"Charity Never Faileth"

Monday, December 24, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Letter, December 24, 2012

From: Heather Ripplinger <heather.ripplinger@myldsmail.net>
To: Nikki Ripplinger <bnripp@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 12:26 PM

Dear family and friends,

This week was really, really good and I am overwhelmed with gratitude. I am so grateful for all of you at home and I am so grateful for all of the ward members here. I truly feel the Spirit of Christmas and I am so grateful to be a missionary right now!!!!

P.S. Make sure you read the paragraph about the family history.....

There is a family in the ward that LOVES milk....and I love them for it. haha! Every time we go over there for dinner, we go through a full gallon of milk. (Between their two teenage boys and myself,  the milk goes quickly.) This week, for their Christmas present, I bought a gallon of milk, stuck a big bow on it, and then we snuck up to the door, rang the door bell, and ran away. They tried to find us, but we were hiding well enough that they couldn't figure out where we were. Of course, it was somewhat difficult to dart back to the car in our skirts, but we made it!!!! haha! 

We had a very interesting experience this week that I would like to share! One morning after our district had gone caroling at a senior living center, we all went out to different places to get lunch, and were planning on taking it back to the church to eat. Usually, we all drive in by a different side of the church, but this time Sister Nelson and I came in the other way. As we pulled in, we saw a woman who was hunched over in a ball on the curb. I felt like we needed to go talk with her, so we took our food into the church, then went back out to talk to her. As I walked up toward her, I asked if everything was ok. She looked up at me with huge alligator tears streaming down her face and said, "My son is gone. He died and he is....gone."  I sat down next to her on the curb and she just fell over into my lap and cried and cried. I could feel the Spirit really strongly and felt prompted to ask her if she would like a Priesthood blessing. I very briefly explained what it was and she anxiously accepted through her tears. (She is not a member of the church,  but said that she felt safe on the property and had been there for a few hours). We got the elders and they gave her a blessing. The blessing was very, very tender and the elder giving the blessing said some very profound things, even though he had no idea about her son. Sister Nelson and I sat there holding this woman's hands as she cried and the elders stood around us like protective brothers. They all had very concerned faces as she kept saying, "I don't want to do this anymore. I don't even want to live anymore." We talked with her and were able to testify of the Plan of Salvation. At one point, she said, "God doesn't even know me. Why should I even try to keep going?" I had her look into my eyes and I felt the Spirit really strongly as I said to her, "Heavenly Father does love you." It was one of those moments when the room was completely silent, we all got goosebumps, the Spirit pricked our hearts, and the feeling in the room was so strong. Her eyes were locked on mine as she responded, "I'm going to be ok. I thank God that you all found me and took time to help me. I can feel something powerful right now. I know that God loves me." I was so grateful that we didn't ignore the prompting to go talk to her. I could feel the Spirit burning inside of me and I know with all of my heart that Heavnly Father really does know us. 

While in Nauvoo, I bought this little plastic liahona that looks like the one in the pictures with Lehi and his family in the wilderness. I kind of, sort of LOVE it and brought it clear over to California with me. When we go to dinner with young families, I like to use it in our spiritual thought before we leave. Usually, I will ask the kids if they have ever gone camping. Their eyes light up and they tell us an exotic story about how they have and they even got lost once. They go on to tell how scared their parents were, but they knew that everything would be ok. After their awesome stories, I reach into my bag, say, "I bet that wouldn't have happened if you would have had.....THIS!!!!!" I quickly whip out the liahona, holding it up like it is the most prized possession in the world. The kids' eyes light up and little grins spread across their faces. But the best part is that the parents lean forward on their seats and sound, "oooooooooh!!!!" hahahahaha I love to see the responses of the parents. Typically they shout, "Wow! Look at that!!!!" or "Whoa!!!! That's a LIAHONA!!!!!" Everyone wants to take a turn holding it. Inside, it changes phrases like "Let the Holy Spirit guide" or "Follow the Prophet". It's pretty cool. Typically, I keep it in the drink holder in our car and all of the missionaries flip out when they see a liahona in our front seat. 

This week, we had our mission's Christmas Conference. We had a big, musical program first, then we did a service project. I accompanied Sister Nelson as she played the bassoon and we did "Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem." Then I accompanied four of our elders as they sang "Away in A Manger". All of the numbers were beautiful and it was so much fun to be surrounded by so many missionaries. I LOVED it. Then we went out to do a huge service project for the community. We all wore vests that said "Mormon Helping Hands" and it was soooo cool to see all of the missionaries digging in the bark, planting trees, etc. It was raining the whole time and it made it that much more fun. We were slipping around in the mud and shoveling the wet bark. Everyone was happy to be outside digging in the dirt. It was GREAT!!!! We got it done pretty quickly and then took a big, group picture of us all. I LOVE being a missionary. 

Something else that is SUPER COOL!!!!!! A man that we are teaching named Gerald, is a HUGE family history man. He is in his 60's and he is the president of a local group. We've been so worried about teaching him the gospel, that we took little interest in all of his family history stories. We finally slowed down enough to ask more about his family history and I felt the Spirit prompt me to ask about taking his family names to the temple. I wasn't sure how he would respond, but I felt like I should ask. His eyes lit up after I explained baptisms for the dead and temple work briefly. He immediately jumped up and went over to a pile of books and papers. He came back and unfolded a giant sheet of paper. It was a HUGE family tree, different and bigger than any I have ever seen. I gasped in shock as he held it up proudly. Without me even asking, he proudly stated, "There are 4, 500 individuals on here. I have all of their birth and death dates, as well as parents names." Excuse the improper language, but HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just stared at the paper, then back at him. He responded, "You are impressed, aren't you!? haha I thought you would be excited about this." Oh my goodness!!!!!! He said that we could take all of his family names to the temple. All 4, 500 of them.

I feel so blessed to be serving in this area. Words cannot even express how much I love it. The people here are SO good to us. 
Tonight, we are going caroling with the elders in our zone and tomorrow I get to talk to my family!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! It is Christmas time!!!!!!!!!! I have realized that so more than I want presents, I really just want to be with people. I am so grateful to be part of a wonderful zone of missionaries, a wonderful ward, and to be here. I love it. Yesterday, we visited a family and I was able to play the piano as all nine of their kids and the parents huddled around my companion and I as we sang Christmas songs. It reminded me of my family and it made me sooooo happy. I just LOVE CHRISTMAS TIME!!!!!!!!! 

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good Christmas EVE!!!!!!! 

Sister Heather Ripplinger

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Letter, December 17, 2012

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Heather Ripplinger <heather.ripplinger@myldsmail.net>
To: Nikki Ripplinger <bnripp@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 1:41 PM
Subject: Refiner's Fire

My dear friends and family,

This week was definitely one of growth and progression for me! I'm
grateful for weeks like this because they make me see life in eternal
perspective and really test my core testimony. This was probably the
hardest week of my mission and I am grateful for it.

First, I am so incredibly grateful for President Weston. He is such a
powerful example for me and everyone around him. I saw him this week
and when he got out of the car, he looked so tired as he rubbed his
eyes. But then as soon as he starts talking with his missionaries, he
somehow finds strength and treats you like you are the only person in
the whole world. Since I've been serving as an exchange sister, I have
begun to realize how many problems people have and how much a mission
president has stewardship over. Despite all of the load, he keeps
going and doing his very best, and stands strong. I know that he
relies on the Atonement with all of his being. I have learned so much
about the Atonement from him. I know that there is no way he could do
it on his own. The load is just too heavy and I know that he relies on
the Savior. Sometimes all I can do, is try to be like President Weston
and keep going. I know that I have so much less to worry about than
him, but it is hard, and it strengthens me to see him. He has been a
huge blessing in my life and his influence will stay with me forever
and ever. He genuinely loves everyone and he is so Christ-like. He's
one of my heroes!!!!! Even when the going gets tough, we have to keep
going. We can't let up, we have to keep doing our best. Even when
things don't go as we would like them to, we just trust that it is
Heavenly Father's plan and we do the best we can. I know that He
expects us to demand the very best that we can call down from heaven.

I got a letter from one of my friends this week that made all the
difference. It was a huge tender mercy and addressed exact things that
I were on my mind. I am so grateful for friends and family.

One of our investigators, Sean, was married to our ward member about
two months ago. Prior to that, they had been dating for EIGHT years
and he had never attended church with her. In the last month, he has
come two times, and said that he thinks he would like to start coming
every other week. We go over to their house each week and his heart is
opening up more and more. Whenever we come, he makes us these yummy
smoothies and he is just sooo nice to us! We are doing a musical
number this Sunday. Sister Nelson is playing a bassoon, Debbie is
playing her clarinet, Angel is playing the flute, and I'm playing the

Mary is the lady that has met with missionaries for years and years,
but never converted. Her husband finally did after years of the same
routine. This week, we had her teach us with Whitney, a young woman
that is preparing to leave on her mission in a few months. Our ward
mission leader was there and he said that is the most involved Mary
has EVER been in a gospel discussion and we found out what her main
concern is that has been holding her up for all these years. At the
very end of the lesson, the Spirit made it clear to me what we need to
address. It is so interesting how the Lord works. He knows all of our
investigators perfectly and He knows exactly what they need. We have
another lesson scheduled this week and it will be interesting to see
what happens. =)

Jacqueline is absolutely amazing. She wants to be baptized so badly!!!
Her husband wants to baptize her, but we aren't sure when he will be
back. He works out of the country and is waiting to hear about
immigration papers. We have taught her all of the lessons and she's
amazing. She just knows that it is true! She is part of the ward
choir, her kids are going to seminary, she has FHE each week, and she
loves to come to church. =) I love her fun, bubbly personality so much
and she is always a bright spot in our week.

Veronica is making some big decisions in her life right now. The
Heavens have been churning and I think something is going to happen
really soon. Heavenly Father is expecting a lot from her in her life.
I've received some very distinct impression about her these last few
weeks and I love her. She is one of the most elect people I've met.
I'm so grateful for her.

We have so much to be grateful for during this Christmas season.
Everyone has trials and challenges...and we always have so many
blessings!!!!! I am grateful for the weather here... I'm kind of
LOVING the fact that there is no snow. =) haha We have this snazzy,
little red car that we get to drive all around. I look out my window
in the morning and see a beautiful lake. The ward members here are
soooo supportive and wonderful. We have been blessed with wonderful
investigators. I get to live my life long dream and be a MISSIONARY!!!
I am so grateful to have the gospel in my life. I know that without
the Savior, I am nothing. But I'm so grateful to be part of His work
and to be part of His kingdom on the earth. I know that we are
children of a King and He loves us unconditionally and perfectly.

Thank you so much for your love and support. From the bottom of my
heart, I am so grateful. Thank you for your righteous examples and for
everything that you do for me. Keep on being strong! The world needs
you! I know that I sure need you. =) This has gotta be the good

Sister Heather Ripplinger

Monday, December 10, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Letter, December 10, 2012

Baptism in Loomis Area

Christmas Display in Loomis Area

Ward Party in Loomis Area, real baby Jesus

Sister Ripplinger's District at Christmas near Loomis

Baptism near Loomis
 Subject: This is the Season

My Dear Friends and Family,
This is the season...beloved of the year! Sing a rhyme, Christmas time...soon will be here!!!!!! This week was packed full of wonderful Christmas experiences and I absolutely LOVED it!!!!!!
The stake and ward provided so many opportunities for our investigators and friends to enjoy Christmas! They had a huge Nativity scene exhibit, an incredible ward Christmas party, and a stake Christmas choir concert. All events were spectacular and the Spirit was so strong!!!!! At the ward Christmas party we had TWENTY THREE investigators!!! We were so excited that so many of them made the effort to come and then they all LOVED the program.
I have to brag about the ward's Christmas party a little bit. It was incredible. The Relief Society was in charge of it, so of course, it was wonderful! We all had dinner in the gym to start with. The youth served the meal and were glowing with smiling faces. Then we all went into the chapel for the beginning of the program. Several ward members were asked to help be the "characters" from the Christmas story. In the chapel, the angel appeared to Mary and told her that she would be the mother of Christ. There was a beautiful musical number, and then we all divided into groups to rotate through the smaller rooms. One room was the shepherds hearing of His birth. Sister Nelson played the bassoon with two other ward members and their instruments in that room and it was wonderful! Another room had the wise men and Harrod. Another was Samuel the Lamanite standing on a wall and all of the little children got to come up to the front and throw paper arrows up at him. hahaha That part was hilarious! Especially for the investigators that have no idea what is going on in that room because it is from a part of the Book of Mormon that they haven't read yet...so I had a lot to explain. Since Sister Nelson was playing the bassoon all night, I had asked two women in the ward to be my companions and protect me. =) haha They clung close by me the whole night! Thank you Sister McCready and Sister Alsten!!! After we rotated through the different rooms, we all went back into the gym and sang "Away in a Manger". All of the characters came out onto the stage and baby Jesus was played by a REAL baby that was quietly kicking his feet. Having a real baby lying in the manger made it so special. Several people were in tears, including Mama Rose (the woman we live with). It was simply beautiful! I loved it!!!! I am so incredibly grateful for all of the work and preparation that was made for the party.
We took Jacqueline to the Nativity exhibit and we all LOVED it! They had over 500 different nativities set up. Several of them were the olive woods sets from Israel. That took me home a little and it made me smile. I could just imagine my mom's set that I got in Israel set up in our house. Awww... I love nativities! They also had a special bell choir play and it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Since Jaqueline lived in Germany for several years, and her husband is German, she LOVED the German sets. She is sooooo excited to be baptized!!!!!
So one of the ladies that we have been teaching over the last month just wasn't making progress. We didn't want to drop her, but I really felt like we needed to. Sister Nelson and I went into the last lesson, knowing that we had to make a decision. We walked out and on the way to the car, I said something like, "We need to have faith that if we drop her, the Lord will bless us with someone else to teach that is prepared." Literally, a few seconds later, we hopped into the car and had received a message on the phone. It was a referral from two elders in another zone that had someone for us to teach that lives in our area. We called Tracy that night and she asked us if we could have someone give her a ride to church on Sunday. Then she went on to say that she was reading the Book of Mormon and LOVED, loved, loved it. She could totally connect with the people and their experiences. At times like that, I just have to bow my head and say a prayer of gratitude. What a miracle!!!!!

We have two new elders from the MTC in our zone this transfer, and there were already two others being trained. I love them because they are so full of faith and ready to work!!!! There was one area that hasn't taught a single lesson in SIX weeks. The elders hated each other and it was just really rough for them. One of the elders got transferred out and the other was made our district leader. He got a "greenie" from the MTC and the first night, our DL wanted to go home early because it had been a long day. The greenie said, "Come on, Elder! Let's have faith and tract for half an hour! Please???" They went tracting at 8:30 pm and knocked on TWO doors. Both residences agreed to have the missionaries back to start teaching them about Christ!!!! Now that companionship is totally fired up and they have people to teach. It is SO exciting to see people catch the fire of the Spirit and get into being a missionary. I just think about the small sacrifices we can make to be obedient and faithful and then see how the Lord blesses us beyond measure. To feel the Spirit, alone, is enough. Then to have people to teach is an added blessing. AH! This is the Lord's work and I LOVE it!!!!!!!! =)
Veronica came to one of the baptisms this weekend and she had a really spiritual experience. After the baptism, Sister Nelson and I went to her house to talk. All week, I've been thinking about Veronica and I've felt the Spirit really strongly. I feel like she is one of the Lord's elect and I know that she has important work to do in building His kingdom. Right now the situation is kind of stuck, but I feel like it won't be for long. She shared something with me that gave me a really powerful spiritual impression and I am sooo excited to see what happens with her!!!! She is incredible.
The Alder twins were baptized this weekend and I absolutely LOVED it!!!!! Their grandparents are serving as missionaries in South Africa right now and wanted to be part of the baptism still. They were able to watch on Skype and then bear their testimonies to the family. It was sooooo cool. Even though they were clear out in South Africa, they could be part of the baptism and share the experience. They had sent the boys their own scripture cases from Africa. The Spirit was soooo strong!!!! I just LOVE being a missionary and I'm so grateful for all of the people that the Lord has blessed us with. He continues to prepare people. Every time we pray as a companionship in the morning, at night, etc. we pray for all of our investigators by name. I feel so much love for them and I am so grateful to be serving here. So many things are happening that I don't have time to explain all of them right now, but I love these people and I'm so excited to see what happens this transfer!!! Miracles are happening!!!!!
I also feel so incredibly blessed because the ward members are SO good to us. Even if someone else invited us to dinner, another will come over right after and say, "Hey! Do you want THREE dinners on Christmas?!?!" They offer to let us call home on Christmas from their computers, they feed us every night of the week, they give us mandarins all the time, and I just am overwhelmed by how well they treat us. We are spoiled rotten, or as my mother would say, "Well loved." =)  I am soooo grateful.
Have a wonderful week!!!!!!!
Sister Heather Ripplinger

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Letter, December 3, 2012

Subject: California Storms

My dear friends and family,
This letter will probably be a little bit shorter because I don't have as much time today...but here I go!!!!
First of all, thank you for the letters and packages that have been sent to me!!!!! I am so grateful for all of your love and support. I got the package from my ward and I absolutely LOVED it!!!! My companion and I have been reading a Christmas missionary story every day so far! I LOVE the stories and the little notes written on the bottom. I got Grandma and Grandpa White's box of decorations and they are hanging up in our house!!!  I love you guys sooo much!!!!
So I feel like I should share some funny stories because Sister Nelson and I have been working hard, but we also strive to find joy in the journey. I'd go crazy if I couldn't have fun along the way. Last week, we were helping Mama Rose (the lady the sister missionaries are living with) unpack all of her Christmas decorations and we found a baby doll that one of her sons had about 20 years ago and it hasn't seen day light since. She calls him "Baby Jerry" and she seemed so sad to find him stuffed in a box at the bottom. She said that she wished someone would love the little doll again and somehow the baby ended up in my arms. =) I figured we may as well take Baby Jerry out on the town the next day to our District Meeting with all of the elders. Sister Nelson and I planned to keep straight faces and be totally serious about holding the baby like he was real. So I walk into the room, with Baby Jerry wrapped in a blanket, holding him carefully in my arms. I sat down, opened up my scriptures, and kept a totally serious face. The elders were all subtly looking around at each other, and trying to figure out why I was holding a baby. We started the meeting and just kept going. About half way into the meeting, one elder leans over and whispers, "Hey, Sister Ripplinger...why do you have a baby? Is it an object lesson from President Weston??" I smiled and said that I couldn't tell him yet. So they all kept watching carefully as I treated this little doll like a real baby. Later in the meeting, we were role play teaching and one of the zone leaders was observing us. I asked him if he could please hold Jerry while I was teaching. He anxiously agreed and carefully took the baby in his arms. While we were teaching, he treated that little baby like it was real. He was rocking it and holding it ever so gently. I was struggling to keep a straight face the whole time. After the meeting was over, we went out and got lunch, then brought it back to the church to eat all together. All of the elders kept asking me if I wanted them to hold the baby while I ate my lunch. So they all took turns holding the baby. Well, now it is preparation day, and they still don't know why I brought a doll to the meeting, but they are determined to find out. I don't really have a good reason. Any ideas?! hahahaha It was HILARIOUS to see all of them take care of Baby Jerry. I wasn't sure how they would react. I thought they would joke and throw him around or laugh about it. But they totally took me seriously, so Sister Nelson and I have been laughing all week. Missionary humor. =)
This week, I heard Lola pray out loud for the first time and it was such a beautiful and sincere prayer!!!! She addressed Heavenly Father, then went on to thank him for the sister missionaries and said, "I know that they have a Supreme purpose and they are sent from heaven." It melted my heart. =)
There is a lady that has met with missionaries SEVERAL times before, her husband converted a few years ago, but for some reason she is just stuck. We were over there this week and something very interesting happened. We started talking about one of the young women in the ward that is preparing to leave on a mission in a few months and discovered that Mary LOVES this young woman. I felt prompted to ask her about Whitney teaching the lessons to her for practice and then I remembered President (Elder) Aulestia's story from Nauvoo. He told me about his conversion and his story came to mind while we were talking with Mary. Instead, I asked if Mary would be willing to study the Restoration and be "Sister Davidson"'s companion to teach Sister Nelson and I. She AGREED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So Brother Reed told us that she has been studying the first lesson in Preach My Gospel and she is getting ready to teach with Whitney!!!!!! Sister Nelson and I will role play investigators. I have a really good feeling about all of it....and I think Heavenly Father is incredibly smart. I'm so glad that He is in control. =) Mary is really studying the lesson and I think that something amazing is going to happen this time around. It is a totally different twist to missionary work, but nothing else has worked for Mary yet. I'm praying hard that the Spirit will touch Mary!!!!!!!!!
Last week I talked about Veronica and her Brazilian family history work. This week, she asked for a Priesthood blessing and the young man that just returned home from his mission in South America gave her the blessing. He was able to say it in her language and the Spirit was SO strong. She's getting the family history work done quickly and it is stirring up other things with extended family members that she hasn't spoken with in twenty years.....MIRACLES ARE HAPPENING!!!!!!!!

Something else really cool happened with Veronica. All of this week, I've been getting really distinct impressions about her. I kept thinking that she will leave the guy she is living with (even though they've been together for over 20 years) and move back to Brazil. However, based on what she has said previously, it seemed very unlikely that she would ever consider doing such a thing. But I kept having dreams about her being a church leader in Brazil!!!!! So that night before she received the Priesthood blessing, we were talking about her wanting to be baptized. She wants it REALLY badly and she knows with all of her heart that it is right. I felt prompted to tell her about the impressions I have had and she started crying. As the tears were pouring down her face, she responded, "I know I will go back to Brazil. I've felt that this week, too, but was so afraid. I'm so glad that you said something because I know it wasn't just me. I feel like it is right. This week, I've been making preparations to separate from (the man). It was such a neat experience and it strengthened my testimony even more that Heavenly Father really does know us and He will help us along the path if we will obey.
One more quick story. So there was a huge storm here this weekend. Sunday morning, we woke up and the power was out. The wind was blowing like crazy and it was pouring rain. Sister Nelson and I got ready in the dark and then sprinted out to the car in the pouring rain. There were trees that had fallen down across the roads all over and there were little rivers of water along the sides of the road. We had to take a back road to get to church because our main road was totally blocked by a huge tree. It was quite the adventure, but we were totally safe and fine. There was a young man and his dad waiting for us in the church parking lot with umbrellas and they escorted us over to the building's door so we wouldn't get wet. They were such heart melters! I feel so blessed to be serving here and I'm sooooo excited that I get to stay here for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Words cannot even begin to express how happy I am about that. Sister Nelson and I are staying together and we've got lots of neat things coming up for Christmas and during December. Wooohoo!!!!!
I love being a missionary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Ripplinger

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Letter, November 19, 2012

Subject: Peaceful and At Home

My dear friends and family,
This week was really, really good. I feel so incredibly blessed to be serving here and I love being a missionary. Ericka was baptized on Saturday and a miracle happened last night. I know that Heavenly Father answers our prayers in His own time and I'm so grateful to know that we are all His children. I'll just share a few quick thoughts!!!
President Weston challenged all of us to read the Book of Mormon in 85 days. Joseph Smith translated it in that amount of time, so he wants us to read at that pace so we can strengthen our testimony of Joseph Smith AND the Book of Mormon. As we go, we are marking references to Christ, references to His characteristics, words of the Lord, and the doctrine of Christ. I am absolutely LOVING this challenge!!!!!!
This week we had another wonderful lesson with the Godfreys. I absolutely LOVE their family! This week Stephanie announced that she is ready to be baptized, as well as their two children!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to squeal with joy when she said that! We just need to get Scott ready to baptize them and they are good to go!!!!! It is amazing how quickly they turned around and they are totally gung ho now!!! They have been studying the Book of Mormon and are gaining a strong testimony of it. They are just absolutely AMAZING and when I look at them, I know they will be great in the Church. Scott has a lot of work to do for the Lord and I'm excited to see what happens in his future.
We taught Judy the Word of Wisdom and were kind of worried about it beforeand. But, we taught it and found out that she's been drinking herbal, caffeine free tea!!!! YAY!!!! hahaha Her baptism is coming up in a few weeks and she's doing great!
The ward has been working on one lady for quite some time now. She used to be a really strong member, but for some reason went really less active. We found out that she LOVES to scrapbook. One morning when I was praying about her, I had the thought to ask if she would help us make invitations for Judy's baptism. We went over and she was soooo excited to help us! She made her daughter's wedding announcements and LOVES to do stuff like that.  She is going full speed to help us and the announcements are absolutely darling. We are going to invite her to speak at the baptism, so hopefully she will come and feel the Spirit. =)
We had our big Zone Conference this week and I loved it! I had the opportunity to speak and it was so much fun to be surrounded by so many missionaries. I LOVE being a missionary!!!!!
I think the highlight of this week was Ericka's baptism. I loved her since I met her. She has such a strong testimony already and I know that she will influence thousands of people. We had a big dinner with some of her extended family before the baptism at a big restraunt where they serve chicken and ribs. It's a kinda rowdy place with sports playing on the screens overhead. Ericka stood up before we all started to eat and announced that she would like for ME to stand up and offer a prayer. I looked around the room full of noisy people, watching sports, having a grand, old time, and chuckled to myself. So, I stood up, surrounded by her nonmember family, in the middle of the restraunt and offered a prayer. LOL. I'm proud that she remembered to pray! =) hahaha
The baptism was beautiful. After she was baptized, she wanted to bear her testimony. She stood up like a pro and testified of Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, President Monson, and everything! I could feel the Spirit as she spoke and I'm so excited to see what she does in her life. Her 7 year old son, Dylan, is so excited to be baptized in a few months and he already has a little name tag that reads "Future Missionary". He wears it proudly and was testifying of the Gospel to his extended family at the baptism. He's going to change the world!!!! =)
Last night, the stake had a "Chapel Tour". Ward members can invite friends to come see the buildling and hear about the different auxillaries in the Church. There were several members from all of the stake prepared to help and ONE family came. A member of the stake presidency knows them and took them on the tour. After the program, I felt really prompted to go talk with the family. Turns out that they are in our ward boundaries and just moved in about a month ago. Family of four and they want to come to church with us next week. Sister Nelson and I have been fasting and praying for another family to teach. Funny thing is .... when we're out during the day and need to stop for a minute to coordinate something, I pull off on this one corner everytime. It's a gated driveway and we always pull up right in front of it, but can't go in because of the gate. Well....that's where this family lives. Frank said, "I feel at home and peaceful in this building." They're golden!!!!
Everything is going really well here. We are working hard and having fun. I just love this time that I have to serve as a full time missionary. It is better than I ever could have imagined. Every day my testimony grows stronger and stronger. Heavenly Father knows what He is doing. We can trust Him. "Trust in the Lord and lean not to thine understanding." I love the Gospel and I love serving in this area. I feel so blessed to be here. I know that the Lord's hand is in this work and it will continue to move forward in leaps and bounds. This is the life!!!!!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!  I am so grateful for all of your love and support.
Sister Heather Ripplinger

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Letter, November 12, 2012 I believe in the Power of Heaven

My dear friends and family,
Life is incredibly good and I absolutely LOVE this work. I just know with all of my heart that this is the Lord's work and I'm so grateful to be part of it.
I don't have much time this week, but I just wanted to share a few miracles. I've been praying a lot for our investigators, the ward members, and my companion. I know that Heavenly Father hears our prayers and I will just share a few experiences.
Sister Nelson had a bassoon scholarship at BYU and she LOVES music. Out on her mission, she is missing that bassoon a lot and I've been praying that some opportunity would come up for her to play a bassoon for a ward function or something. So... this lady named
Debbie that just moved into the ward and married Shaun (he's not a member yet) and she loves music, as well. She teaches lessons for several instruments. In effort to get Shaun to church, we have planned to have Debbie and Sister Nelson play at a ward activity and I'm goin to accomany them on the piano. Debbie found a bassoon for Sister Nelson to borrow for the day and Sister Nelson is ecstatic. It makes me soooo happy to see Sister Nelson so happy!!!! I know that the Lord is aware of our needs and I'm so grateful that He provides the way!
There is a less active man in the ward that we've really been focusing on. I've been praying that he will have opportunities to feel the Spirit and to feel like he is needed. He has a really low self esteem, evn though we know he is absolutely wonderful. So this morning, he called and said that he found a diaper bag that has immunization records, etc of someone with a certain last name and wondered if we had a number to contact them. We did and gave him the number. About an hour later, he called again and said (in a super happy and excited voice), "Guess WHAT?! I called this family and I already returned the diaper bag. They were so happy that I found it and they were in tears because they were so happy!" I grinned from ear to ear over the phone and exclaimed, "Yay! You're a hero!!!!" I could feel his happiness beaming through the phone and he responded, "Man! I sure do feel good right now!" That just made my morning. =)
A little guy in he ward that just came into the Young Men program was asked to come up to the stand in Sacrament meeting and recite his favorite article of faith. He said, "We believe that men must be punished for their own sins and not for Adam's transgressions....except for me, because my name is Adam!" Everyone in the room burst into laughter. I thought that was so cute!
There is an older couple in the ward that are struggling with health problems. All of their children live far away and they feel like they've been deserted. We went by the other day and just helped set up a Christmas tree, sang songs around the piano, helped move things into a closet, made dinner, etc. I absolutely loved it and I could feel the Spirit so strong and I felt like the veil was very thin in that house. Later in the week, we found out that the grandma (visiting from another state, who had been living with them for a few months) had previously really not liked Mormons or missoinaries. After the visit, she told her daughter that she really likes missionaries now and her heart was opened a little bit! =) That really surprised me because I wasn't even thinkingabout it, but that just goes to show that we never know who is watching us.
We set a baptismal date this week with Judy. She's been coming to church for about a year now and she's been meeting with missioanries for seven years. We went over one night and  I felt the Spirit totally take over. In a very brief and basic way, I discussed the important of the authority in baptism and then invited her to be baptized and she agreed!!!!! Our bishop is going to baptize her in a few weeks!
Ericka is TOTALLY ready for her baptism this Saturday. She is an answer to my prayers. I remember so distinctly our first lesson with her and committing her to baptism. She has progressed like the golden investigator that she is and she's inviting everyone to her baptism. That's this Saturday and I'm soooooo excited for it!!!!!!!!
The Godfreys are doing AMAZING. After the lesson last week, things have just gone crazy with them!!!! It's so EXCITING!!!!! I taught the gospel principles lesson on Sunday about tithing and Scott Godfrey shared his experience with tithing. He just barely started paying tithing and he said that he is already seeing miracles. He is going to receive the Melchezidek Priesthood in a few weeks and then he came baptize his wife and children!!!! YAY!!!!! I LOVE their family!!! I swear that Scott will be a Bishop someday! He's awesome!
This week, we also picked up a famiy to teach and I am sooo excited to get to know them. I feel really strongly about them and I'm excited to see what happens. When I look at them, I just see them in front of the temple and it makes me soooo happy!
That's all I have time to write about, but soooo many things are happening. This is the Lord's work and it is absolutely a blessing to see how His hand is in the lives of these people. I know that Heavenly Father knows us perfectly and He loves us!!!!!
Sister Heather Ripplinger

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Just The Right Time, November 5, 2012

Sent: Monday, November 5, 2012 3:02 PM
Subject: Just the Right Time

My dear friends and family,
This morning I got a letter from my family saying that they had received six inches of snow. I have a sad confession to make.... this morning, (because it was my P-Day) I took a nap in our back yard in the 80 degree sunshine!!!!!! I kind of LOVE California!!!!!
The work here is going really, really well. I will share as many experiences as I can!!!!!
There is a family that missionaries have been visiting for a while now- the Godfreys. The dad is a less active member and the wife and children are not members. They are a young, cute family. I met them for the first time on Tuesday. Each week, missionaries have had a scheduled time to visit with them and have the Jensens present (members in the ward). So that morning, as I was studying, I kept thinking about this young family. I felt like we should go over the first lesson again and talk about our Heavenly Father. I went crazy pouring over the scriptures, trying to prepare for the lesson because I felt like it would be a really important lesson. In the afternoon, I found out that President Perez (our stake president) had heard about the lesson and wanted to come with us to the Godfreys home. He met us there and the lesson was one of the most powerful experiences I've had on my mission yet.
This family seemed to not understand much at all about our Heavenly Father and their relationship to him. President Perez shared VERY important insights and I know that he was led by the Spirit. I also felt some distinct impressions of things to share and ways to explain principles. The Jensens, my companion, and President Perez all brought the Spirit and it was a very powerful experience. At the end of the lesson, all of their children and everyone in there knelt down in a circle and said a prayer together. It absolutely melted my heart. Up to this point, Stephanie would never let the kids be part of the lessons.
So....days later, I found out something that hit me really hard in my heart. Scott (the daddy) told Brother Jensen this at the ward party on Saturday. "Stephanie had planned to kindly ask the missionaries to stop visiting every week. Her plan was to talk for a little while, then ask that we all stop meeting. After that lesson, she has had a complete 180 degree change of heart. Now she is all for the Church!" She told me that if she is going to be baptized, her WHOLE family is going to be baptized!!! =) I know that Heavenly Father has a perfect plan. Stephanie planned to stop meeting with missionarnies and it just so happened that the lesson was incredibly powerful, the stake president was there to testify, and it all worked out that Stephanie had a complete change of heart. We meet tomorrow night to set the baptismal date for their family!!!!! =)
Barton is making progress. He is the dad that I mentioned who is not a member. The wife and daughter have been less active and they just moved her a few months ago. No one else knew they were here and were totally under the radar. We've started meeting with them twice a week and they came to the ward activity, too! He's committed to baptism now, and we're trying to schedule a date! His daughter, Bonnie, is in college right now and we're also trying to get her activated again and into the singles ward in Rocklin.
Judy is also making progress. She is reading the Book of Mormon and we've now taught her all of the lessons. She has agreed to be baptized and she knows that the Church is true...but she's afraid of the water in a font. So we will be working through that this week, but I expect she'll be baptized really soon. She's come to church several times in the last year and she's living the commandments. She just hasn't been baptized yet! =)
We were driving down the road one afternoon, and I glanced over and saw a man in a tall, green "Mad Hatter" hat standing on the side with piles of wood. It caught my attention, but we had an appointment to get to, so we kept going. I felt like we needed to go back to that guy on the side of the road, so we went by again and Sister Nelson yells, "Hey!!! I know him! That's Brother Ivy!!!!" We pulled over (ok, I missed the driveway a few times first) and got out to visit with him. He hasn't been to church in a long time and his wife isn't supportive of his religion. We started talking with him and I felt really strongly to just tell him that his Heavenly Father loves him. Immediately he started crying. I could feel the Spirit and I could just feel of the love that Heavenly Father had for him. We arranged for someone to pick him up for church on Sunday (and he came)!!!! Before we left, we said a prayer and he just had tears pouring down his face. He told us he had been praying that somehow, he'd know that God loved him.
Jacqueline is doing GREAT!!!!!!! We've been teaching her and she's soaking everything up. She has gone to several activities and come to church and she's just really, really strong. Her husband is still working in Germany and is trying to come home for Christmas. If he can make it home, we want him to baptize her. He's a member and active, so if he can make it back, he'll get to baptize her. Otherwise, she wants the son, Arice, to baptize her sooner. So there's a cool story with this family. Arice and Venessa are in high school and they were baptized years ago in another marriage before Jacqueline came along. They became less active with the divorce and the dad working in Germany. So...they've been living here for a while and no one even knew they were members! Now they're coming to church and he's getting ready to receive the Priesthood!!!! =) Sister Nelson and I talked to President Weston and he said that we can go with them to do baptisms at the temple in about a month!!!!!! Their family is doing great and I'm soooo excited about them! I love Jacqueline.
On Friday, I went to Zone Leader Council, which is all of the zone leaders in the mission, the AP's, and President and Sister Weston. There are six exchange sisters in the mission and we get to be part of the meeting, as well. We talked about how many new missioanrnies will be coming in and I had the chills the whole time. I just feel it in my blood that this is the Lord's work and it is moving forward!!!!!! It was an absolute blessing to be at the meeting and to be surrounded by a whole bunch of awesome missionaries!!!! At times like that, I kind of get to step back and look at the big picture and it is very humbling. This is the Lord's work and we are His humble servants. I LOVE being a missionary!!!!!!!!!!
We have been meeting with several less active members and I absolutely love it. There is one man named Terry that has two friends he wants us to start meeting with. Another family that we've been meeting with on Sundays has a friend they want us to start teaching. Another active family has a family for us to teach. A lady that just moved into the ward just married a man that isn't a member of the church, but wants to start meeting with missionaries! We got to help set up some things for their wedding, and I kind of loved that a lot. =)
The work is just going forward with leaps and bounds! It is absolutely the Lord's work. It also has it's challenges. Sister Nelson was sick two days this week, so I was on splits with another young lady in the ward that is preparing for a mission. She's 18 and SUPER excited to put her papers in on February.She's awesome and I'm so grateful that Whitney has been willing to come with me. Literally, she gave up two whole days of her life to come be a missionary with me so we could keep our teaching appointments and keep going forward. Whitney and I found a few new investigators and Sister Nelson and I picked up a few earlier in the week from tracting. I'm dead tired at the end of the night and it feels sooooo good. Sister Nelson tells me that I'm bearing my testimony in my sleep. haha. I LOVE THIS WORK!!!!!
I'm so grateful for the Atonement. Without Christ, I couldn't keep going. But because of the Gospel and everything that comes along with being a missionary, I just can't wait to find out what is going to happen next. I LOVE being a missionary!!!!! Thank you for all of your love and support!!!!
Sister Heather Ripplinger

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Letter, October 29, 2012

Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 3:30 PM
Subject: The Lord's Sheep

My dear friends and family,
I absolutely LOVE being a missionary! This week was full speed ahead and I'll type as quickly as I can to report everything.
So transfers were on Tuesday. I am now with Sister Nelson and she grew up around Chicago! She has been in Loomis for one transfer before and she's been out on her mission for around four months. That day when we went to the mission office to switch companions, President asked me to be an Exhange/Coordinating Sister so I will be going on exchanges with companionships around my area every once in a while to help with training! I get to help with the mission training and planning, so I meet with all of the zone leaders, the assistants, and President Weston once a month! We received two new sisters in last week from the MTC and I got to go with them the first day to contact and go tracting. I cannot even imagine how they felt coming out and just going for it. I took them to Wal-mart and we chased some people around. haha I figured that if they can contact people bustling around in Wal-mart, they can contact someone washing their car outside of their house. =) It was pretty fun, but I'm still a little in shock myself. That night, I was driving our sweet, red car on the five lane interstate out to our area and that was a bit of a shock. haha! It is not Nauvoo anymore, that's for sure! I kind of love the hustle and bustle of California. The area that we live in, however, is not as busy and crazy. Our house is up on a hill, overlooking a GORGEOUS lake!!!! The leaves are changing colors right now and it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. We're up in the hills/mountains and I love it!!!!!
A little bit of background information on the ward I'm serving in. They've had FIVE baptisms in the last TWO YEARS. The bishop and ward mission leader are really, really supportive of missionary work and they are GREAT. I'm really grateful to have them helping in the work. Sister Nelson always has the map on her lap when I'm driving, and she helps us know where to go....I would seriously be lost without her. So the first day here, we dug right in and started contacting people and getting to know ward leaders. She was here for a transfer before, but she didn't know a lot of the members yet, so we've been going crazy with that. I also was going through the area book, looking for former investigators and potential investigators, praying a lot, and seeking help from the members. I feel like a lot of people are prepared here and they're just waiting for Sister Nelson and I to get to work! =) I LOVE IT HERE!!!!
I'll share a few miracles! So there's a lady named Jacqueline that has four children living at home with her and her husband is working in Germany. Missionaries tracted into her a while ago and had been stopping to visit about once a week. However,they never taught her the lessons, so she didn't have a teaching record. We went and talked with her Thursday evening and I could just feel the Spirit pushing and guiding us along. We set up a time to come back and invited them to church on Sunday. So... Saturday night, I was pleading with the Lord that they would come to church and feel welcome. The WHOLE family came and they all knew people their age. All of the kids, knew people from school and the community! They went to their classes and stayed for the whole 3 hours! In the meantime, a young man had just come home from his mission and reported in Sacrament meeting. Afterwards, Jacqueline was asking how her 16 year old son could serve a mission. Sister Nelson said that he had to be baptized first and she said that he had!!! "Like baptized MORMON??" She said he was!!!! So all of the sudden, a mystery was uncovered. The two older children were from a previous marriage and they were both taught and baptized by elders a few years ago. Jacqueline, however, had never been taught the lessons or anything! I was kind of nervous to ask, but I did, "So why haven't you been baptized yet?" She repsonded, "Well, I think I would like to be baptized! I just don't know how to go about doing that. Can you tell me?" Ummmm.... YES!!!!!!! We set up a time to come back that night and we talked about being baptized, receiving the Holy Ghost, and then renewing baptismal covenants through the Sacrament. We set a baptismal date for November 17th!!!!!!!!!!! =) She's living all of the commandments, she's legally married, doesn't drink or smoke, etc. So we were SUPER excited!!!!!!! She's totally prepared and it was a miracle that all of the information came and that she wants to be baptized!!!!! We're getting the kids records transferred to our ward! It was a total miracle and she plans to be baptized in a few weeks! =)
About two months ago, a family moved into the area. The mom and daughter are less active members of the church and the dad isn't a member. They were just under the radar and hardly anyone knew they were around. A friend of the daughter sent a referral through church headquarters and we went over to talk with them. They're having financial problems and we arranged to have ward members that work with finances help them. We went over Saturday night and two men in the ward gave Barton a Priesthood blessing. Afterwards, he just kind of lit up and we asked if we could start teaching the lessons this week. He agreed and the mom and daughter were absolutely ecstatic!!! I think that Barton could be ready for baptism soon. He's trying to stop smoking right now... =) It was a miracle that the friend sent the referral to us and now the ward is taking them under their wing. MIRACLE!!!!
There is another family of a mom (Veronica), and two daughters (Taina and Giovanna) that have been working toward baptism. Missionaries have been teaching them for quite a while now. We've committed them to baptism and we're trying to figure out when it will work because there are a few little roadblocks, but they're on the way and will probably be ready in a few weeks!!!!!
Another lady named Judy.... she's also been "taught" for quite some time now. On the teaching record it looks like missionaries stop by and visit with her a lot and sometimes read from the Book of Mormon. This week, we've been taking ward members and teaching the lessons. I think she'll be ready for baptism in a few weeks, also!!!! She's about 70 years old and she's darling. =)
Another lady named Nancy! She was found tracting by missionaries earlier and they've stopped to chat a lot with her. This week we went back to contact her and I found out that she dated a Mormon when she was younger and he gave her a copy of the Book of Mormon. She's been reading in it and is interested in understanding it more...she was just waiting for missionaries to talk about them being Mormon or something!!!!
Something else that I forgot to mention is that we live with a lady that is NOT a member of the church. =) She is absolutely wonderful and she treats us like we are her own children. She came to Sacrament meeting last week and we've started saying family prayers together this week. =) At night, Sister Nelson and I go to her grand piano and we sing hymns. Mama Rose comes in and sits on the bed by us and I can just feel the Spirit. She's a good, good woman!
I feel so blessed to be serving here. I love being a missionary and I'm so grateful for the people we've been blessed with to teach. Miracles have been happening and it's so neat to be part of the Lord's work. He's been preparing these people for a long, long time. I'm loving the area, the people, the red car, the life.... this has gotta be the good life! =) I was excited to hear the announcement of the new ages for misssionary service. I think it will be absolutely phenomenal. There is a lot of work to do and a lot of people are prepared. I think that 19 year old girls will be just as good as anyone. =) I love being a missionary! I'm grateful to have the Gospel in my life and for the direction that it gives me in my life. I am grateful that Heavenly Father is patient with me and has a plan for me. I know that I could not do anything without my Savior, Jesus Christ!
Sister Heather Ripplinger

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Miracles in California, Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Letter, October 22, 2012

Dear friends and family,

This week was absolutely INSANE!!!!!!! There were definitely
challenges and obstacles to over come, but amazing things

We picked up a new investivator  named Ericka and started meeting with
her on Monday night. She is absolutely INCREDIBLE!!!!! The first night
we met, she was telling us how badly she wants to change her life, how
she wants to leave the past behind, and move forward. We taught about
the Atonement and committed her to baptism on November 17th!!!!! =)
She has such a sincere desire to do good and when we taught her about
repentance, she said that she wants to go meet a friend for lunch that
she hasn't talked to in a long time and make things right, she wanted
specific scriptures to read from the Book of Mormon about faith and
repentance, she said she had heard that we don't drink coffee and
asked if it was true (then immediately said that she would never drink
coffee again). Before we could even ask when we could come back, she
asked US when we could come back. We met with her several times this
week and she is absolutely on fire! I have to share a few things she's
said that make me love her. =) So after we taught one night, she looks
right at me and asks, "Wait! Does this mean that I have to marry a
Mormon?" I smiled and responded, "You're gonna WANT to!" She got big
eyes and said, "You are RIGHT! Anyone else is going to make me SIN!!"
hahahaha I got the biggest kick out of that! Then she said that she
feels so good inside and she wants to stand on top of a building and
yell to the whole world that they should repent so that they can feel
as good as she does! This week she went to the store and bought church
clothes for herself, her 7 year old son (Dylan), and her 9 month old
baby (Alana), she bought her own set of scriptures (Bible, Book of
Mormon, D&C,etc) and had her name engraven on them, she came to the
big Relief Society activity on Saturday and met several of the RS
ladies, we went to lunch with her and she asked if she was allowed to
drink soda (she wants to be exactly obedient), and so many other
things. She is just incredible. I know that the Lord led her to us and
prepared her to receive the Gospel. I am so eternally grateful that I
was able to be there when she first started on the path. At church
yesterday, I introduced Dylan to the elders and he had a big grin on
his face. He said to them, "Someday I'm going to me a boy missionary
like you guys!!" Well, if Ericka didn't do it already, Dylan just made
my heart want to burst with happiness. The other night when we were
teaching them the first lesson at a member's home, Dylan walked over
to her and said, "Mom, the Book of Mormon is true! You should pray so
you can know that, too!" =) I love them!!!!!

Pat is the man that recently lost his wife. We've taught the Plan of
Salvation and gone over Christ's Atonement. He's healing slowly and
his faith is increasing. He's been reading the pamphlets we leave and
his eyes are starting to light up. He still doesn't want to pray and Iwhat he's supposed to say. I took a sheet of paper and wrote on it
like a letter, the top saying "Dear Heavenly Father..." the next lines
were "Thank you for ____" and "please help me with___", then closed in
the name of Christ. We went back a few days later and he has kept that
little paper with him everywhere he goes. He told me that he takes it
with him everyday when he goes to his wife's grave and he prays. That
makes him feel better. That absolutely melted my heart. He's a good
man looking for hope!

The missionaries have been teaching Muang for months now. (She's from
Laos). This week, we were preparing her for baptism. She is a good,
good lady and I'm so proud of her! She was baptized on Saturday. That
baptism was really special. We asked a member of the ward named Kia to
baptize her. He's Tongan and he's getting ready to be sealed to his
wife in the temple in a few months. We were praying about asking him
and Muan wanted him to, so we went ahead and asked him to baptize her.
He was thrilled! The family told us that he was practicing all week.
=) That melted my heart. At the baptism, when they were both dressesd
in white in the font, and he rose his hand to the square, I felt the
Spirit really strongly. The next day in Sacrament meeting Kia spoke
and he talked about baptizing Muang. He said that it was the most
powerful spiritual experience of his life.

Scott and Cindy Tate were also baptized on Saturday! They've also been
meeting with missionaries for a while. He quit smoking and they had to
work through a few things, but they made it! They were both beaming at
their baptism. Last week I came in just in time for a really intense
lesson and I felt like that immediately brought me close to them.

Melody and Gabrielle are the two sisters that came to church for the ry first time last week! This week they made leaps and bounds of
progress. Bishop Wylie has been absolutely wonderful in fellowshipping
and loving them. He has been over to their house with his son to help
them with yard work. Those two should get baptized soon. One afternoon
when we stopped by to visit, we were out in the yard with all of their
flowers and I thought about that Primary song about faith. =) I
couldn't resist and so I sang the song. Melody teared up and said that
she'd never felt like she had friends before. I can tell that several
people in the ward love her all ready and I'm so grateful for the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm so excited for them to finally have that
in their lives. She said that she feels really peaceful when she prays
and she knows that God is there. Aww.. I love that!

So, I guess the smaller news is that transfers happen tomorrow and I
am going to Loomis!!!!!! I get a new companion that has been out about
six months and we're going to be in an area that is on fire and has a
lot of investigators. I'm really excited to meet everyone there and
get to work. President Weston is going to let me come back for
Ericka's baptism (I'm SUPER grateful for that!!!!!) and maybe a few of
the others if they get baptized while I'm in California. I've loved
the people here and I'm grateful for the experiences that I've had
already. I'm ready to work my heart away and to love like crazy!

This week, I have really relied on a motto that I learned while I was
in Israel with Brother Lund. "Take your love to your loved ones, and
your frustrations to the Lord." I've pourded my heart out in prayer
and I know that the Savior's Atonement really can give us strength and
heal us. We just need to turn to him, forget ourselves, and go to
work. This is the work of Salvation! I love my Father in Heaven and I
am so grateful that He has given me this time to be a missionary. I

Sister Heather Ripplinger

8583 Watt Avenue
Antelope, California

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Email Letter, October 15, 2012

My dear friends and family,

I LOVE CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!! This week has been AMAZING!!!!!!!

I was placed in a trio for the time being and transfers are next week.
I think I have been with the best two sister missionaries in
California. Sister Rupp and Sister Mitchell are AMAZING!!!! They are
easy going, mellow, hardworking, and diligent missionaries. I LOVE
THEM!!!!!! I feel so incredibly blessed to be with them. I know
they've been working really hard in this area. The people here are SO
humble. I've met several of the ward members and investigators and I
LOVE them soooo much already!!!!!

My first day in California, I was assigned with these two sisters and
we went right to work. I didn't unpack my things for a few days and I
still haven't been to the grocery store! I LOVE the fact that there is
so much work here!!!!!! In the last two years, they've had 20
baptisms. I feel like there is a lot to do and I know that people are
being prepared.

One investigator has been meeting with missionaries for a LONG time,
coming to church, and being awesome, but hasn't been baptized yet. I
met her and immediately LOVED her. This week we taught the Word of
Wisdom and Law of Chastity and she's doing really well. She is from
Laos and I just felt like she's super ready for the gospel. She's
getting baptized this Saturday at 3:00 pm!!!!!

Another couple has been meeting with missionaries for a while and the
woman feels reallly strong. I can tell that she's gaining a strong
testimony. The husband is working on overcoming smoking. He's gone a
few weeks without it and he's going through packs of gum like it's
going out of style, but he's hanging in there. Both the husband and
wife are scheduled to be baptized this Saturday at 5:00 pm! Last night
we had an intense lesson about the Law of Chastity and it took a
totally different turn than I was expecting. Their son is gay and the
mom was kind of offended by the part about marriage between a man and
a woman because of her son. We had to be really careful about being
senstive to the subject. I could feel the Spirit and by the time we
left, I felt like things were ok. We're going to visit them tonight
and plan to see them every night this week. I realize how difficult it
is for someone to stop smoking and to take on a whole new lifestyle.
It's HARD! And I admire these people sooooo much!

This week we started teaching two sisters that have lived in the same
house since they were born. Their mother passed away last year and
they've stayed there the whole time. These sisters are in their 60's
probably. They are INCREDIBLE!!!!! Yesterday, they came to church for
the first time in their entire lives!!!!!! It was so amazing to see
them sitting in the congregation at church, listening intently and
taking it all in. When I look at Gabrielle, I see her as a leader in
Young Womens. I see so much potential in here.
Another man, in his 60's lost his wife a few months ago. She was a
less active member of the Church, and he'd never had anything to do
with religion. This week we were tracting and found him at his house.
He is SOOOO humble and prepared. Yesterday, we went to teach him the
Plan of Salvation and the Spirit was SOOOOO strong. That was the first
time that I've seen someone so prepared to listen and truly needed
healing. He was totally receptive to everything and he said that he
feels something peaceful when we come. It was absolutely INCREDIBLE.
It is amazing how the Lord prepares people.

The ward is absolutely GREAT! We've had several members present in
lessons and they contribute SO much to the lessons. They share
personal experiences and their testimonies. I feel so much strength
here. The Bishop is phenominal and I absolutely admire him so much.

Yesterday, church was insane. We had about 10 investigators and other
people we are meeting with at Sacrament meeting, and we were busy
introducing them to members and making sure everyone felt welcome and
had a place to sit. I LOVED IT. I absolutely LOVED it.

I recognize that Heavenly Father's plan really, truly is PERFECT. I am
busy studying for investigators during my personal study time. If I
hadn't been in Nauvoo for six months and had the situations that I
did, I know that I would not be ready for the work here. Because I had
so much time to study and prepare, I learned the scriptures better and
I am able to use them in teaching. But I know that came from my time
in Nauvoo. Since I've been in California, it has been GO, go, GO. I am
so grateful that people are prepared and I'm so grateful for the
people here, my good companions, and to be a missionary. I absolutely
LOVE this work and I love this area.

I know without a doubt that Heavnenly Father's plan really is perfect.
He knows us perfectly and if we will submit our will to His will, we
will be blessed beyond our comprehension. I know that He hears our
prayers. He loves us perfectly. We need to do evereything within our
power to become who He intends for us to become by listening to the
promptings of the Spirit.

This is the Lord's work and this is His kingdom on the earth. I know
that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the all mankind, and
especially that He is my Savior. Without Him, I am nothing. I LOVE
for my family at home and for my family in Nauvoo. I would not be here
today if it weren't for my dear friends and family. I LOVE YOU!

Sister Heather Ripplinger

P.S. The picture is of President and Sister Weston. I LOVE, love, love them

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sister Ripplinger's Weekly Letter, October 1, 2012

Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 10:47 AM
Subject: ♥ Farewell Nauvoo ♥

My dear friends and family,

Starting next week, here is my new mission home address:
Sister Heather Ripplinger
8583 Watt Avenue
Antelope, California
I'll let you know when I am assigned to a specific city! 

This week, I have been thoroughly enjoying the spirit of Nauvoo and have been soaking up these precious experiences. On Tuesday, Sister Christensen and I went to the Nauvoo Groves for our personal and companionship study. Yesterday, we were assigned to serve in Carthage Jail for the afternoon. We had a little bit of time when it was slow, so we went up to the Martyrdom Room. I sat right next to the window that Joseph Smith fell from and read D&C 135. It is absolutely incredible to be in the very place that I am reading about.  Sometimes reality hits me and I can't believe that I am in NAUVOO... I'm in the very places that Joseph Smith-the PROPHET was!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! 

I was in the VC and a lady walked in that I really felt like I needed to talk with. I briefly spoke with her when she walked in, but she kept going because she wanted to look around. I just kinda shrugged to myself and waited patiently. =) A few minutes later, she walked back over to me and asked if she could ask me a few questions. She felt really peaceful around Nauvoo, she loved that we had a big statue of Christ in our building, and she wanted to know about that big, white building on the hill. I smiled and we started talking. I love to use the temple pamphlet because it has pictures of the different rooms in the temple. The Nauvoo Temple has several different rooms and they are labeled in the pamphlet as Creation, Garden, World, and Celestial Rooms. As I looked into this lady's eyes, I could see that she was seeking more knowledge than just the history of Nauvoo. So I explained how the temple is symbolic, or that everything represents something. I basically taught the Plan of Salvation for about 30 minutes, right there in the Visitor's Center. I placed great emphasis in the fact that everything in temple points us to Christ.  When we finished with the picture of the Celestial room, she looked at me with bright, shining eyes and said, "My dear, I came here wanting to know more than just the history of this town. I wanted to know what you guys were all about. I have to tell you that I am pleased beyond measure with what I've found. I believe everything that you believe. I know that I existed before I came here, I know that families are crucial in God's plan, and I know that we can return to God's presence if we follow Christ. You people truly are trying to follow Christ. Now tell me, what is this book that you all read? The Book of M....what is it?" I smiled and briefly explained what the Book of Mormon is. She was just glowing and asked where she could find a copy of it. I explained that there are missionaries all over the world and that two missionaries could come to her home, bring her a copy of the Book of Mormon, and explain more about what we believe. She looked at me, a little hesitant, and asked if she could maybe just get a copy from a library or something. My heart panicked a little, "Oh no!!! I NEED to get the missionaries to her! She is prepared!!!!" Then the Spirit pushed me. I responded, "You could borrow one from a library. However, I feel very strongly that you will want your own copy. These missionaries are young people, like me, that want to talk with you more about Christ's Church on the earth." I felt this deep sense of urgency when I spoke and looked into her eyes. She looked right into my eyes and responded, "Ok, I feel like this is important, too. When can they come to my house?" This truly is the Lord's work. 

Sister Zibetti and I were on exchanges together this week and went to teach one of the senior couples. We were walking along the sidewalk, when I looked over and thought, "Oh hey! Look! There is a huge snake!" All the sudden, I jumped three feet in the air and yelled to Sister Zibetti, "AH!!! There's a HUGE snake!!!!" We bolted like lightning back to the car and one of the senior elders came out to save us. hahaha He took a lawn mower and was rolling over the snake. The HUGE, big, fat, ugly snake coiled up and started striking at the lawn mower. That is the first snake I've seen in Nauvoo and oh goodness, I am so grateful! It was HUGE!!!!!!

At this point in time, we are going back through the Pageant referrals that we couldn't contact earlier. I had a miracle happen that was really neat. This one card for a Kelsey had been called several times. When I dialed it, I realized that I wasn't going to be able to contact her. So I immediately called the member's number. Corinne answers and tells me that Kelsey is actually right next to her, and Kelsey's phone only gets texts. I spoke with Kelsey right there and it turns out that she had JUST moved to college and would LOVE to have missionaries come visit her. Her parents had not approved her going to church when she was living at home. So as soon as she turned 18, she moved out, and now she wants to have missionaries come!!!! Woohoo!!!

I was also able to serve in the Heber C. Kimball home this week with Sister Call. I LOVE THAT WOMAN. I really kinda felt like I had died and gone to heaven. We sat out on that lovely porch together and enjoyed a little breeze, the beautiful trees that are changing colors, and just talked and talked all day long. We took a few tours, but for the most part, I think Heavenly Father let me have that beautiful experience before I leave Nauvoo. Sister and Elder Call went to Israel, Egypt, and Jordan two years ago, so I LOVED talking with her about those experiences. I feel so incredibly blessed to have been able to visit those places and to have someone else that has experiences those same things. =) Thus, I am just a really happy sister missionary. 

One man that didn't seem particularly fond of Mormons came up to me in the Visitor's Center and asked if I was one of them Mormons. When I said that I was, he asked if I was also going to Brigham Young (referring to BYU). I smiled and said that I was. He chuckled under his breath and said, "Ya, I thought so. You're just like I thought. One of them Mormons that go to Brigham Young. Well, ya know what? If you Mormons knew anything about your prophets, you'd know that all of them, except Joseph, went to the University of Utah. You ever thought of that? It's the school of your prophets! So why don't ya go there???" I smiled and replied, "Well, I'm never going to be a prophet, myself, so I'll stick with BYU." He muttered under his breath and walked away. I guess he isn't a big fan of BYU. =) Oh well! haha I LOVE BYU!!!!!!!

The General Relief Society Broadcast was AMAZING!!!!!! My prayers have been very specific this summer and during the last few weeks, I've been praying for specific things from General Conference. In the RS meeting alone, I have already received several answers to prayer. What is neat is that a lot of the answers came from things that the Spirit taught me, and some were word for word what they said. The leaders of the Church truly are inspired and servants of the Lord. They are pure and good, so the Spirit can work through them to teach us. I am SOOOOOOO excited for General Conference!!!! It's crazy to think that in April, I was in the Conference Center as part of a missionary choir. I will NEVER forget that experience. Now I'm in NAUVOO!!!!!!!! This has gotta be the good life. =)

This is my last email from Nauvoo, the BEAUTIFUL. With a grateful heart, I look back at what I have learned and experienced here. I have learned many things.
Next week, I will be in CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D We get to go to the temple with President and Sister Gilliland one more time right before we leave, then we leave Nauvoo early Tuesday morning for the airport!!! I've been praying to have missionary opportunities while I travel, so I'll be excited to report what happens! =D My hearts is bursting with rapturous joy as I think about hopping into an airplane again and adventuring into the unknown. I have no idea who my companion will be, or if I'll be in a trio for a little while. I don't know what the face looks like that will be greeting me at the airport in CA. I don't know how many interstates will be looping around each other or how many cows might be in the field. =D haha I feel so full of faith and I really am so excited!!!!!!!  I'm just excited to meet the people and get to work!!! I have been praying for these people all summer and I already feel a deep sense of love for them. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father is sending me to California. Here we go!!!!! =D

♥ Farewell, Nauvoo! ♥

Sister Heather Ripplinger

Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven!!!!!