"Charity Never Faileth"

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Letter, July 31, 2012

Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 2:19 PM
Subject: Once Upon a Time

My Friends and family,

This week was simply amazing!!!!!! Just when I think it can't get any better and I couldn't be more happy, the blessings keep on pouring down. I feel so humble and truly grateful for this time in Nauvoo and that I am blessed to be with Sister Umphenour. Even if we aren't right next to each other, I receive so much strength and motivation from her. She is a hard worker and I LOVE her. This week, we had some neat experiences together and we both had our own little experiences that were miraculous. Sometimes I feel like we're living in a fairy tale, but really it is just a dream come true. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY. 

So last Friday, this young man and his parents came into the Visitor's Center. He was about 6' 5", had curly hair, and was extremely fidgety. His parents informed us that they both believed in Yoga. When they said, "We believe in Yoga", I thought they said that they believe in Yoda. bahaha As we went through a tour in the VC, the mom started making connections between the Mormons' beliefs and their beliefs. The young guy was looking around and seemed off in his own little world, but he stayed close by. We taught about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith and the mom kept on connecting beliefs. Toward the end of the tour, Sister Umphenour and I were looking at each other and weren't sure what to do. It was kind of a weird situation, they had made it clear they had their own beliefs, the son was wandering around and we weren't sure if he had listened to anything we said... so it was just kind of a weird ending, but I felt like maybe the son had actually listened as he was wandering. They wanted to look around the Women's Garden, so we just let them go, then got together and asked what we thought we should do. I told Sister Umphenour that I felt like we should offer the son a Book of Mormon, but didn't know how to go back into the conversation. Right then, the son walks around the corner and comes back to us. He asked if we had anything else we thought we might want to share with him. Say no more! I asked if he would like a copy of the Book of Mormon, he said yes, he filled out a referral card, and he said he really enjoyed learning about the prophets in the Americas and about Joseph Smith. He thought it was neat there were more prophets. I guess he was kind of listening, after all! Almost as quickly as he came back, he was gone again. Elders get to go teach him!!!!! YAY!!!! =)

I was serving in the Log School and this big, happy, laughing family comes in. The senior sister I was serving with seemed somewhat unhappy with their entrance, but I was kind of excited. YAY! It's a big, happy family!!!! As we got into the tour, I pulled out the flash cards with words that are mispelled from the 1800's and they try to guess what they say. I figured I may as well have fun, so I was teasing them a little bit. =) They reminded me a lot of my Ripplinger extended family.  At the end of the tour, I felt like I should tie in the Book of Mormon with the learning theme. I had hardly mentioned it, when one guy raises his hand. He wanted to know what exactly the Book of Mormon was and where it came from. I started explaining and they were nodding their heads and asked a few more questions. At that point, the next tour was waiting to come in, so I stepped outside with them and they kept asking questions. They loved hearing about the temple. Some of them had gone through the open house ten years ago! I was able to testify to this great big, extended family and several of them filled out referral cards because they wanted to have missionaries come teach them!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! 

At Pageant grounds that night, I was walking over toward the seating area with Sister Umphenour, and as usual, we decided we would divide to conquer. The first person I notice is a 70 year old man sitting with an umbrella over his head. (It was raining) =) Sometimes it is hard to know which person I need to talk to when there are a hundred people milling around, but I knew he was the one. I sat down and started talking. He's been to Jackson and LOVED it. He thinks it is one of the prettiest places on Earth. He started asking questions about the Mormons and his wife came back with her own umbrella. She sat down and jumped right into the conversation with questions, as well. We had a really, really nice talk. I got a kick because in the Pageant, there is a man who wants to learn about the Church and the Book of Mormon, but he doesn't want anyone to know that he's curious. They were acting like him. =) Darlene asked me, "So if one wanted to...join your church, how would they go about doing that??" I smiled a great, big smile and told her that if a person were to want to join the church, they would need to have missionaries come visit them and teach them a few of the basic lessons about the Church, they would need to attend church a few weeks and make sure they met the Church standards before being baptized. She nodded her head as she took notes on a notebook!!!!! Then she asked where she might find missionaries and if there are any in Missouri where they are from. I had her right down their address and phone number and told her that missioanries would come right to them. She got a huge smile and she hugged her husband. "Honey! We will finally be able to join the Mormons!!!" As I walked away from that conversation, I wanted to close my eyes and pour a big glass of water on my head. I knew it was hot outside, but did that really just happen?? YEP!!!!! YAY!!!!!! =)

Sunday afternoon, Sister Umphenour and I were taking a tour with a man that was a little less than pleasant. As we tried to talk with him, he was just really grumpy and made us follow him around as he read the display signs. Then he told us he wanted us to show him around the Women's Garden. I didn't feel like it was going anywhere, but Sister Umphenour and I felt like maybe we should go. We walked around and tried really hard to make it a spiritual experience. As we were starting to walk back toward the VC, three young women and a mom passed us. When they said "hello", they watched us intently and kept watching us as we walked past. I felt like we needed to stop, but I didn't want to ditch the man we were with!!!! At the same moment, Sister Umphenour stops dead in her tracks and veers over toward the girls. Go Sister Umphenour!!!!! I knew I loved her! I walked with the man to the doors, said our good byes, and then I ran back over to the girls. The mom is a cast member in the Pageant, the two girls were helping with Pageant, and the other girl (who is not a member of the Church-Courtney) has helped with catering for Cast members for about four years now. They befriended each other and brought her to the VC. We took them on a tour through the Women's Garden and I could feel the Spirit. We talked about God's plan for each of us and how we have no limit to our potential. We tied in the Book of Mormon, as well. Courtney was participating in everything and totally soaking it up. At the end of the tour, we invited her to meet with the missionaries and she said YES!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! I loved that experience because the Lord led us to be in the right place at the right time. Sister Umphenour was inspired to stop and talk with them, everything worked out smoothly, and now this darling young lady (22 years old) is going to take the lessons and she's reading the Book of Mormon!!!! 

Same day in the Visitor's Center. Two old women named Ellen and Helen came in. They both were asking golden questions. Ellen said she believed that everyone needed to be baptized to go to heaven, but she knows several people that she loves who haven't been baptized, some of which have passed away already. We talked about proxy baptisms and she completely agreed with the idea. Sister Umphenour showed them the scripture in 1 Corinth 15 about baptisms for the dead. They were shocked and I felt the Spirit come. Then they asked if we believe in baptism by immersion. We do and they agreed because it seems like that is how Christ was baptized. Although I know they felt the Spirit, they weren't quite ready for missionaries. We thought they might come to the Sociable/fireside that night, so after the program, we looked for them. Sister Umphenour spotted them, and we quickly walked over to them. Long story short, we asked if they would like a CD of the music from the Pageant, Helen asked if the missionaries HAD to bring everything they wanted, we said they did, she said..."Oh you girls are persistent. =) Don't give up on me just yet. We'll be back for Pageant this week and maybe God will have convinced us by then." hahaha We were ok with that and felt it was right. They'll be back and I got a kick out of those two darling old ladies that are best friends with names that rhyme. =)

Monday morning, Sister Cook and I started to take a very sweet, sincere man and his two daughters on a tour. The girls are really young and I could just see sincerity in his eyes. We discovered that two missionaries had stopped at his door and left a Book of Mormon, while also mentioning that he should come to Nauvoo. So he came. We taught him the first lesson in front of the statue of the First Vision and explained the Book of Mormon. The Spirit was strong and we were able to testify of Christ and the Atonement. I could see that he was hurting inside. I later found out that his wife had left shortly after the youngest daughter was born. Sad... =( Sister Cook left for a few minutes with the little girls and I was able to talk to Thurman about repentance, baptism, and the Holy Ghost. He said that when the missionaries came to his door and while he was in the VC that it was like a whole different world. He felt peaceful and hopeful. I got his contact information and elders are meeting with them on Thursday!!!!!! =) I have a feeling he will be baptized within a few weeks. He is so pure, sincere, and seeking the truth. I love that little family.  

Alright, last miracle that I have time to write about and perhaps I should pinch myself. I'm still kind of in shock that this all happened. Yesterday, a lady named Joanna walks in with a man that introduces her to me, tells me that she's felt the Spirit, took one lesson from missionaries along the way on their road trip, and he doesn't know what to do now. Well I didn't know what to do either! haha I took her over by the First Vision statue. After a few moments of talking, she said that she just feels the Spirit so strongly. I asked her what the Spirit was telling her to do. She said she felt like she needed to be baptized. Without thinking too much, I pulled out my planner with the baptismal interview questions. I told her that in order to be baptized she would need to be living the Gospel standards and would need to attend Sacrament meeting at least a few times. She told me that she's been attending a Sacrament meeting over the last few weeks, she stopped drinking alcohol because she wants to be closer to God, and she has been reading the Book of Mormon. She doesn't smoke, drink coffee, or anything like that. She was paying "tithing" in her other church and believes it is good to thank God by giving ten percent. She has a solid belief in Christ and God. We went over all of the baptismal interview questions, talked about repentance in preparing for baptism, committing to God and herself on one other commandment. Her husband passed away a few years ago and she was just so amazing!!!!! I could feel the Spirit so strongly!!!!! I took her over by the Christus and we sat down. I asked what she remembered from her lesson about Joseph Smith and the First Vision. She believes the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that Joseph Smith is a prophet. So we read in 2 Nephi 31 about baptism and she had tears flooding down her face. I also told her about the blessings of the temple. We had a great big hug and just sat in silence. It was incredible. So .... she's on a road trip and isn't sure when she'll go home because she feels like she doesn't belong anywhere. I told her that she needs to pray and ask God what He wants her to do because she needs to get established somewhere in a ward. She and the man that she randomly met (who actually happens to be an excommunicated member) started walking up toward the temple and I ran up to President Gilliland to ask what I should do!!!! haha So I have Joanna's contact information and everything. They're in Nauvoo for a few days and I guess we'll figure out what to do now! Baptism in Alaska? Maybe she'll stay in Nauvoo for a while or go up to family in Minnesota. She'll have to figure a few things out before she can be baptized, but...still!!!!! It was so exciting!!!!! Last night I had a dream that she was baptized in the Mississippi River. =) haha 

I absolutely love being a representative of Jesus Christ. I love seeing people change for the better- seeing the hope in their eyes when they feel the Spirit. This has gotta be the good life. =)

Sister Heather Ripplinger

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Letter, July 25, 2012

My dear friends and family,

Every night I fall asleep with a smile on my face, I am so grateful to be a missionary, and I am so happy that Sister Umphenour is on the bunk bed below. Transfers took place on Thursday and we STAYED TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =) Words simply cannot explain how happy I am about that, but maybe those exclamation points will help you understand. =) I get to keep her at least until the end of August. She means so much to me and she's been there since my first hour in the MTC. We ate those well known MTC meals together, braved the early, frozen mornings with our elders to attend the Provo Temple, exercised so hard I could barely walk down stairs, emerged from the MTC on a dark morning to arrive the Salt Lake Airport and meet our Nauvoo family, and now we are experiencing the Nauvoo Pageant together, and continue to create memories that I will forever treasure. I LOVE HER. Hooray for the Umphinator!!! =) We served in Carthage on Sunday, after not serving there at all last transfer. We made a pizza and then the two of us squooshed on a cushy chair in the living room to study the outline for the tour of Carthage Jail. I feel like we're two peas in a pod. She continues to motivate me to work hard and we continue to find joy in the journey. Life is GOOD!!!!!! =)

This huge extended family group came from Mexico and they made me so happy! They were all happy and beaming as they gathered around the Christus. I ran over and asked if they would like me to take the picture, so they handed me about 15 cameras. =) As I was taking the pictures, I was teasing them a little bit. I would say, "Uno....dos..." and they would yell, "Tres!!!!" Later that evening, I saw them all on Pageant grounds. They ran over to me and asked me to take one more picture for them. I started counting "one...two..." and they yelled (in English), "Noooo!!!!! =) You need to count in Spanish because we don't understand English!!!" We all laughed and I just loved them. =)

Sister Umphenour had a really neat experience this week!!!! She was talking with two ladies from Mexico that aren't members of the Church. She only had a few minutes before they went into the theater to watch a movie, so we went up to eat lunch really quickly in between. We came down just in time and she took them over by the Christus. She was kneeling down in front of them, talking, and I was so incredibly proud. I love Sister Umphenour SO much. It made me so happy so see her down there having such a wonderful experience. She was beaming and I knew she was testifying. She came back with a huge grin on her face and quickly showed me a few referral cards that had just been filled with information. These two ladies had self referred and we may or may not have squealed out loud just a little bit. =) YAY!!!!!! 

I met a man named Bobbie and I couldn't figure him out at first. I came to find out that several years ago, his dad had taken the missionary lessons and chose to be baptized. Bobbie came into the picture right before the baptism, the missionaries told him that they'd baptize him the same day as his dad, THEN they would teach him the lessons....oh goodness. So Bobbie was baptized without taking the lessons, the missionaries never had anything to do with him, and he was pretty much forgotten. I sat down with him and started talking. He had no idea what the Book of Mormon was. He's never read the Bible. He didn't know who the golden guy on top of the temple was. I was able to explain a few of his questions and teach him about the First Vision and the Restoration before I had to leave for my next shift. He gave me his contact information and I am going to send some missionaries over to teach him the lessons. I am so grateful that we crossed paths. He came in wanting to watch the Restoration movie so he could learn about Joseph Smith and now he can actually be taught about the Restored Gospel. He had been lost for nearly TWENTY YEARS!!!!! 

I called Linda (the same lady I contacted at BYU Living Legends and said the prayer over the phone with) this week to check on her. She is meeting with the elders and progressing!!!! She came to Pageant and absolutely LOVED it. She was so excited that she would get a copy of the music on CD. We talked for a few minutes and she says that she feels something different with us Mormons, but she doesn't want to disappoint her parents, who were strong Baptists. We had a good talk and she said that she needs to follow the direction God is giving her, but it sure is hard. I was able to tell her about one of my relatives that converted to the Church in England and was disowned by her family (This would be Grandma Annie Irlam Wiseman). Linda responded, "That had to have been a pretty strong woman. Maybe I can be like her." I'm excited to see what happens!!!! I've been writing back and forth with her and she sent me a crocheted book mark. It made me soooo happy!!!! =) 

Dennis is making incredible progress, as well. He continues to make me work hard and think deeply. =) I can tell that he is soaking up the Gospel because he really thinks about things. He feels that God wants him to continue searching our beliefs and he feels peaceful. Something he had a lot of questions about was the Priesthood. I reviewed Joseph Smith receiving the Priesthoods and talked about the different Priesthood blessings that can be given, the authority to heal, comfort, seal couples in the temple, etc. I was able to share a personal experience and it was so neat to be able to feel the Spirit so strong. Dennis is increasing in faith and he's being converted. It makes me soooooo happy!!!!!!! It is so fulfilling to see him progressing! Woohoo!!!!

On Pageant grounds, I met a man from Brazil and he referred several friends from back home. THAT was exciting!!!! Now we just need to find someone that speaks Portuguese and can invite those people to meet with missionaries. =) Luckily, we just got a senior couple that are PERFECT for this. The Lord provides a way for His work to go forward!!!! 

I really love calling people over the phone for Pageant referrals. I've learned a lot of life lessons in the process of inviting these people to accept a CD with the music from Pageant and to meet with missionaries. =) One person will be completely grumpy and yell at me to never call them again. I write a big, fat "no" on the pageant card, and put it in the "no" pile. The next person I call squeals with joy and would LOVE to receive the CD and have missionaries. This particular woman said she had seen missionaries once, but was afraid to talk to them, so she let them slip away. She was overjoyed with the opportunity to have them come straight to her home and to also get a free CD of Mormon music!!!! She said she has thought about converting for years, but never saw missionaries again. One life lesson that seems very apparent and obvious is that we must be consistent and steady. Literally, one moment someone completely rejects the message of the Gospel and then next instant, someone else is practically hopping in the baptismal font. So- no matter what, I always want to be the happy, steady and sure, consistent, and dependable disciple of Christ that the Savior needs me to be. Hooray! =) I also recognize more and more that everyone is on a different part of the path that Heavenly Father has prepared. And it's ok. =) We just keep striving and progressing. 

I LOVE being a missionary. I love my precious companion. I love Nauvoo. I love sweating in the Nauvoo heat. Isn't it great to suffer for the Lord? =) haha I actually really like the humidity. This morning, I thought it was so nice outside!!!! As we were driving over to the temple around 9:00 am and I saw the temperature. 90 degrees. It feeeeels good!!!!! =)  I love going to the temple each week. LOOOOVE it. I can feel my testimony of the temple strengthening and deepening. This week, I've been studying the Book of Mormon edition of the Ensign from a while ago. It has been WONDERFUL. I love the Book of Mormon. I am just... quite simply....one extremely happy missionary and I love doing this work. 

Thank you for all of your love and support!!!! 
Sister Heather Ripplinger

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Letter July 19, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's beloved Sister Umphenhour

My dear friends and family,

This week was sooooooooooo AMAZING!!!!!!! Pageant is happening and the miracles are POURING down. As Sister Umphenour and I looked at our numbers for the last week, it was completely obvious that something was up. It is so NEAT to see how the Lord's hand is in this work. We just go, go, go all day and strive to follow the Spirit  and the miracles HAPPEN.

Last Saturday was a crazy day. There were tons of people in the Visitor's Center AND we had our "mini missionaries" with us. So like young men can go on "splits" with elders for a little while, we all had young women with us. They came from Iowa and all seemed super excited to be a missionary! It made me smile and made me very happy. It was quite the adventure because each missionary had two young women. At one point, my two companions and I were standing talking to two bikers that had come in. As soon as we started talking with these people who were obviously not members of the church and they started asking questions about the temple, two OTHER young women left their own missionary and joined OUR conversation. hahaha So there we were, FIVE "missionaries" all standing right in front of these two bikers. I'm sure it was a sight to see and the two bikers gave me a funny look. =) Well, I guess we all of us didn't look TOO intimidating because the biker couple wanted to learn more and agreed to have missionaries come to their home. MIRACLES HAPPEN. 

On the same day, just a few moments later, I noticed a man dressed in green (Dennis) standing by the display about Carthage Jail. Although there were tons of people milling around, it was as though he was the only person in the Visitor's Center. The Spirit was so strong and I didn't even notice anyone else around. My little companion, Sister Abel, and I went over and started talking with him. I immediately knew that he had a sincere heart and the Lord had prepared him. His eyes were deep and I knew he was searching for something. He had seen the Pageant the night before and had a few questions. We started talking about symbolism of baptism and what it means to us when....... this completely random guys pops into our conversation from out of no where!!!! I got the weird feeling and I knew he was an anit-Mormon guy. Then all the sudden, a member jumps into the conversation and says that he is a convert and can use the Bible to prove that Mormons are right. THOSE two start Bible bashing and my little comp looks at me like, "What the heck?! Where did they come from??" I wondered the same thing and said a quick prayer in my heart. Dennis leaned over and asked, "Do you mind if we leave this conversation?" Prayer answered. We were OUT of there!!!! I took him down by the Christus with a copy of the Bible and the Book of Mormon. We talked for about 20 minutes and I was able to testify of the Book of Mormon and of Joseph Smith. The Spirit was soooo strong! I asked if I could give him a call and follow up and he agreed! The next day I called him and I answered some questions he had. The conversation was reeeeally good. The next day I called him and taught him the Plan of Salvation. It was so awesome because he was actively engaged, I could testify, and the Spirit directed me in answering his questions. He has GOOD questions. This week during my personal study, I was pouring through the scriptures. I have never felt so anxiously engaged in finding scriptures in the Bible to work with the Book of Mormon. I have never used the Topical Guide or cross references so much. I LOVED searching like that. Dennis doesn't know it yet, but he is strengthening my testimony even more. He is a deep thinker and he makes me think deep..really deep. He's not the "simple and surface" kind of investigator. He knows the Bible, he has a strong belief in Christ, and he is going to be a really, really good member. =) I know that Heavenly Father is helping me soooo much. During my personal and companion study with Sister Umpenhour, the Spirit helps me know which questions to study...and then that night, Dennis will ask the very questions that I studied that day. That alone, is a miracle. It is so humbling because I know that Heavenly Father truly does know Dennis' heart. So by the second night that I had called him, he had read to 2 Nephi 23 and had a few questions. I was able to explain what the scriptures meant and he is soaking up the Book of Mormon. It is soooo exciting!!!!!! He says that God is telling him to keep learning more and it is all making sense to him. He frequently says, "I agree with everything you just said. Not many people believe that." The Church is true!!!!!!!!! =) I think next week I will have some really exciting news to share. =)

On the same day as the biker couple and Dennis, a member and her friend came into the Visitor's Center. The friend's name is Ashley and she was VERY interested in learning about the temple. She said that she LOVED the Pageant and loves the feeling of the Mormons. She wants missionaries to come to her home and teach her!!!! I STILL get so excited when people refer themselves and agree to have missionaries come!!! wooooohooo!!!!!

Another woman was wandering around the Book of Mormon display as we were about to walk out the doors of the VC to head home for dinner. I felt the Spirit tell me to offer her a Book of Mormon. I stopped in my tracks, asked Sister Umphenour to hang on just a second and I went over to her. I didn't talk for more than two minutes, offered her a copy of the Book of Mormon, she graciously accepted and said she had been wanting to read one for quite some time, accepted to have missionaries come to her home, and then we left!!!!!! I am always so humbled when things like that happen. The Spirit gives us so many promptings each day and it makes me wonder how many of them we miss. I am striving to listen very carefully to the promptings of the Spirit and to just act on them, without wondering. I'm so grateful that my companion is so patient and willing to wait when things like that happen, too. I feel so incredibly blessed!!!!

There was a daughter and her dad in the VC waiting for one of the performances. I started talking with the dad and discovered that he is long time farmer. We started talking about crops and little kids sitting on the tractor with their dad while he's bailing... =) It reminded me of when Derek would go out with Dad and fall asleep within five minutes. =) They were very warm and friendly. I needed to leave to go seat for the show, but before I left, I asked if they had ever met with the missionaries. His eyes lit up and asked if I meant those young men with white shirts and ties. I smiled and he accepted quickly. YAY!!!!!

So many miracles are happening. I'll try to keep you posted on everything. I also just have to say again... I LOVE SISTER UMPHENOUR. I LOVE, love, LOVE her. I feel like we're best friends. We work, we laugh, we run, we call, we sing.... we have ice cream or watermelon dates every night after we finish planning. She is just awesome. I can always count on her. Even if she has a bad experience with an anti-Mormon, she doesn't let it get her down, she keeps going and does so with a pleasant attitude. I appreciate her so much. Even if it is blazing hot on Pageant grounds, she just goes, goes, goes. Even if we get chigger bites, we just laugh and scratch, and keep going. She's a hard worker, she's steady and constant. I am forever grateful that I was able to be with her again. Transfers happen again tonight (which I cannot believe). This transfer flew by. Time flies when you're havin' fun. =) We'll see if we get to stay together. 

I LOVE being a missionary sooooooo much!!!!!!!! I know that this is the Lord's work and I am so grateful to be part of His army. I feel so humbled when these miracles take place. He is over all! I know that Heavenly Father is aware of us. He hears our prayers and He knows what we need. Jesus Christ is our Savior and it is through Him that we can accomplish all that is required of us. We are not alone. 

Sister Heather Ripplinger

Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sister Rippinger's Weekly Letter, July 12, 2012

 My dear friends and family,
I LOVE NAUVOO!!!!!!!!!!
The Nauvoo Pageant started this week and I feel like the pageant grounds are on fire with the Spirit. I LOVE being a missionary here!!!! There is a little pizza shop downtown that we like to go eat at. The owner gives missionaries a really good deal on pizza AND he even changes the music overheard while we are there. It changes from the modern, popular stuff to hymn arrangements. =) haha It makes me smile and I appreciate so much this man's effort to make us feel welcome. It's so cute!!!!
Little moments that make me laugh.... the performing elders sometimes leave their bags in the room where the sisters have training meetings. They squirm and blush as they wiggle past all of us to grab their bags. We all giggle as they squirm around. haha! Also, the other night, a few of us sisters were in my bedroom and we were taking funny picture on the bunkbed. I set the timer, darted as quickly as I could onto the top bunk, bounced right as the camera flashed, and went flying off the bed. Sister Cloward and Umphenour grabbed my legs just in time. So there we were- me hanging upside down, them holding onto my legs, and all of us laughing hysterically. Oh....life is sooo good!!!! =) This morning while Sister Umphenour and I were on the temple grounds, waiting for the other sisters to come out of the temple, we were sitting on a little bench in the shade by the flowers. Suddenly, the sprinklers came on. We were both out of there quicker than you can blink. There were people laughing at us as we high fived with big grins at our quick escape from getting sopping wet.
Miracles are happening all over the place and I am just so incredibly grateful for all of the wonderful experiences we are having. I love Sister Umphenour sooooo much and I am just treasuring up these moments. She motivates me to work harder than I know how to and I feel like I have a bright sunshine standing at my side when we talk with people. She is strength and she has power.
A few weeks ago, I had contacted a man named Don at the temple grounds. The missionaries in his area had followed up and then changed his online status to being dropped! I was shocked because he seemed so interested, so I gave him a phone call. I introduced myself and asked if he remembered me. He was very cordial and excited to talk, which surprised me. I asked if the missionaries had visited him and he said they had, but didn't come back again. His wife just had back surgery and he's been taking care of her. He was so friendly and nice, just like when I met him! I've been following up with him since, and things are going well. They are going to try and make it here for Pageant!
My dear friend, Linda, that I mentioned in my email last week, has been doing really well. I met her at the BYU Living Legends program when we were greeting. I called her on Friday and she seemed shocked to hear my voice. She said that their phone had been down for the last 24 hours, no one had come to repair it, and no calls had come through recently. She was surprised to hear the phone ring, picked it up, and when she realized it was me, said, "You must have a connection with God!!!" =) That little experience made me really happy.
I called one of the young ladies in Cameroon, Africa named Lea. (Laeticia, the girl that was studying in Utah for a few months, had referred several of her friends back home, and I've been working with three of the girls she referred). Teaching over the phone is somewhat difficult when it is with someone in Africa! haha Lea has a thick accent and there is a lot of static on the phone. HOWEVER, I absolutely LOVE this time with her. I'll keep you posted on more updates! =)
The Visitor's Center is getting more and more busy! I noticed a family walking around and felt like I should go over and talk to them. I had a temple pamphlet in hand. When the mom (Punam is her name) saw the picture of the temple in my hand, she gasped and asked if she could see the pamphlet. I taught a little about the temple and asked if she would like to know more. She said that she did and she also wanted to learn more about Joseph Smith. She wrote down her info!!! She was a very sweet lady and I could tell that they were a good family. They had beautiful, dark skin and I'm excited to see how things go with them. =)
I was standing by one of the entrances and a mom (Lori) and daughter came right over to me. Lori said, "We just HAVE to tell you something. My husband is not a member of the Church and he has been sitting by us talking about how much you "glow". And by the way, we LOVE your dress!!" We giggled and I asked more about her husband. He has met with several sets of missionaries, but always backs out when they get to the Word of Wisdom because they put pressure on him and say things that make him mad. Right then, he walked over toward us. I was excited to talk with him and I noticed tht he had cowoy boots on. Normally, I don't ask questions like this, but the first thing I asked was, "HEY!!! Do you like horses?!?!" He got a HUGE grin on his face and we started talking horse talk. He trained them when he was a young guy and LOVES running through the fields. Oh man, did we have things in common! =) We talked for a few minutes and they had to go into the theater for one of the shows, so I watched for them afterwards. They came out looking for me, which I was grateful for. We went down by the Christus statue and he said, "Hey! How did you know this is my favorite spot?!" We sat down and started talking about the temple. I didn't say much and he blurted out that he met ONE missionary in his whole time of meeting with missionaries that he thought could convert him and that he needed another one like that. I started asking questions and listening as he explained that this elder he had met only one, was on splits and came to their home. The Spirit that he brought was so strong that Richard thought it was the Savior, Himself. That comment gave me the chills. That missionary was so strong and pure that Richard recognized him as a represenative of Jesus Christ. Richard went on to explain how judgemental the ward members are of him, how unwelcome he feels, and how the missionaries in the past have said all the wrong things to make him retreat and defend himself. As I tried to understand him, I began to understand where he was coming from. His wife and two children were crying and I could feel the Spirit burning. At this point, I needed to leave for my next shift. I had hardly mentioned that I needed to get going, when he stood up and asked, "Wait, Sister! I need to know how to get hold of you again. You are the missionary that I've been waitin for all these years." I felt like the Spirit vibrated in my soul at that moment- the Spirit was so strong!!!! I got their contact information and I am so incredibly excited to follow up with this family. Lori gave me a great big hug while the others went to use the restroom and she just held onto me. She said, "Thank you. No one has ever done that before. He's never opened up like that before- EVER!!!" I felt a deep spiritual connection with their family. I love them!!!!  
I also had the opportunity to talk with Linda's husband. I was starting to feel a little concerned that I hadn't spoken with him at all, after developing such a good friendship with Linda. One morning when I called, Linda was asleep and I was able to talk with John for about 40 minutes. We had a great conversation and he recognizes how important families are in our church. They are both so precious and sweet. They are making progress and their faith is increasing!!!!!
There are several other little miracles that have been happening and I am sooooo grateful. I love Sister Dalton's talk from the General Young Women broadcast about sparkling like the crystals in the temple lights. The light shines on the crystals, and the crystals let the light shine through. As a missionary, I just make sure I am pure and clean, and then Christ's light can shine on everyone in the room. The Spirit touches the hearts of those people we talk with and helps them feel of the Savior's love, as well as the love of our Father in Heaven. We are a small part of their eternal conversion process and I see everyday that Heavenly Father has a plan for each and everyone of his children. I love being a missionary. SO. much. I love Sister Umphenour. I love Nauvoo. I love the temple. I love the Nauvoo Pageant and I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love my Father in Heaven and my Savior. I love my family. Men are that they might have joy...says the Book of Mormon! =)
I love all of you for your love and support. I truly am grateful for you. Let's build up the KINGDOM OF GOD!!!!!
Sister Heather Ripplinger

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Letter, July 5, 2012

Hey friends and family!!!

I know that this is a big statement, but I really, truly think that this week may have been the best week yet in my mission. It was sooooo wonderful. I am so humble and grateful for the many miracles and tender mercies that Heavenly Father blesses me with every single day. 

I am absolutely LOVING Sister Umphenour!!!! I loved her in the MTC and I still LOVE, love, LOVE her. =) We have little watermelon-eating dates every night, we have cleaning the car races to get the work done as quickly as possible because it is getting quite toasty outside, and I just feel so much strength from her when we are talking to people in Nauvoo. She is a powerhouse and she is a great strength in the Lord's work...AND we have FUN working hard!!!! Life is really good. =)

We were driving back from a service activity one night and drove past an old barn. I glanced over and saw a HUGE herd/flock/pack of raccoon peering out from the dark!!!! There were about TWENTY of them!!!! It was so cool because, usually, you only see one raccoon rummaging around by himself, but THIS time, there were TWENTY raccoons!!!!! =)

We were greeting for BYU Living Legends one night and a HUGE miracle happened. Sister Umphenour and I were passing out the programs and we both felt like we needed to divide and conquer. I looked toward the back of the crowd and saw a couple sitting by themselves. I felt like I needed to talk to them, so I walked over to give them a program and they immediately started asking me questions about my family, the Church's family values, temple sealings, etc. They also mentioned that they see missionaries all over the place (they're from this area). They mentioned that one night their car wouldn't start in the grocery store parking lot, two young elders stopped to help, they said a prayer, and the car started. The couple's faith has already been increasing, as well as their trust in the missionaries. So I asked if they had ever had the missionaries in their home and the man quickly said, "No." I felt like I didn't know what else to say, and I didn't want to push them, and the woman on stage was about to say the prayer...so I started to stand up as I said good-bye...and the woman, Linda, grabbed my arm. "My dear friend, I need you to pray for my family. I know that you are a servant of God." Her eyes were deep and suddenly, all of the family questions started to make sense.  I sat down next to her and she gave me a great big hug. I asked if I could get her phone number and give her a call later, and she quickly pulled out her program and started writing. The prayer was being said, so I closed my eyes. As I said "amen", I looked over and she had written down ALL of her information, including phone number, address, and everything. Then she said, "You are an answer to my prayers- you have given me hope that my family can be happy again. Thank you for coming and talking with us." I felt a deep spiritual connection with them and as I walked back to the VC with Sister Umphenour, I realized that Linda is a HUGE answer to MY prayers. She is such a sweet, sincere, and wonderful lady. 

I tried to contact Linda over the phone for a few days, but she never answered. I kept trying, and on Tuesday, the husband answered. He said that she had just walked in the door. I could hear shuffling and then she answered. I said, "Linda, this is Sister Ripplinger. Do you remember me?" I felt the Spirit as she started talking with me and she said that she had been praying that I would call that day. She was struggling and said she hadn't been able to sleep since our conversation before the show. She said she felt peace and she needed that peace in her life. She told me that I was God sent, and she wants to know what I know. "The Lord sent you to me for a reason, of that I am sure. You are just like Jesus." Over the phone, I was able to testify of Christ and teach her about the Book of Mormon. Through reading the scriptures, I find peace every single day and I find the guidance that I need. I can tell that she has a lot of faith in Christ and she wants to do the right thing. She told me that she studies the Bible regularly and she had some good questions. She wanted to know why I believe so strongly in the Book of Mormon, and I felt like I should read from 3 Ne 11 since she already has so much faith in Christ. As I read it, I could hear her sniffling a little and then she asked if she could say a prayer for me. I responded, "Right now??" =) I wasn't quite expecting that, but she went ahead and said a prayer. It was one of the most tender, little prayers that I have ever heard and it melted my heart. I could feel the Spirit so strongly as she thanked Heavenly Father for having me call when I did and for sharing my peace. I had little tears dropping down my face, too, and asked if I could say a prayer for her. As I said the prayer, I just soaked up the moment. This was one of the moments that makes everything worth it.I know that Heavenly Father has prepared her and she is simply amazing. I lover her!

This week I played the Christus narration in four different languages, including German, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and Korean! I LOVE the diversity!

Sometimes I feel like I'm in Idaho again. During the winter, we would wait to hear the phone call in the morning saying that school was cancelled because it was too cold! In Nauvoo, all of the teamsters wait to see if it is too hot and humid to take the wagon and carriage rides. hahaha I get a kick out of listening to them all relay temperature comparisons, etc. =)

There are so many opportunities each day to testify and there are so many miracles happening all the time. This week, one of the most special and tender experiences of my entire life took place. I don't necessarily think I want to write about it here, but it was one of those things that can never, ever be forgotten. I can testify that Heavenly Father knows the desires of our hearts. He knows us PERFECTLY and He knows what we need. He is MERCIFUL and I know that He loves me. I know that He loves all of His children and He wants to bless us. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and He gives me the strength that I need. The temple is a house of the Lord and I invite all to live worthy to attend the temple, and to go as frequently as possible. I LOVE being a missionary in Nauvoo!!!!!!!! 

Have a wonderful week!!!!!!!!  =)

Sister Ripplinger

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Sister Jardine Sent This to Parents, July 4, 2012

Brother and Sister Ripplinger,
I just had to take a minute to quickly thank you on behalf of the world, for raising the most magnificent daughter! I had the privilege of serving with her today in the Stoddard Tin Shop. She was absolutely delightful and such a spiritual strength, that I feel uplifted just being with her. That of course means that you as her parents must be amazing. I wish that you could see her work and watch as she gives “light,” to the people who come to Nauvoo. She was kind, thoughtful, and just sweet. I know how hard it is to have her away from you, but, we are all better for it. I will keep my eye on herJ
Sister Verlinda Jardine