"Charity Never Faileth"

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Sister Jardine Sent This to Parents, July 4, 2012

Brother and Sister Ripplinger,
I just had to take a minute to quickly thank you on behalf of the world, for raising the most magnificent daughter! I had the privilege of serving with her today in the Stoddard Tin Shop. She was absolutely delightful and such a spiritual strength, that I feel uplifted just being with her. That of course means that you as her parents must be amazing. I wish that you could see her work and watch as she gives “light,” to the people who come to Nauvoo. She was kind, thoughtful, and just sweet. I know how hard it is to have her away from you, but, we are all better for it. I will keep my eye on herJ
Sister Verlinda Jardine

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