!! I am SO grateful for the righteous influences in my life! Remember that the Savior and His Atonement give us the strength we need. The Atonement enables us to perform at the level that we were designed to. The most powerful Being in the universe is the FATHER of our SPIRITS!!!! 

Sister Heather Ripplinger

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